Lavendar's - Continual Harvest - 5th Grow

Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

last night, tore down the scrog...been avoiding it....hoping it would fire up again, but all it was doing was taking up a hugh amount of buds, of course, all crispy crittered, but could not believe how much there it is going into the hash bag in freezer....just finished making hash again, so will get pics of that and wt for you all....will be stripping the mazar tonight, she is also crispy critter, also hash bag....that darn scrog would have been killer except for the heat....the ducks, huey, dewey and louie, who are outside, are doing great, and seems to love the heat...sure grow weird tho...more like a it....

the albino is an albino, i thought maybe just some stripes, but she is going full on, with white buds....will get more pics when can open the room the new parts develope they are just this gorgeous snow white...not sure about potency and such, but will finish growing her just for laughs kicks and jollies....def. different....she kinda stalled out, and the next thing i knew, had these white leaves on her, i thought maybe bleaching from the lights, but moved her over to another sweet spot in the room, and she is still comming on only with full on white buds....should be able to live as she is being fed by the regl. green part of will call this an grow enough plants, wierd will happen....wonder if she will give me any seeds? and if it will carry thru on the babies? time will tell...


ok, at first this was not the best smelling...ugh...smells like a skunk took up residence in the house, and it is strong, so that kinda turned me off...i prefer the foo foo smells in the i really put off doing a report on her...also heard from a friend, that the hash gave off the same rank was not really thrilled...BUT...she has been curing about 6 wks now, and yes, she still smell like a loaded the pipe....took it outside and fired it up...she has a great clear taste, really clean, on the exhale, you get this mild floral taste and smell....just kinda wafts through the air as you exhale....took 3 hits and found i was just sitting there....totally stoned, in an area that a herd of skunks lived in....the inhale is clear and clean, burns to pure white nothing ash, and the exhale is mild and floral, the high is killer and fairly a great case of cotton mouth....but, the smoke in the room reeks of skunk....i have not smelled that strong a skunk in a couple of i will give her a 9 for high, a 9 for taste, and aa new catagory...ta da....a 4 for room here she is guys, a real skunky one for fans out there....she grows and dries great, and the yield is good to high mod....more leaf than i like, but cures up great....and i do love that beautiful hint of floral.....

start off by saying that i do not usually give a ten for anything....ta da....this is a 10....the high is different....will put you to sleep....OR....let you go on your way, but just more concentrated....great for projects....and good colors in a dark the high is a 9.5-10 ez.....the smell is very strong...burns the eyes, leave the room type...hubby had to go outside to get fresh air while we manicured it....gets all over your hands ect...full of resin....lasts a good long time too...the buds are neat and clean...not much leaf, and not much bud one plant 11++oz....nearly 3.5 left when i put in a jar...closest ive gotten to a pound of wet, i think i can do alot better with it next time....know more about some seeds, 3 so far, and they are the biggest seeds, like lemon seeds, i have ever seen....i am very impressed....cant give a finished report on it yet, as not done curing, but i would say, get it, esp. if in a state that severly limits the no. of plants you can grow....this girl ROCKS...

will try to get pics up time, hope you enjoyed, L:grinjoint:
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

oh, wanted to say about the zulu, the news had a piece on her...national, that the dea was warning that it is a higher concentration of thc, 24.9% than the kush that they are trying to it could get hard to get seeds eventually....she is that strong...i dont know numbers, but very strong...said it was a is a landrace from so. africa...north of the drakenburg range....what the zulu warriors used....alot of just wanted to add that....shows what their botonists know....hugs, L:wood:
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

WOW, awsome smoke report and how cool is that to have an albino!!! dang, I think you got me sold on the Zulu. sounds like what I look for in a plant. What was time to harvest on her? Sorry to hear about the SCRoG, that sucks, but what can you do? just try again right?

Keep up the great work there Lav!! WOOHOO!!!! Great job!
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

WOW, awsome smoke report and how cool is that to have an albino!!! dang, I think you got me sold on the Zulu. sounds like what I look for in a plant. What was time to harvest on her? Sorry to hear about the SCRoG, that sucks, but what can you do? just try again right?

Keep up the great work there Lav!! WOOHOO!!!! Great job!

wow, how kool was that video....think i should do more tricome shots...

this is the part that no one will like, she, zulu, in bud took 16 wks, was out of this world....just kept putting on wt...she looks hugh in her natural pics in a few books ive seen, so i know shes a pound plant ez...but growing indoors it may not happen...she wants to be tall, so that is a fight....her clone is doing great, have topped her repeatedly....looks like a hedge now...cant wait to bud her, i would call her a white plant with bright red hairs....pure sativa...a joy to grow, and resistent to alot of stuff....she will stay in my of the ten...

she was worth every wk of the wait...if she wasnt sooooo stinky, i would try her outdoors next yr....but im afraid all the monkeys in the jungle would find her if i do....thanks for all the kind words j.l., you're a real made my day....hugs, L
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

Hope you are cloning her. Hey if the weeds good, and it clones well, and you feel brave you can always seed her and see if the trait follows. Could be a strain all unto you. GL
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

Hope you are cloning her. Hey if the weeds good, and it clones well, and you feel brave you can always seed her and see if the trait follows. Could be a strain all unto you. GL

yep, i had 3 rooted clones, but gave one away....the other two look great tho...will try to get another clone before i put them in the blue/purple garden...then will need to start some seeds for the all white one....albinos usually have a weakness in some part of the genetics, in all species there is a weakness...i have an albino koi, and he is nearly blind...lives by his feelers and nose....but cant see well at all...usually hand feed him a little extra...albino horses sunburn and have weak eyes and are prone to warts...i hope this plants weakness isnt would probably die fast if anything got out of whack...yeah, its kinda unique...hugs, our house to yours, L and hubby...
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

Really looking forward to the harvest/smoke report, yours are always informative and entertaining. Especially interested in the Zulu. Sorry to hear about your losses, heat isn't really a huge problem up here especially this year since we don't seem to be getting much sun or heat. I will try my hand at some smoke reports but i'm not very good at it. All I know is purplewreck is the couchlockiest smoke I've had in a while, it puts me to sleep, or fighting sleep..

so how is it going? posted the report on zulu, yep, a few hot days in ak...but not usually a problem...loved the winter there when all the terrorists whoops tourists go home....always is some kind of loss...its just a learning experience...cant let it get to me, or i'd be way in the negitive...don't need that .. you'll do great at the smoke reports, just pretend you're talking face to face with a real good friend....makes it're doing great...hugs, L

Take all the time you need We will all still be here :)

hello sweetie,
looks like the super lemon haze is ok...stem is thicker, more leaves, just fine so will try to get some photos up soon....made some hash, and need to get that posted also...finally got some of the clones planted to get the replacements ready for the lg. bud room...they need to be repotted ect...but i love it....hope all is good or better in your world? hugs, L
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

I want some albino pot plants. Way cool. GL with your heat issues. I have faith you'll handle it. Thats one of the 2 main Scourges of indoor growing. Love the yard. I've been thinking of getting a waterfall and pond out back. I don't have alot of room, but I could do a 5X5 pond and a small waterfall feeding it. Thats future down the road. Hear tell you is a RazorBack??????? I'm from Stuttgart way. And both my boy's were born there too. Keep it Green

nope, born in okla....lived in ark...for quite a few yrs at diff. a resting place...the world slows way down there...people still know how to relax and go fishing ect...lived in cave city, fox, and leslie, worked in marshall in a shirt factory....would love to show it to hubby...but, i hate chiggers, and the foxfire is gorgeous...and spooky...relatives still there in yellville...loved stone county...quite a rep...

we started with a 4x4 bog and went from there....its a living pond so it filters in the bog and the gravel and water plants clean it up alot, still have to drain it about a foot at a time to give them fresh water in the the big one, one end is 6.5ft deep to give them a hole to hibernate in the winter...the middle size is where the new babies are at, and also have 3 more puddles with gold fish and raise water plants in...they get hugh...we did have a couple of trout in the mid size one...they ate all the smaller koi, so we went fishing....end of now we have baby koi again .. and bull frogs, so it sounds neat in the eve...yep, you do have to keep the water moving...and it is worth the work, no matter how big or small....if you cant go out in size, go up, and layer it with falls ect...alot of those around...and good to listen to...we have 4 falls....alot of preditors for them tho...birds, and others...snakes eat alot of the small koi...thats a scary sight, seeing a snake dive and lunge and come out with a little koi in its mouth...ugly...i hate snakes also....gee, you'ld think i lived in the south or something....

about the albinos, well the jury is still out on that one...we'll see....only time will tell on that one...enjoy, L and hubby
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

Hello L. it's been so long since I visited! Just in time to hear about the MW and the Zulu, which is a first for me. Sounds like the Zulu would not work in my region with the super long grow period. Too bad, sounds like something I would dig. The Mouie report was great also and sounds like a real winner (if you can deal with a 'herd of skunks')

Glad to be back from oblivion! Sorry it's been such a long hiatus.
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

Well, you were going to post a bit and catch sure did! :)

So sorry about the SCROG not surviving the heat. It was going to be great.:smokin::smokin:

Well the Hawaiian stuff stinks to high heaven.:) Don't think my neighbors would like that too much. She sure sounds good though. :grinjoint:

Gonna go find some ZULU now. Just sounds superb :) That's the first time I've really heard you so excited about any plant. Seed hunting I go!
As you know I just need an excuse! ;)

Change of subject. How long did it take 420 to straighten your posting problems? I have the same problem and can't post any pics! Drives me crazy! :smokin::smokin:

You still have the best smoke reports on 420 :thumb:
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

after 24hrs it was fine....not sure what they did, but was ok after that...yeah, its hard enough, and then a glitch....just keep the zulu small,she wants to grow, but you're used to that.....

will try to get pics up .. soon...L
thank you for all the sweet comments....i'm trying to get busy here again....kinda taking a mini break while i do other things in the garden and try to catch up on a small break with some cool weather today, at least until it burn s off....L:cool::cool:
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

Cool! Can hardly wait for the Pics of the albino. You have such cool plants there Lav! Albino, Ducksfoot, The everlasting Zulu, Oh my! Have you put any thought into when your going to germinate the Grinspoon? Thats definatly another interesting sativa!

Keep cool Lavendar!:smokin:
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

Hello L. it's been so long since I visited! Just in time to hear about the MW and the Zulu, which is a first for me. Sounds like the Zulu would not work in my region with the super long grow period. Too bad, sounds like something I would dig. The Mouie report was great also and sounds like a real winner (if you can deal with a 'herd of skunks')

Glad to be back from oblivion! Sorry it's been such a long hiatus.

you'ld love the zulu outdoors, if earlier in the season....not now tho...too late in the yr....i been doing other stuff too, all related to growing, like working on the trellis, or vertical scrog for the 4x4, and trying to get the lights organized for it...ect....and finishing up the last two in there....gee that is one ugly room....also have to make sure it gets better air this time....comes from the house, but it needs to come from outside.....the a/c is working, but it was too late for some...oh well, thats life....if you cant take the defeats, well, wrong game...(thinking about my losses this yr.)....its all what you learn....still working on the top ten for me, but getting closer all the time.....and trying to figure out which ones will do great for the summer months.....found out some dont like temps here, and so will have to adj. for them.....also have found a few here that grow better in the summer, and some do better in the winter, even that is goofy, but that ten degrees does make a diff...can stilll grow them, but they will need to be seasonal....later, L

great looking grow and kois

good to see you....some i did earlier were not bad .. when you get the time, just peek and see....but all the same, glad you found me....and good you're here.....see ya soon i hope....L:popcorn:
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

Cool! Can hardly wait for the Pics of the albino. You have such cool plants there Lav! Albino, Ducksfoot, The everlasting Zulu, Oh my! Have you put any thought into when your going to germinate the Grinspoon? Thats definatly another interesting sativa!

Keep cool Lavendar!:smokin:

yeah j.l.
will sprout it when i do the is def. a weird looker....but cant wait to try it....also a time involved one....kinda a back of the room pot boiler....just let it sit there while others come and go....should be interesting to dry.....cant get some of them to look nice tho....the ones with all the foxtails on them....when you take them out of the jars, they are all fluff...great high, but peeps are so hung up on that certain looking bud that there is little tolerance for "real" looking ones....cosmetic only please, well some just dont grow that way....i personally dont care what it looks like, i am concerned about the high and taste and smell, figure if g wants it to look that way, its gonna grow like that....we kinda chuckle about that....peeps will pass on the best stuff and go to the "im beautiful" ones....guess it takes all kinds of, know when i grow it, it will not work as one to share...some of the most gorgeous, are some i consider sub par....some grow with little buds, and some are some will look like grapes i guess....but they will go in soon.....later, L
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

I wish I could give smoke reports like yours...mine are like...tasted great and good high!!! :bong:

Your reports drift into poetry almost, the imagery is awesome...I can smell it just from your of the most potent smell memories of my teenage years was having to go wake up my brother and his friend after they had a hard night drinking...Beer and Taco John's (and they ordered refried beans and cheese everytime...sigh), well you get the idea...imagine if they were skunks...drunk skunks...:)

I am high, yes...:grinjoint:

Just coming by to be social and say high there to you and your hubby...:peace:
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

High Lavendar, just making the rounds. Sorry about the heat misfortunes... dang... the life of a farmer :smokin:

Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

Hiya - finally getting a chance to catch up on a few journals. Really sorry to hear about the heat. The smoke reports and extra info on the Zulu is super interesting - gonna have to try and track that down. So sad about the scrog. That was a masterpiece. Do you think you'll do another?

I hope everything else is coming together nicely - I'm sure it is. Y'all are not the kind of folks to let problems fester.

Once again - great reports and congrats on more fantastic medicine!

Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

Hi Lav.

I hear you about the foxtails. The best ones too. the jack, hazes, even cindy does that in the extra week or 2. whatever though, leave the best for me! hell yes!

Hope all is cooling down for you! Mug aquired!:)
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