Ktcg - 2016 - Indoor - Soil - 140W LED - Pineapple Express - 2x2x3 Tent - Grow


420 Member
Hello everyone!
This is my second grow and even though small. it's way bigger than the tiny plant i grew outside my door last year
Start: March 30, 2016

Tent: 2' x 2' x 3'
Light: LED ~140 Watt actual
Bucket size: 2.2 gallon
Soil: Kellogg Organics Patio Plus
Fans: 6" blowing out, 12" oscillation tower
Dehumidifier: Tiny guy that's supposed to be able to pull about 8 oz of water a day. it got it down from 51 to 48 in 2 hours. (that's as long as i've had it so far)
temp: 70-80

Strain: Pinepple Express
Plants: 4; Felicia, Wanda, Jane, and Bertha

I found these 4 pineapple express seeds (all in the same nug!) from a delivery service I enjoy.
First 3 weeks were grown in solo cups in the window until I had the LED and Tent.
Right now I am 10 days into flowering (49 days total) and all 4 of my plants turned out to be females!

Watering ever 3-4 days

Fungus Gnats have been pretty annoying. used 1:4 part Hydrogen Perioxide / water first. Then used Mosquito Bits on the top soil and they started crawling in and out of the drain holes. I screened those in with mosquito bits and sprayed the water mister in each screen. I did this yesterday and there is not much activity. Will see what happens after i water tonight. I also have a couple yellow cards out to catch the adults.

pretty happy with how it turned out so far. I think this strain is supposed to be around 60 days flowering, so about 7 weeks left.

will update on the regular.


now for the pics








and a couple close ups


here's an update with some pics

the mosquito bits screened into the drainage holes worked great at controlling the fungus gnats!
and the mini humidifier is definitely doing something. pulled maybe 8 oz in 4 days and humidity % is definitely down a few notches.

day 12 of flowering and they growing fast. moved the light up 4"

some group pics and individual shots of the 4 ladies

Bertha - 14"
Jane - 13"
Wanda - 10.5" grew wider leaves and bushier than the others ( does that mean possibly different phenotype? is it possible to get 4 seeds from the same bud and them be different? In my head I think so, but I wouldn't mind someone that knew telling me)
Felicia - 12" her first few leaves were fucked up and wasn't sure she was gonna make it. then her first 7 leaves came out normal and she has been rushing to catch up to Bertha and Jane

sorry for the pictures on their side. can't figure out how to upload them to the forum without them spinning on upload.

Day 18 flowering small update.

fungus gnats got annoying again. stuffed mosquito dunks and steel wool in the drain holes and crushed up a full dunk for each pot and sprinkled that on the top of the soil and then covered the soil with perlite so those little buggers have a hard time getting to the soil.

other than the gnat annoyance, the plants are looking good. getting excited for the flowers to grow!

thanks for the replies and whoever is following! any feedback will be well received!

I'm up against some roots pillaging peers myself, I need to get a soil drench and take care of this once and for all. As long as the infestation isn't severe roots develop faster than they can be eaten. Not sure about fungus gnats though... They look happy to me though, :thumb:

KiG :green_heart:cheers
update! day 23 of flowering

i left friday morning for a camping trip and just got back tonight (monday night)

i was worried about the fungus gnats, but i'm thinking my tactics are finally working well. Perlite on the top soil and the bottom drains are stuffed full of steel wool .

there were barely any gnats on the yellow cards and even less visible on and around the plants after 4 days by themselves! I do not think that I have beat them, but I am super positive right now about the gnats

i do have another sort of problem.

i found some POLLEN SACS! i pulled 2 off before i left on friday and another 3 today. they are only coming from Bertha and Jane, who are the biggest of the bunch.

The Sacs were on low secondary shoots and not necessarily symmetrical (not on both sides) but i found the most sacs on the same secondary shoots of both plants.

I am thinking just be vigilant right now and pull any that i see? and pray that i don't see many more?

thanks everyone for following and helping! and i figured out how to put the pictures the right way!
day 29 flowering

did a thorough pollen sac check and found one on felicia, but that was it. i sorta wouldn't mind a few seeds from these.

all the girls are looking pretty healthy. bertha is going to have some big colas. i think that wanda, the smallest, is going to be the first to finish. she seems to have the most trichomes right now and is smelling good!

You're flowering all four plants on 1 140w led panel? Nice! The girls look good. Are you using a specific brand led or an eBay find?
You're flowering all four plants on 1 140w led panel? Nice! The girls look good. Are you using a specific brand led or an eBay find?

yep, i'm using a mars 300 (not 100% on the talking about LEDs rules, sorry if it's not allowed) for all 4. they are loving it

i didn't think i was gonna get 4 girls outta the 4 seeds i found, but pretty damn happy with all of these

debating getting some led strips to run around the sides for the bud sites but don't know if this will change a lot (thoughts anyone?)
I'm still new here but Mars is a sponsor of the site so I think it's ok. I have a 2x2x4 tent and thinking about getting 2 mars300 panels for my next grow (using a no name panel now with some CFLs). Not sure how effective the strips would be. It all depends on the par.
I'm still new here but Mars is a sponsor of the site so I think it's ok. I have a 2x2x4 tent and thinking about getting 2 mars300 panels for my next grow (using a no name panel now with some CFLs). Not sure how effective the strips would be. It all depends on the par.

i've only been on the site for less than a month, most of this grow was new to me and a lot of internet searching. these forums are amazing. so helpful!

i think that you will be happy with 2 mars 300 in a 2x2x4, my one is outdoing my expectations so far!
day 32 of flowering

a couple of them are getting stinky and very frosty.

i ordered a 5m strip of LED lights that i'm going to encircle the tent for some more lights for the bud sites. i figured a couple extra lights wouldn't hurt for the remainder of the grow.

here are some pics
day 36 of flowering.

shit is starting to get real :)

i had not seen my girls since wednesday, so i'm definitely noticing them plumping up and some pistols changing colors

installed these led strip lights tonight, they will have their first day on tomorrow.

i fed with some of this humbolt secret juice. it has good reviews and apparently it is great for any time of the cannabis life

wow, what a water and feeding and 24 hours can do!

came home from my first day at a new job and i was horrified to see that a box that i had idiotically propped up was over the exit fan and it was 88 degrees when i opened it! the new LEDs were not sticking to the walls and had fell on and in between some plants. I was cursing up a storm because i was also sweating because it was about 90% humidity out and i figured the tent would be humid.

nope, maybe the heat kept it away. it was 44% humidity when the place was a jungle. and then i looked at the plants and how happy and fat they looked. just compared to yesterday! they look like they might be done sooner than i thought!

proper pics today. first is with the new LED strips. I duct taped them on.

thanks, dirt!

day 43 of flowering update

girls are getting frosty and more pistols turning red!

does anyone with Pineapple Express experience have a guess for how much longer on these ladies?

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