KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I believe that Lush Lighting uses Cree designed LED diodes, I had asked about what are spectrum of the LED diodes that Lush Lighting uses and was told it is a proprietary formula.
I find this curious. If a company told me this, i would tell them 'thanks, see you on the scrapheap of history'. How do you know they use Cree?
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

It is posted on the Lush Lighting website that they use Cree designed LEDs. I have also corresponded with Lush Lighting and these are the questions I asked and the answers I received.

"Originally Posted by KingJohnC
The Lush LED light has arrived. I have not un boxed the light yet but it appears to be undamaged. I have read over the included literature and have a few questions that I would like to include the answers to in my journal.

1) in quotations what is the name of the LED light panel that Lush LED Lighting would like the LED panel referred to?
2) what are the spectrum's of the LEDs in the LED panel?
3) what are the ratio between red, blue and white LEDs in the panel?
4) what is the wattage of the LED lights used in the panel, the website says 3 watt diodes?
5) who is the manufacturer of the LEDs, the website says Cree designed LEDs?"

Here is Lush Lighting's response

"Originally Posted by Lush Lighting
Hi guys, sorry for the late reply.

This light is the "Dominator 2x"

This light is full spectrum. Ranging from UV all the way through IR. We do not list the color or ratio of colors in our lights. The focus of our research has been with spectral tuning. Giving this info out would be like giving away our secret recipe. We know that other companies list their color selection, this is because they don't have anything special about theirs. We worked closely with Cree in order to create very specific colors.

What we have done is discover all of the light absorbing pigments in cannabis. This changes thoughout it's lifespan. So we had to create a true full spectrum light to facilitate energy for when the plant needs it. Each one of these pigments have a peak. Take chlorophyll B for example. A slight varience in color and the rate at which these pigments can use that energy goes down 50%! Our eyes might not see the difference in the shade of color, but plants sure can. These pigments are sensitive to the voltage of light itself. This is why we worked so hard to discover where these peaks are and how much light in ratio to other colors these plants need.

We do use all 3 watt Cree diodes. This is so we can blend all the colors together before the light reaches the plants.

Our lights are engineered and serviced in Michigan. With the 3 year warranty, if anything goes wrong, they can count on us to fix it asap. In most cases we will send out a replacement while said unit is in for repair. 10 year lifespan makes it so we don't have to keep replacing bulbs. Heat is another issue most consumers are interested in. But, mostly, its how well it grows plants!

I really appreciate this opportunity for helping us show off what we have created. We have Swerve with The Cali Connection, Corey Dennis with DNA Genetics, and now Subcool with TGA starting to use our lights.

The shift to LED is happening

re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

What we have done is discover all of the light absorbing pigments in cannabis. This changes thoughout it's lifespan. So we had to create a true full spectrum light to facilitate energy for when the plant needs it. Each one of these pigments have a peak. Take chlorophyll B for example. A slight varience in color and the rate at which these pigments can use that energy goes down 50%! Our eyes might not see the difference in the shade of color, but plants sure can. These pigments are sensitive to the voltage of light itself. This is why we worked so hard to discover where these peaks are and how much light in ratio to other colors these plants need.[/URL]

Discovered them eh? Sounds like a bad foreign translation of gobbly gook and my statement stands. That is just my opinion, im sure there are plenty of others that are willing to pay top $ for secret formulas. Who knows, maybe they are right and have discovered all the secrets to photosynthesis and morphogenesis, i wouldnt tell anyone if i did too. I guess im just a natural born skeptic that knows a thing or two about botany.

Doesnt really matter because Haitz's law will make the choice for LED a no brainer sooner or later regardless of what this company says or does.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I am going to put the Lush Lighting Dominator 2x through its grow test and see if I can replicate Kushington Farms results with the same LED lights. I also hope to grow some tall plants with the Dominator 2x panel. I can tell you the light emitted by the Dominator 2x is much bluer than it appears in the photographs and a lot bluer then other LED panels I have seen photographs in use from.

@Kushington Farms

Here are Kushington Farms results with the Dominator 2x

Finished Plants 100% LED Grown
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I'm exited to see your results KJC! :cheer::yahoo::yahoo:
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

that's what it comes down to,,,the results, all chatter aside if you have a great harvest of heavy frosty Chongers it does not matter if they bear their souls and tell you the life story of every person to ever have the slightest thing to do with the lush product or shroud themselves in smoke and magic tricks while chanting the karma Sutra lol results tell all, i'm sure someone is reverse engineering one somewhere just cause they can , or maybe its a cleaver marketing ploy to keep ppl talking and guessing about the "special blend of 14 herbs ans spices!" given the gobsmackin' price-tag I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they certainly can afford Cree diodes lol and one thing for sure I would love to get one in my test lab/mancave even if it was just a loaner! :rocker: led makes my kilt fly up for sure:loopy::drool::thedoubletake::adore::dreamy: just my 2 wheatstraws:peace:
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

But BID, this isn't a chicken nugget, this is a substantial piece of equipment. As a matter of fact, it is the most important, most expensive part of any indoor grow's system. Someone is looking to differentiate and justify the price of these LEDs versus others. Quite frankly, if I'm researching several brands of lights and all but these reveal the info I need to compare these, and these are substantially more expensive, then I'm going to exclude them. It's in their self interest to at least reveal the kind of info other brands do; as far as proprietary trade secrets, that is their prerogative, but they risk being excluded again because others reveal this. As far as results; firstly, one can read several grow journals in here by growers using other brands and judging by what I have read so far, everyone seems to be satisfied with their results. You need something other than results if they are all even. Secondly, who wants to shell out 2 grand for lights, then hope for good results. Capeesh?
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

You will find a few of the bigger priced led brands do keep their spectrums hush. Lush aren't the only ones not sharing their formulas, and if the results are there, why should they? I can't see how by telling the consumer the spectrum this helps you, would only help competitors to get similar results. And If you know what spec you want, why not take that data and get a custom built panel? I'm sure there would be a company that would do this.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I really am interested in the science of it, but the bottom line for me are the results.

If there is need for justification, do a proforma and return/cost analysis. If the ROI is less than 2 years...blah My Mars II paid for itself the first harvest. In fact, all my grow stuff paid for itself the first harvest.

re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I'm willing to see results first before any conclusions...
Im aware of the new market that was just conceived thanks to legalization of Cannabis in some states in the USA and the world, so the Corporate side of the world is trying to take a chunk out of this virgin market, we are being flooded with all this new technology to "grow your own" without it being accurately tested. I believe that LEDs are the future of grow lights but like every new gadget in the tech world they are overpriced, overrated, no ones gets past the shinny new box to see all the inaccuracies of the product, most vital components are fabricated in China, leaving assembly to be done in the States then personalized with any company Logo, we will just have to wait and see which LED company endures the most. Looking at it from an other point of view, for big grow ops and medical grows that grow by the hundreds, would this type of prices be cost efficient & operational vs the cheaper already proof to work MH, HPS? and if the consumer targeted is the individual grower, they need to lower prices asap, there shouldn't exist a "luxury brand" market within the Cannabis Grower Community.

With that being said I believe it takes a good grower + good equipment = amazing harvest, KingJ has the first 2 variables on here, so the result is :thumb: .

my 2 cents.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I'm willing to see results first before any conclusions...
Im aware of the new market that was just conceived thanks to legalization of Cannabis in some states in the USA and the world, so the Corporate side of the world is trying to take a chunk out of this virgin market, we are being flooded with all this new technology to "grow your own" without it being accurately tested. I believe that LEDs are the future of grow lights but like every new gadget in the tech world they are overpriced, overrated, no ones gets past the shinny new box to see all the inaccuracies of the product, most vital components are fabricated in China, leaving assembly to be done in the States then personalized with any company Logo, we will just have to wait and see which LED company endures the most. Looking at it from an other point of view, for big grow ops and medical grows that grow by the hundreds, would this type of prices be cost efficient & operational vs the cheaper already proof to work MH, HPS? and if the consumer targeted is the individual grower, they need to lower prices asap, there shouldn't exist a "luxury brand" market within the Cannabis Grower Community.

With that being said I believe it takes a good grower + good equipment = amazing harvest, KingJ has the first 2 variables on here, so the result is :thumb: .

my 2 cents.

I agree with you and I also notice that, in the cannabis growing industry there seems to be this incredibly large array of glitzy, cartooishly marketed fertilizers and grow mediums which are very expensive and completely unnecessary. I do understand that growing cannabis requires knowledge of the plant and how different nutrient basics can produce the best product, but the marketeers in the cannabis industry are ridiculous and childish. IMO. I walk into the pot shop where they sell paraphernalia and all I see are the Mr. Natural type ads and products all over the place. It makes me feel like a child in a toy store, but not in a good way.

As for LED's and proprietary formula, FEH. I don't buy that reason. Of course LED units are not the same as fertilizer which really needs to be completely transparent about their active ingredients and in most cases, inactive as well are all listed on the bottle. Do LED units need the same measures, no, but it is nice to know what you are paying thousands for. No?

Results are a great way to measure, but the path is also important to know.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I probably wouldn't understand the science of it anyhow and I know what King has done with the lights he was using so I can only imagine the best test for geniuses like me is the results from his grow. I don't know if I would ever be able to afford these lights anyhow but from what I saw with KF's I certainly can't say they wouldn't be worth it but I only grow for myself and no other reason and don't think I would ever be able to justify the cost but we shall see. I may very well change my mind when I see what King does with them....:adore:....:circle-of-love:
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I only grow for myself too Dennise. I got 8.5 zips from my last grow and when I needed some before, I would pay ~$300 street. My stuff is better (more potent, cleaner) so I figure if I just use what I WAS paying for my ROI it's paid for itself. I was using about 1 z/mo, so I'm saving myself about $2500. I don't sell or give away (with a few exceptions when some friends come over), so this is all savings for me not to mention the theraputic nature of growing in general.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Oh I totally get where you are coming from and I totally agree but I don't have the original outlay to purchase such a nice light. I am growing all LED just with much less expensive LED's. (Don't think it would be very nice to put the brand on King's journal) I would have to have a minumum of 4 lights because of the spaces I grow in and there is no way I could jump from the 5 LED panel I am using and output of about $500 to 4 of these. Mind you I would love to be able to but for now am content with what I am working with and the output I am getting with them. I am finishing up my 2nd grow and am very please with what they are doing. Do I think King :adore: will make me look shameful? Yes!.....:circle-of-love:
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Hey, props to you Dennise for actually doing it. Nothing shameful in being outdone by someone else. There's always someone doing something outrageous. Your last lines say it all..." am finishing up my 2nd grow and am very please with what they are doing." THAT is all that really matters. ;)
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I will put is simple as possible....

1. Keeping your spectrum mix secret is just silly IMO. Any real competitor can buy one of your lights disassemble and look at diode part #'s, if your mix is that special then patent it and you have some legal protection.

2. I am sure these lights perform great and better then HPS, but so do many other LED panels. What makes these panels so different that they can justify their EXTREMELY high price point, higher per actual watt then ANY other I have seen, and more then 300% more at same wattage then many Chinese manufacturers. As I sAid before, wondering if they willing to do a side by side with a another led panel.

3. Where is their factory? My greatest fear is that they are just outsourcing production offshore and jacking up price, or even worse buying off Alibaba and reselling, but I looking over alibaba, it is HUGE, did not see any that looked like it.

Lastly, I do not buy that 'worked with Cree' statement, unless they mean asked them what wavelength diodes they got. They make it seem like they get diodes from Cree that are normally not for sale.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Their website says..."Lush Lighting has the best LED grow lights on the market because they are American engineered. Customer service you can rely on is based in Michigan."

Since they don't follow up "American engineered" with "American made" or "American assembled", I guess I would have to conclude that they are made and/or assembled in China.

I could be wrong, though. I've been wrong before and certainly plan on being wrong again. :thumb:
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