JimmieJ's First Grow - Closet - Soil - Bag Seed - CFLs

I believe Smokey knows a bit about the stealth piece, perhaps PM him for his experience.

My lawn will surely enjoy my coffee grounds and my girls will just have to settle for their beautiful new soil. :thumb::high-five:

Dennise knows a lot more about stealth than I do. I'm here for any support she wants though, I saw about her beans and hope it all works out for her (you if your reading this D.). I have been extremely careful about privacy, But that's more just what I say and who I tell stuff too., D. has been around this for a lot longer than me (not an age reference, I'm sure your 29 :) ), I'm a newb still! But I'd help her any way I could!
Groovy 60's cloner update:

They're doing fine. No roots yet, but they're not declining at all. I'm guessing that if this clone roots, growth will emerge from the crotch and a new plant will be born. Just a guess, we'll see!


I'd guess new growth will emerge from both the low crotch and the higher armpit to the left - but not for awhile. Your clone is focusing on growing roots to rehydrate the stalk and leaves.

Once the roots are established, my clones just sit there, slowly growing longer roots until I place them in soil. I have kept them for 3-5 weeks after the roots are ready and there is no new leaf growth until they have a few days in dirt and start sucking up both water and nutrients. The roots can grow long and yellow in that time but the clone just sits there, patiently waiting for it's turn to be planted and grow.

I think I always just assume that everyone knows what I'm thinking... the girl who is finally greening up is still in the potting soil - she came from seed. She's just now responding to the fish emulsion. I've been slowly cranking it up and she is finally responding. The girls that are in my new soil are all clones. :)

While we always know what you are thinking, it is considered polite to pretend we don't know, so Dennise, Cannafan and I respond as if you needed to tell us for us to know. Don't doubt our psychic omniscience. If you doubt, even in the hidden corners of your heart, we will know - but we won't embarass you :) The rule of pretending we only know what you tell us still applies!!
I'd guess new growth will emerge from both the low crotch and the higher armpit to the left - but not for awhile. Your clone is focusing on growing roots to rehydrate the stalk and leaves.

Once the roots are established, my clones just sit there, slowly growing longer roots until I place them in soil. I have kept them for 3-5 weeks after the roots are ready and there is no new leaf growth until they have a few days in dirt and start sucking up both water and nutrients. The roots can grow long and yellow in that time but the clone just sits there, patiently waiting for it's turn to be planted and grow.

While we always know what you are thinking, it is considered polite to pretend we don't know, so Dennise, Cannafan and I respond as if you needed to tell us for us to know. Don't doubt our psychic omniscience. If you doubt, even in the hidden corners of your heart, we will know - but we won't embarass you :) The rule of pretending we only know what you tell us still applies!!

Sounds like something a wizard from J.R.R Tolkien would say............ I wonder why?
I'd guess new growth will emerge from both the low crotch and the higher armpit to the left - but not for awhile. Your clone is focusing on growing roots to rehydrate the stalk and leaves.

Once the roots are established, my clones just sit there, slowly growing longer roots until I place them in soil. I have kept them for 3-5 weeks after the roots are ready and there is no new leaf growth until they have a few days in dirt and start sucking up both water and nutrients. The roots can grow long and yellow in that time but the clone just sits there, patiently waiting for it's turn to be planted and grow.

While we always know what you are thinking, it is considered polite to pretend we don't know, so Dennise, Cannafan and I respond as if you needed to tell us for us to know. Don't doubt our psychic omniscience. If you doubt, even in the hidden corners of your heart, we will know - but we won't embarass you :) The rule of pretending we only know what you tell us still applies!!

Great answer to end a great night. Lots to think about, good night everyone!
I believe Smokey knows a bit about the stealth piece, perhaps PM him for his experience.

My lawn will surely enjoy my coffee grounds and my girls will just have to settle for their beautiful new soil. :thumb::high-five:

I heard from the bean company this morning and that is exaxtly what has happened... they send the breeder containers and the beans seperate for security reason.... and yes I do feel somewhat like an idiot..:straightface:....:circle-of-love:
I'd guess new growth will emerge from both the low crotch and the higher armpit to the left - but not for awhile. Your clone is focusing on growing roots to rehydrate the stalk and leaves.

Once the roots are established, my clones just sit there, slowly growing longer roots until I place them in soil. I have kept them for 3-5 weeks after the roots are ready and there is no new leaf growth until they have a few days in dirt and start sucking up both water and nutrients. The roots can grow long and yellow in that time but the clone just sits there, patiently waiting for it's turn to be planted and grow.

While we always know what you are thinking, it is considered polite to pretend we don't know, so Dennise, Cannafan and I respond as if you needed to tell us for us to know. Don't doubt our psychic omniscience. If you doubt, even in the hidden corners of your heart, we will know - but we won't embarass you :) The rule of pretending we only know what you tell us still applies!!

Damn, I forgot to renew my mind reading license this year!!!! Thanks for the reminder Radogast!

Happy Friday! Hopefully everyone had a great sunny day.

Where would seeds pods be if I had a pollinated girl? I'm seeing something new at the top of some of the buds, and not sure if it's a normal swelling of the buds, or seed pods forming. I'm hoping it's a normal thing that buds do. I couldn't find anything that specifically answers this. Hopefully these pics show what I'm talking about.


Happy Friday! Hopefully everyone had a great sunny day.

Where would seeds pods be if I had a pollinated girl? I'm seeing something new at the top of some of the buds, and not sure if it's a normal swelling of the buds, or seed pods forming. I'm hoping it's a normal thing that buds do. I couldn't find anything that specifically answers this. Hopefully these pics show what I'm talking about.



The nanner you found was near the top, or at the top wasn't it? They look like possible seed pods there. You'll know for sure in a few days.

MY experience has been that when those pistils coming out of the calyx turn brown, that is another sign of the seed process starting. USUALLY, it's two pistils coming out per pod. Sometimes only one, but most commonly two.

I'm blowing up your pics a bit to see if I can see anything definite. :)
Hard to say for sure, there are signs that you got seeds forming there. I look for little shiny leaves that are curling in on themselves too. It's just something I've noticed when it happens.

I'm not going to say absolute until they've had some time to process. How do the rest of the buds look on pistils? Same general ratio of brown ones?

Look forward to others' thoughts on it too!


Oh, almost forgot. I posted to Smokey's journal a link to a male pollen process on my thread. It was for you newer guys. Check it out when you have a minute. :)
Hard to say for sure, there are signs that you got seeds forming there. I look for little shiny leaves that are curling in on themselves too. It's just something I've noticed when it happens.

I'm not going to say absolute until they've had some time to process. How do the rest of the buds look on pistils? Same general ratio of brown ones?

Look forward to others' thoughts on it too!


Oh, almost forgot. I posted to Smokey's journal a link to a male pollen process on my thread. It was for you newer guys. Check it out when you have a minute. :)

Sorry I'm no help with this. Wish I could help. The day will come when I know more, but it hasn't happened yet!

Don't forget to check out the picture of the pollen Canna posted, very cool to see what it looks like! It's message #2266 on my journal. (You can click on the message number the way I understand it to just jump there). We'll know after this post for sure!
Yep, it works like that! I tried it and it took me to that post Canna made about the pollen. I even blogged it for future reference. Thanks again Sis!
Sorry I'm no help with this. Wish I could help. The day will come when I know more, but it hasn't happened yet!

Don't forget to check out the picture of the pollen Canna posted, very cool to see what it looks like! It's message #2266 on my journal. (You can click on the message number the way I understand it to just jump there). We'll know after this post for sure!
Yep, it works like that! I tried it and it took me to that post Canna made about the pollen. I even blogged it for future reference. Thanks again Sis!

Worked perfectly Smokey! You'll be teaching all of us how to navigate around here soon.

The nanner you found was near the top, or at the top wasn't it? They look like possible seed pods there. You'll know for sure in a few days.

MY experience has been that when those pistils coming out of the calyx turn brown, that is another sign of the seed process starting. USUALLY, it's two pistils coming out per pod. Sometimes only one, but most commonly two.

I'm blowing up your pics a bit to see if I can see anything definite. :)

Oh boy... :straightface:

I have multiple places with two brown pistils per pod. I also spotted a dark shiny leaf curling in, it's the one right in the center of the pic. It doesn't appear shiny here, but it did in person. Hopefully this pic shows it, because lights just went out so I can't go back in the closet tonight, and I have to take a bunch of pics to get one that's in focus.

Thanks for the help Canna!
Worked perfectly Smokey! You'll be teaching all of us how to navigate around here soon.


Thanks for the link to the pollen post Canna, & Smoke thanks for the shortcut! That's a GREAT thing to know about the blog also. I wasn't sure what to use it for so I never bothered. There are probably a hundred little gems of info like that. In time.
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