Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Great report Ice! I have a couple hurkels started now for my next grow and can't wait for them. The first time I ordered seeds you couldnt get harli in seed form yet and hurkel wasn't out yet so I tried the WOS Amazonia for pain and its not cutting it at all. I have a lot of spinal fluid that leaks out of my neck causing major inflammation and muscle spasms that pinch nerves that run into my head causing debilitating headaches. Nothing else really works to help it not even a cocktail of oxy, muscle relaxors and the bud I currently have. I am hoping the high CBD will be what I have been looking for its about my last chance at any real relief at this point. I have tried everything else possible including a triple spinal fusion. If you don't mind me asking what kind of pain do you have that it helped you with? You don't need to get into specifics if you dont want I totally understand, just a general idea of what kind of pain its helping with would be great!
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Great report Ice! I have a couple hurkels started now for my next grow and can't wait for them. The first time I ordered seeds you couldnt get harli in seed form yet and hurkel wasn't out yet so I tried the WOS Amazonia for pain and its not cutting it at all. I have a lot of spinal fluid that leaks out of my neck causing major inflammation and muscle spasms that pinch nerves that run into my head causing debilitating headaches. Nothing else really works to help it not even a cocktail of oxy, muscle relaxors and the bud I currently have. I am hoping the high CBD will be what I have been looking for its about my last chance at any real relief at this point. I have tried everything else possible including a triple spinal fusion. If you don't mind me asking what kind of pain do you have that it helped you with? You don't need to get into specifics if you dont want I totally understand, just a general idea of what kind of pain its helping with would be great!

I have back pain, which stems from an old injury when I was young, (I broke my L7 in my back). Even thought most of the time I don't experience too much pain, sitting in certain positions, standing on certain surfaces and a lot of the time going to bed or waking I do have pain. For me the high CBD seems to work very quickly and within about 10-20 minutes the pain is minimal if at all, almost like it just turns off the pain signal in the body (which I believe technically is what happens). Matter of fact, I've had a few really bad pinched nerves as well that pretty much send severe pain through the body with movement, and after about 20 minutes, no pain.

High CBD is amazing :)
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Awesome report, Icemud! :) :thumb:

Thank you DrZiggy!!!
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Depends how you look at it. If we are talking about actual watts used, I blew that out of the water. If we are talking about the "power of the light" then I was about 95g short of 900.

Fantastic grow bro!!! You knocked it out with those lights man.

Thanks Curso!! Yea man you grew a freaking bushmonster!!! haha that thing was a beast!

I hope I did a good job :) I have to say I was definitely impressed with what Intelligent Gro LED can do :) made me smile seeing full curing jars again :)
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Excellent report Ice.:goodjob:

The buds look really nice man, Congratz again for such great grow :morenutes:
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!



So...the final thoughts and review..

Initial Impression:

Well being that this was my 2nd grow with Intelligent Gro Lights, and my first run being severly underpowered with just 300W in my tent, I was really curious if the new Generation 2 lights with a new spectrum and more intense lighting would serve my grow tent well, in addition to adding a 3rd light making my tent a total of 540W roughly. After installing all 3 of the 180w (formally known as the 270w) I quickly saw that my footprint coverage was much better and 3x of the 180w models definitely did the trick in lighting my 2.5x5'x7' tent. I was extremely impressed with the Aluminum casing on the Intelligent Gro LED's as they weigh significantly less than other LED models I have run, which gave a nice break to my tent poles and kept them from bowing like other lights. I also really liked the spectrum of the Gen 2 lights, as they are one of the few LED lights that actually have a full blue end of the spectrum including LED...(most LED's currently only have a 450nm chip) to cover the blue region, and Intelligent Gro actually uses a few different blues to fully cover this blue region. My belief is that the blue area of the spectrum causes "protective reaction" in the plant, driving terps, and oils to the max to protect the plant, and so it made me happy that Intelligent Gro addressed this in their spectrum.


Another big plus about the Intelligent Gro lights was their quiet operation. On previous LED grow lights I used, the fans were extremely loud and when you live around your grow area, this becomes a nuisence, but the Intelligent Gro lights are operating whisper quiet. Now one disadvantage or drawback to the aluminum cases and quiet fans is that in MY GROW, the Intelligent Gro LED's definitely ran warmer than other LED models I have ran, which led to my tent being slightly hotter than before with other LEDs and even over my HID setup. I was still able to keep the temperatures at a manageable range, but I would have liked the panels to run much cooler if it was my option. Possibly a better thermal design or cranking up the fans slightly would help. Either way not a huge drawback, but something notable.


As far as first receiving the lights, they were packaged nicely, very securely in a box inside a box inside a box and the exterior box had no indications as to what was inside, which was nice for privacy. So discreet shipping, check :)

Dealing with the company, Intelligent Gro and the owner David has been a treat. I know that some things happened in the past here at 420 Mag that resulted in Dave being banned from the site, but I have to say getting to know him over my 2 sponsored grows, he is a really good guy, who cares for his customers, and his product and wants the best for both worlds. He will go above and beyond to make sure his customers are satisfied, and overall is just a fun person to speak with. He definitely supports his product, company and customers to the best of his abilities. He also has a ethical approach to how he conducts business and I see this taking him far in the industry. Kudos ! I also want to say that anytime I had a question, or needed an answer, Dave was very quick to respond, usually within 24 hours, and always did his best to give me the answers I needed.

Over the course of using my Gen 2 LED grow lights, I did encounter some issues with the controller and my panels. I am not sure why, but using the custom controller for some reason kept shorting out my COB channels on 2 of the 3 LED panels, but once removed they went back to normal. I never really got a solution to this, and it seems that my panels are the only ones out of many that have this issue, so it may be a faulty controller, not sure what the solution is. I didnt' really care thought, as for my 2nd grow I didn't use the controller, and just ran the lights on full without dimming, and they performed very well. I definitely see a good use for the controller, especially in VEG when plants are young and don't need full intensity, and the controller allows dimming which is a great money saving option. I also do like the fact that I could quickly dim the lights if I needed to do a foliar feeding, and then quickly bring the intensity back to normal with the push of a button. A very cool feature for customizing the lights, but also not needed or necessary, and the lights as just stand alone grow lights do an amazing job by themselves...without the controller. So even as a cool extra feature, know that you don't need the controller with these lights to see great results :) And when compared as just a "stand alone" LED grow light, for the price when compared to many other LED grow lights of the same wattage is much cheaper :) a nice perk.


What can I say besides Intelligent Gro nailed their spectrum for veg. My plants vegged extremely fast, had great internode spacing, not too tight, but not too spaced out, perfect IMO :) The plants also grew much faster than I remember with my 400CMH bulbs of the past and even much faster than other LED's I have used. I definitely think Intelligent Gro's spectrum is perfect for veg :) I know that from here on out, unless I find something better, the Intelligent Gro's will definitely find a home in my veg tent for now, *my 3rd one, and I can almost expect that in future grows they will also be in my flowering tents :)

The Flowering Cycle

Well, just like the VEG cycle, Intelligent Gro hit the spectrum and intensity about right for these lights. My plants grew fast, with fat buds, and an hardy yield and out of my 10 grows I have under my belt, was the 3rd largest yield that I have ever grown out of this tent, even rivaling my HID setups and other LED setups I have run. The buds were extremely fat, and the buds were coated with trichomes. The one thing I noticed is that on my BCC strain, the flavor really came out much more deep and defined in this harvest than in my last, which I think the added UV and blue end may have had something to do with. I am extremely happy with how these lights flowered my garden, and not only was this my 3rd largest yield, but also this was my MOST Efficient grow, with the highest Gram per watt to date. I would say this thought, one thing I noticed is the light footprint/coverage charts seem to be a bit larger than actual coverage (for cannabis and high light level plants) so even though these lights are advertised as a 2'x3' coverage, I think a more true and accurate footprint for flowering cannibus wouldd be 1 1/2' x 2' as I noticed around the edges of my tent which is 2 1/2' wide, the buds were significantly smaller and lighter than the ones directly under the lights. So just as pretty much most LED grow lights I have found out, take the advertised coverage area and subtract about 1' from each side, and it is more key to "Optimal" lighting. For plants other than Cannabis, tomatos and sun loving plants, like peppers lettuce and such, then the 2'x3' footprint would be accurate as these types of plants do not require the intense PAR that tomatos and cannabis require. Being that so far all the LED's I have tried have a smaller than advertised footprint, not really a drawback, but just a mentionable.

MY Final thoughts...

So I know a lot of you have watched this grow, cheered me on, and shared the excitement of this grow... and I really enjoyed working with Intelligent Gro to display these LED's in action :) I know the big question for a lot of you is, would you recommend or buy these panels....

My answer to this question would be YES.

With the controller being not necessary, but more of a cool feature, just running the panels on 100% full intensity did my garden very well and saved me a ton of money over my previous 1000w setup. The yield was pretty much similar, the quality of the buds was extremely good, and for the price of these panels vs a lot of competitors, Intelligent Gro is on the more affordable side of the spectrum than many other LED grow lights for the same wattage. I also like that they actually have UV chips in their panels, which most LED companies dont, or they throw in a 410nm violet and call it UV. I also like that they use a full blue end of the spectrum vs most other LEd companies that only have a 450nm blue and thats it.

So yes, if I was going to purchase a LED grow light, Intelligent Gro would be at the top of my list right now currently and as my results show, they do grow amazing buds and anyone that purchased one I think will be happy with the results. Remember that going LED is an investment, so the inital cost is high, but over time they save you a lot of money... for example... this setup would have run me around $1300 vs a HPS system which would have run about $400, a difference of around $900.... BUT, I am saving about $70-80 a month on electricity, so with that being said, within a year I actually have already saved more than the difference between LED and HID, and from 1 year on, a positive ROI or return on investment. In that aspect, it is a very worthy investment, and on top of it all, more trichomes, better flavor and much happier plants :)
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

I also wanted to share this as I just found these on the website...

Intelligent Gro PAR charts are in....












re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

I have back pain, which stems from an old injury when I was young, (I broke my L7 in my back). Even thought most of the time I don't experience too much pain, sitting in certain positions, standing on certain surfaces and a lot of the time going to bed or waking I do have pain. For me the high CBD seems to work very quickly and within about 10-20 minutes the pain is minimal if at all, almost like it just turns off the pain signal in the body (which I believe technically is what happens). Matter of fact, I've had a few really bad pinched nerves as well that pretty much send severe pain through the body with movement, and after about 20 minutes, no pain.

High CBD is amazing :)

Thanks ice that sounds very promising.
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

I also wanted to add this tidbit of information. I saw on another LED manufacturer website they listed Intelligent Gro LED as the price per watt of $2.83. This is incorrect. At the 90w LED for intelligent gro the price per watt is $2.77 and at the 900W panel the price per watt is $1.77 per watt.

I just wanted to point this out because this is the reason that many people fall susceptible to advertising claims that aren't quite accurate. When comparing their largest panel at $1.71 per watt vs Intelligent Gro's at $1.77 per watt, not much difference but their website makes it seem like its a $1.12 difference which is incorrect.
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

I watched your vids for sometime before ever finding you here....Love your work...late to the show but sub'd from here on out for this one.

re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

OK.... So here is the official smoke report and cured/curing nug shots :)

So this grow to recap featured 3 strains, black cherry cola, harlequin and what I refer to as mystery kush. They were all flowered under 3x Intelligent Gro 180w LED grow lights for approx 75 days and were wet trimmed, given a 2 part budwash, and hung to dry for 4-7 days, and then removed from branches and put into jars.

The jars have been slowly burped and the harlequin still is in the drying/curing phase so the smell has really yet to be pronounced yet, but I still managed to sample her already...

So here is the smoke report and photos of the buds...

Mystery KUSH..

OK, now after running this strain 2x and looking back at the list from the clone dispensary, I think I was definitely right about it being bubba, and the strain they had was either pre 98 bubba, or master bubba. I've grown pre 98 before, and it does have some of the traits, but the bud structure and leaves definitely also resembled a master kush as well as the slight smell to it. So I think this is Master Bubba :)

So... the buds are very very large, not tremendously dense, but not completely airy either and after growing it 2x I think that the structure of the buds is exactly that, big and large, not extremely dense, but to the eye looks like it should weigh more than it does visually. The buds smell of a very earthy, musky, sweet smell with a little bit of a skunky and pine undertone, very classic bubba smell with hints of a kush. Upon inhale, the smoke goes down extremely smooth, and you can take very large inhales without coughing a lot. The taste is very strong and leaves the taste in your mouth of a earthy, sweet, piney, taste with a slight skunky kush smell/taste to it on the exhale. The high is pretty sudden, and it is a pretty potent smoke, so I find that a few hits and I am good to go for a while, and quite often have been finding half smoked pipes still packed from previous sessions. The high/effect itself is not really too much body, but more of a great energetic head high, but also very strong, so perfect for projects, or when in depth concentration, but a little to uppy for wanting to sit and just watch a movie or relax... until about a hour later and then it slowly becomes more heavy. Overall I have to say even though visually it doesn't probably look like the best grow ever, the smell, taste, enjoyment and potency are all there. I am still debating on if I will be keeping this strain around for a while, but so far I am pretty impressed with both yield and overall smoke so who knows... she may make a return in the future...



The Harlequin was a problematic plant from early veg as she just seemed slower and not as healthy as last grow, and I think it may have to do with a very early stunting in clone stage that may have slightly gave her a slower start than previous. I also think that when I flipped to flowering at a 12.5/11.5 it was fine for all the other strains, but the harlequin seemed to take much much longer to flower and start forming dense buds than the others, and it wasn't until about 20 days into flowering that I lowered the daylight to 12.25/11.75 that she really started to kick into flowering and almost seemed to quickly catch up to the others. She had a lot of discolored leaves throughout flowering but still managed to put out some very fat cola's, and many more than I expected with her being the runt of the tent through most of the cycle. I was very impressed to see my yield was much larger than last grow, about double off 1 plant so that made me happy, and the quality seemed to be pretty much the same as last grow, however the buds were much much larger this grow. :)

So as for the smell and taste... definitely not as strong and pungent as last grow, and I think this had to do with her just being "off" for the entire grow slightly. Last run she smelled very pungent like a mix of asphalt, warm new rubber and new shoes...a very odd smell and combo. This grow she has the same smell, but much much lighter than last grow, however she only has been drying curing for a little over 1 1/2 weeks, so I imagine as the cure continues, and the buds seep the last little big of moisture out, I think she may really gain the smell back and be pungent.. we will see :) As for bud structure compared to last time, she looks pretty much the same. Harlequin on both grows was a pretty airy strain, coated with trichomes, and sort of leafy but trimmed up pretty nicely.

Even though the Harlequin is really not ready to be smoked, I had to of course take a few samples along the way and I have to say it definitely works well for pain. She still tastes sort of green/leafy as she is still curing and has another week to go for me to really be happy with her flavor and smell, longer the better :) but this still gave me a good idea of how she compares. The smoke inhale is completely smooth, and taking a huge milky bongrip is even easy for me, which usually many herbs are very harsh on my throat. The CBDs take about 10-20 minutes to really kick in on severe pain but its funny because it magically disappears... not like when you take a pain pill and you feel the groggy/pill headed feeling with the pain relief....Harlequin is very clear so one could easily smoke this at work or out and about without feeling too high, but getting great pain relief. The high itself since harlequin is supposedd to be a 1:1 Thc to CBD, is very light, and mellow...almost a perfect high for me to get things done, where its not distracting, but makes things just seem better. I definitely like this strain for daytime and pain relief and she will be saying around my garden for sometime.

Black Cherry Cola..

This strain....this strain... wow...this strain! LOL can you feel that I like this strain! haha

I am very very very much impressed with BCC in every way. An easy growing plant, which yields fairly high, has amazing taste and smell, and packs a punch in the potency area... definitely going to stay around for hopefully a while :)

Well the BCC this grow did very well and yielded nicely for my grow area. The buds differed from last grow as this grow they did some major foxtailing and last grow they didn't. I'm not really sure what causes foxtailing but from what I gathered a lot of it is genetic. Now that thought made me think way back to my very first grow here at 420 magazine when I grew blue dragon, the only other strain that majorly foxtailed on being that I got these clones from the same place that messed up my order and gave me the mystery kushes..... there is a possibility that this may also not be BCC and may be Purple Dragon, which they also carried, (blue dragon x purple urkle).... so now that I saw the foxtails, it may be not BCC but in Fact purple dragon... either way I know this strain is very very dank and will stay in my garden for a while... I just thought I would share that thought.

So... This grow the BCC/PurpDragon came out even better than last. The flavor got so much more intense as did the smell. Its very hard to place the smell and taste...but if you were take like fruit punch juice and mix it with pink bubblegum...thats pretty much what it tastes and smells like... very floral, very aromatic and pungent smelling. Now on the inhale, again, very very smooth where a huge hit can be taken, with very minimal throat or lung irritation. The smell and taste are hand and hand as the fruity smell carries through the hit, and the exhale, and lasts on the palate for a very long time.... one of those sativa's that you hit, and just want to enjoy, not even taking another hit because you just want to taste that taste for a little while longer :) I am overly impressed with the BCC and I definitely will be running her again in the future :)

So this is the end of my smoke report... stay tuned for my final review of the Intelligent Gro LED lights and my experience with them :)

Thank you for the strain review! Please include your strain reviews here as well!

Medical Marijuana Strain Reviews
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

just incredible attention to detail in all aspects of this journal and show down with the sponsored gear :bravo::bravo: +REP

BCC is incredible great photo shots too ICE!

Looking forward to what you have for the future!:volcano-smiley:
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Wonderful review!! Well done!

Question: Where did you get this logo?

Its the new logo, I asked Dave to send it to me...if you want to post it, I can email it to you.
re: Icemud's Intelligent Gro 2 LED Grow With V-Scrog - Going for 1lb & Beyond!

Black Cherry Cola photos I am entering in the nug of the month contest! This strain is so tasty! Grown with Intelligent Gro!

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