Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Lol hey Radogast, I fluxed her up a bit with a couple of stalls in flower due to PH issues etc. Also she was pulled early by at least a week!!. So lost 3 weeks of budding. That said I got 450g and some more persie that I didnt count :) plus what id smoked off her already lol. So If id left alone and counted all the bud, she would of been more like 550g
I posted it all around page 178 I think. :)
A flux of same size without issue would in my opinion break the 20 OZ mark with ease!!
I was just thinking the other day what a word would be to describe the total weight you get off a plant compared to the time it took in flower or total life span to harvest. RIght now it seems that people talk about how much a plant can yield by saying how much it will produce per square foot or yard but that doesnt tell how long you have to grow that plant for. Maybe Light Addict can do it again and come up with another one
Radogast some later pics :)
Hey light addict.I was reading pages back u grew autos b4 ur 1st photo.can u tell me is there a massive diff in the smell between autos u grew,and photos? I've 2 autos an the smell is almost ?,I'm thinking about white widow auto 4 next grow,Herbie's,vision that a good strain 2 grow?? Any more u know of that is real good potent smoke??:thanks:
Hey Snake, yeah I ran auto for a couple of years and found the smell is dependent on strain and also environment. I tried many strains and my favourite was BFarm Pineapple Express! Real nice plant that when topped and trained a little you can get around 4-5 oz consistently. It has amazing aroma just like pineapple and is a strong smoke that you dont build a tolerance to easily! !!
Hope that helps! :)
New pics LA. How am I looking? What should I do next and any other assistance on my Fluxes.

Hey buddy nice job, yet Id get some across pot restraints in. Have em going each way on both sides. This will give you easy control over a level canopy. Get them as close to edge of pot, as you want them set and building vertically now. Let em build into bushes for a while now! :)
This is the bit where you just open up the tops a few times a day to promote close nodal spacing! :)) just let them be happy and grow! :)
Good morning LA, long time reader this morning...

Are you bored? During the initial stages of flux end growing, we are stripping the interior veg off to keep growing and energy going to the growing ends of the flux arms? RIght?

Ok, so, covering, or shading the interior un-vegged arms...has this been discussed to discourage veg growth in the arms and push the ends or tips out faster in search of light? Do you think it'd work? Just ideas...
New pics LA. How am I looking? What should I do next and any other assistance on my Fluxes.

Nice harvest LA and it was page 176.

So I'd like to take a stab at it and I'm sure the Professor will correct me when I'm off base so here it goes.

First, what size pot is that? From the pics I've seen the bigger the pot (circumference) the longer the arms.

Next, traditionally you want your side shots perpendicular to your original arms. You've pulled a couple arms almost 90 degrees. Not really a bad thing and I can see why you were trying to fill the rim right?

Then, you went with a double flux, pretty I would/will be attempting one on my first go around too so reps for the go at it.

But all in all it's still a flux. I would think that since you've reached the end of your pot you should probably flip your lights if you haven't already and let her go vertical. You could let he go a little further beyond the rim but your gonna run out of anchor points.

Trim the stuff off in the middle. Remember you want all the energy to go to the tips.

Hey Tassie, :)
Yep you could do as such, yet I use defol and light placement together with pinching if needed to get the growth I want. There are loads of variables to be honest. I used like 10 cfls so I could surround my girl as I wanted.
I also took all my foliage off just to stunt her. So leaving some foliage on is ok just take the shoots off real young so all energy is going on the end growth as you said! :)
Look, Im minutes away from buying my lights for the excited...and am just thinking of combining things ontop of what I've seen you do, and wonder the effects. Im gunna give it a go. I'll have the same moveable side lighting with Fluro tubes, and have wondered about having no overhead lighting just side lighting to get the arms moving sideways instead of up.
Sorry, for clarification, Im thinking only side lighting once the arms are established-ish with end 'fans' established....not from seedling like where you are now... :)
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