LaquerHead's LOS: Gold Rush, Strawberry Glue & More!

something to do with taxes or something silly like that.
:laughtwo: OK will do! Thanks. Ive been watching dry sift videos on YouTube for over a year - I’d love a great big screen table, but realistically something like your set up looks really perfect, and doing it as part of the harvest would be great, too :)
:laughtwo: OK will do! Thanks. Ive been watching dry sift videos on YouTube for over a year - I’d love a great big screen table, but realistically something like your set up looks really perfect, and doing it as part of the harvest would be great, too :)

It works really well. Now trying to figure out where to store the trays.

My previous trim trays I just hung on the wall in the kitchen.

My last venture yielded me like 20g. dry sift from 3 plants trim (big plants).

Was easy cleanup too.
Chocolope - Day 4 Since Flip

This lady is really growing on me recently, I think maybe they all do at this point lol...but nonetheless her structure has developed into something I can definitely deal with! Her stems are thick too! Thought maybe I made the wrong choice topping when I did, but instead it turned out just about as perfect as I could have hoped! The stretch has allowed her to fill in real nicely. Either this weekend or next I will do a heavy defoliation to open her up a bit! No buttons or hairs just yet, but its just around the corner :yahoo::cheesygrinsmiley:

Her drinking has finally picked up too, probably around 2 1/2 gallons every couple days. She also recieved her last tonic last night (neem and ritha). If need be, I may spray spinosad a time or two for safety measures!

Anyone grown Chocolope or heard much about it, what to expect from the smoke maybe!?

And a bonus Dark Devil update :battingeyelashes:

Still trying to figure out the watering on these two but I think I'm doing alright...hopefully the roots are deep enough now I can avoid having to sprinkle the top so darn often! Growth seems kinda slow to me, but maybe I'm wrong. Can excessive watering do that? Or would the leaves tell me if that was the case? I know they arent huge plants anyhow, but sure would like to make the most out of its short "veg"!

Thanks for swinging through, and I appreciate everyones help! :thanks::passitleft:
Man that looks good brother.

I don't know about Chocolate other than the scrub board player for Keith Frank.
Yeah U Right. lol

Girls are finally spreading their wings. Enjoy the beauty and take more pics.
Man that looks good brother.

I don't know about Chocolate other than the scrub board player for Keith Frank.
Yeah U Right. lol

Girls are finally spreading their wings. Enjoy the beauty and take more pics.
Thanks man! She sure seems to be putting on a show...note taken on the pics. Got a slew of them today :cheesygrinsmiley:

Dont know about Keith Frank, lmao. Im just a young buck!
Got a fairly big update for today...or lots of pics anyways! Been a pretty productive weekend, so I can't complain. Just about time to sit back and smoke a fatty for St Pattys!

Did a pretty decent defoliation on the Chocolope. I am experimenting with something a little different this time, im going to try and keep most of the leaves attached...and just remove the smallest of shoots. Hoping it turns out like the gold rush, where all of the buds have density, even the smallest of the lowers. That thing was a breeze to trim!

This gal doesnt have a whole lot of leaves to begin with, but now has nearly every bud site recieving direct light! Be a fun experiment either way. Usually I do alot more thinning out, but hoping the leaves provide more energy to the plant!

These are the before you can see in 2 of the pictures, topping when I did didnt seem to slow her down or affect her negatively in any way..they even still remain the tops for the most part.

And the after pics! She looks good now :yahoo:. Should start stacking like a boss in just a couple weeks! Was unsure of a few remaining lowers, but decided to leave them for now...supposedly Chocolope gets pretty chunky all throughout.

Funny thing is this plant was never supposed to be anywhere near this size...since the beginning I was only planning to get an oz or 2. Kinda blew up on me, can't complain though!

Also, since I've taken this rice hulls approach to mulching..topdressing and humorously mulching itself has became more of a pain in the ass. No big deal though, I'll do the mulching at the end of every cycle to ensure the soil gets its fill of hummus! For now, everything will be fresh frozen and reapplied at a later time! There's way more leaves here than a person thinks

And lastly, the little yarrow thats been chillin in the corner of the Dark Devil tent. It may or may not find its way into the outdoor garden...but either way it will become part of a nutrient filled mulch layer :circle-of-love::circle-of-love:

So your mulch layer is rice hulls?
Dude awesome to have you back!!! You've been missed :hug: hope everything with the heart turns out alright, I'll keep you in my prayers brother!

I switched over to a rice hull mulch layer (with a little barley straw) just a few weeks ago, the gnats have ALL but disappeared. Its literally the only thing I've found to be successful. Not to mention the added hummus and silica it brings to the table! I'm pretty stoked about the whole deal really. Ive found a few more recently due to flowering and constantly keeping things moist, maybe I should add another small thickness to the layer :hmmmm:

So now all mulching and topdressing takes place at the end of cycle/beginning of a new cycle...foliars of MOBT's tonics throughout veg takes care of the rest!
Worked alot around the garden this weekend as well, getting prepared and what not! It's definitely ready for another round..mostly just cleaned the surface up as of now. Also dumped the 30 gallons of KIS organics soil (from the Cindy 99 a year ago) on the raised beds. I hope to build something to keep the moisture out, when I so choose to! Possibly something like a hoop house. Should help the quality of plants 100%, only getting watered when I so choose !

Compost is starting to kick off finally! Been sitting all winter, hasn't done much to be honest. But I can see things are starting to get broke down a bit. From now on I will try and turn them every week or two to help speed up the process, along with watering!

I have 2 compost bins, one is for our garden, while the other focuses more on my growing....with lots of comfrey, herbs, fruit tree leaves, and other stuff I consider "premium"! This one here is strictly outdoor gardening. With lots of straw, garden waste, kitchen waste, and a little of what I consider "premium" waste :battingeyelashes::cheesygrinsmiley::nerd-with-glasses:

Hasnt done much yet as you can see, but will make an excellent mulch for an outdoor garden! Been frozen for the last few months so cant expect much pics of the "premium" compost at the moment, will have to wait

Hope everyone had an awesome weekend! Thanks for joining me :thanks::headbanger::passitleft:
Let it warm up and it'll break down quickly, raised beds are looking sweet!
If the wind is right I can smell it from across the yard..something's workin lol. Thanks!
Yeah! Raised garden beds are looking awesome L‘Head! :high-five: Nice vigour in the growing rooms as well, the yarrow included :)
Thanks Amy! Meant to tell you how amazing your garden is coming along too :thumb: that white widow is absolutely stunning! You'll have top shelf meds for days off of that one :lot-o-toke:
Update time!!

Been in the mountains on a little vacation the last 4 or 5 days so havent had a chance to post on here! Had a blast though, but rather sore from the snowboarding :love::love::love:. Still need to catch up on a bunch of journals too!

Love leaving my girls for a few day period, they grow so much faster :laugh:. Chocolope seems to be done stretching, and is now starting to stack beautiful little nuggies. Absolutely love how shes been shaping up lately! Probably do another clean up on her this coming weekend, havent decided whether or not to leave the remaining leaves on her or not...kinda want to, just to do something different. Just remove shoots only!

Here's some pictures from about 5 days ago, when she was on day 2 of flower (10 since flip). And also some before pictures of the Dark Devils, who hit some crazy growth spurts during the 4-5 day period..

So today makes day 7 of flower for the Chocolope, or 15 days since flip. She's been receiving only water in the soil, with ONE topdressing a week or two before flower. I did add aloe and coconut powder today...but thats been very rare this round!

And the Dark Devils, who literally doubled in size over the 4-5 day period...still need to check my timer to see if something didnt get screwed up. The growth spurt was different from anything I've ever seen, unless it was just some stretch due to flowering at the exact right time..almost seemed as if it was short on lighting for awhile. Will report back with that information though! Its kind of a good thing really I think, as these plants tend to be hopefully it works out! Gives her a little more room to build buds :thumb::headbanger: tell me what you think!?

And of course I have to add some pictures of the beautiful place we stayed at! This garden is my DREAM!!! Its absolutely the coolest garden I've ever seen in person. Although nothing is growing this time of year, you can get the picture! All irrigated with soaker hose/drip line. The funny part was sitting out on the back porch smoking a doob (really stoned at this point), and telling my friends how badass of a garden something like that would make...then realizing thats exactly what it was haha.

Also a couple pictures from nearly the top of the mountain at Loveland ski resort near Idaho Falls, CO! What a great time :circle-of-love:

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