LaquerHead's LOS: Gold Rush, Strawberry Glue & More!


My mix got a little crazy with diversity, I didnt go out of my way to get any of this was already laying around.

Base mix: Made 3 cu ft. Or approx 23 gallons of soil

7 gallons CSPM

7 gallons of compost - mix of homeade vermicompost and Bu's blend

3 1/2 gallons of pumice
1 gallon of rice hulls
2 gallons of lava rock
2 gallons of perlite

That made 3 cu ft of base mix - and was amended as follows!

20 cups of bio-char
2+ cups of kelp meal
2 cups of crab meal
1 cup of insect frass
2+ cups of neem cake
2 1/2 cups of oyster shell flour
1/4 cup garden lime (just because lol)
2 1/2 cups gypsum
5 cups of brix blend basalt
2 cups St. georges black (sedimentary clay)
2 cups of MBP

Think I got the diversity I was looking for? :laugh:
Pretty much coots mix!!
LH - plants are looking great. Man its great when plants just grow perfect.

Do some kelp tea foiler. Get the elongation thing going. hehehehe..
Fill the grow space in 3D flowers. Yer on your way on, yeah u right.

A reveg will produce some crazy branches all full of flowers.

I think that's what happened to my DT Clone Mutant. Went too soon into flower from a clone and she went into a re-veg thing and all I got now is nothing but colas.

Its going to actually pan out. Was more than a few times looking for the loppers.


Pretty much coots mix!!

Plus 420 :passitleft:

? said:
1/4 cup garden lime (just because lol)

You got the Mg covered. Won't need any Cal/Mag for a while I'm thinking. :high-five:
Made up some gummies last night! They turned out to be fire! I infused 2 cups of oil into 32 grams of larf/trim/shake.

Then used about 1/4 cup of that oil for the gummy recipe, which came from @Preston9mm thanks a bunch brother, they're fantastic! I'm so excited to make another batch its rediculous lol...I ordered more gummy trays too!

My slightly educated guess puts them around 25-30 mg per gummy! Just about perfect for me and the lady I think..worked pretty well for the family get together anyways :rofl:

Made up some gummies last night! They turned out to be fire! I infused 2 cups of oil into 32 grams of larf/trim/shake.

Then used about 1/4 cup of that oil for the gummy recipe, which came from @Preston9mm thanks a bunch brother, they're fantastic! I'm so excited to make another batch its rediculous lol...I ordered more gummy trays too!

My slightly educated guess puts them around 25-30 mg per gummy! Just about perfect for me and the lady I think..worked pretty well for the family get together anyways :rofl:

Little update..had a small issue with power yesterday so lights were off for 5-6 hrs about 4 hours after coming on, they should be fine though. Between that and maybe a slight overwatering (???), the strawberry glue looks under the weather a bit...not real sure how I could have overwatered especially at this stage so not sure thats the reason behind the sloppiness. Any ideas?? Also, the leaves are getting very serrated and different looking...maybe the start of a deficiency/toxicity? Any help or ideas are appreciated!!! :Namaste:

I started to LST the strawberry a bit as make sure her canopy stays even coming into flower! Thinking it will work perfectly

Love the lady bug :)
Plants look super :thumb:
Thanks Bird :circle-of-love:
They should be fine, a few hours won't freak them out.
Any insight on the leaves of the strawberry? Maybe to high of humidity? Hungry for something? Fans were off most of yesterday and all of last night because lights never heated the room up enough to turn on humidity I'm sure climbed fairly high!

I'm not worried though, just thought I'd try and nip it before hand if it was something..will know for sure when I get back home and take a peak
That could be the reason for the leaves turning up.
I thought so possibly...leaves trying super hard to transpire? But kinda hard when RH is above 75%...idk what else so hopefully tonight she'll be lookin sexier :thumb:
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