Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed Planted New Year's Eve During the Blue Moon

Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Oh...quick calculation says 2.5oz dry, easily more. This is using 3.5g per bit shoot and 1.25g per small shoots and quite honestly I think that might be a bit conservative. But I'm going to have to be sure and keep her well fed to achieve that. Pot is still very heavy so now I'm pushing back anticipated watering date to Tuesday, possibly even Wednesday. I really would like to get some nutrients back in that soil ASAP, although I suppose I could try my hand at foliar feeding with the Catalyst to help get some micronutrients back in her. Hmmm...
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

She is really looking great bro! :goodjob:

Get a bud shot next time....need some serious porn. :Rasta:

:peace: +rep. Finally let me again!
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Hope this helps your needs! Love the new avatar too!








Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

:goodjob:F@#$ Yes, Lil N. you have a great vid of that plant.. I was looking for the crown and took me a sec. to find what I was looking for.

That is one thick girl and the bud sites are pretty too. Great job and plus rep ya if I can, but I can't cause I think I gave you one last night...

Take care bud and thanks for the bunnies and flowers vid. that was awesome.:goodjob: :cheer: :cool: :nicethread: :roorrip:
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Thanks...I upped the privacy setting to p/w protected, probably pull it in a few days. Thought I kept out of the camera view but I guess not lol

Cool Vid Lil N I was tripping on the reflections on your glasses.
You have one beautiful girl there Buddy:grinjoint:
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Thanks everyone!

Love the video, shes looking nice and strong!
Have you considered pruning leaves off to allow light to those bud sites lower down?


Are you insane? It took a lot of work to grow that many leaves lol...I actually did some pruning the week prior to flowering but I think it was a case of too little too late. I didn't want to stress her by pruning too much at once. My solution for the lower site buds was the extra lights on the right hand side to catch those and the ones in the middle I'm not sure what to do, probably just going to let them be. I tuck leaves now and then as best I can too. I'm already battling temps in 24-25C range already so adding more lights lower down over those center ones will really put my temps through the roof. I'm open to outside-the-box thinking though!

:goodjob:F@#$ Yes, Lil N. you have a great vid of that plant.. I was looking for the crown and took me a sec. to find what I was looking for.

It blends in nicely with the foliage, even with the flash lol.

That is one thick girl and the bud sites are pretty too. Great job and plus rep ya if I can, but I can't cause I think I gave you one last night...

Take care bud and thanks for the bunnies and flowers vid. that was awesome.:goodjob: :cheer: :cool: :nicethread: :roorrip:

Just in time for Easter ;) Although I shoulda titled in "Bunnies and Nugs", I was trying to make the title as discreet as possible ;)

Cool Vid Lil N I was tripping on the reflections on your glasses.
You have one beautiful girl there Buddy:grinjoint:

Thanks OMM...glad you enjoyed the time machines :grinjoint: I'm blind as a bat without 'em...can't wait to get contacts again!
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Thanks everyone!

I'm already battling temps in 24-25C range already so adding more lights lower down over those center ones will really put my temps through the roof. I'm open to outside-the-box thinking though!


Hey, I thought about a myth busters or some show like that where they made an air conditioner out of ice water and salt. The plan is for the fan to push the cold air from behind the box that contained glass jars full of ice and water with salt..

I know it sounds nuts and would probably involve you getting a bunch of Ice cube trays, but it's simple and cheep. I would just use a big glass pitcher and try it.

Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Not a bad idea...I could suspend the trays over the air intakes, wonder if that would have much effect?

This girl is causing me way more grief than the last one but I think it's because it's so much larger that I'm having to learn how to deal with the extra nutrient/water uptake. I opened the cabinet yesterday when the lights came on and had quite a shock. I knew she was about due for water as she was starting to droop a hair the night before...but little did I know how badly she would need it. Popped that door open and she almost looked dead she was wilting so badly. Nary a leaf was even remotely "perky", all hanging straight down like wet hair :( I hadn't got my pH Up yet so I took some distilled water and watered her, she perked up in a few hours. Grabbed some pH Up today though and am going to mix up some nutes and feed her tonight, I'm sure she'll need more water. I didn't get any run-off last night but I was only trying to put enough in to get her through til today...
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Great looking buds! Awesome video! I think that your guestimate of 2.5oz dry is wayy too less than what you will yield! Only because i am hoping for 2.5oz!!!! haha
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Well...that was before the trauma she has experienced lately. When I opened the door to water her today about 40 minutes after the lights came on she looked very unhappy. Lots of yellowing on all of the older, larger fan leaves and working up towards the mid-level point...lots of crispy dried curled up leaf's quite depressing, I should post pics but that would ruin everyone's buzz lol

I mixed up some regular strength doses of Bloom and Catalyst in to about 3/5 of a gallon of distilled water, pH'd it to 6.6 and called it good. I think I'm dealing with shock from pH swing now or will be soon...I checked the pH of this distilled water, had been open ~24 hours, and it was 8.3!!! I am going to have to switch brands and see if that helps, that's insane. The nutes dropped the pH to the low 3's and I used the pH Up I bought to get it up to 7.1 (overshot by a hair, only added a couple extra drops as it stopped short at 6.1, goal 6.6) and added a little more Bloom, BANG! 6.6, figured I'd stay a hair high in case the soil was a bit acidic and dropped it a point or two. I quickly fed this to her and am going to check on her in about an hour and a half or so to see how she's doing. The buds look fine, turning a bit darker I think. Anyway, let's hope I haven't screwed this poor girl up too bad...the thought of losing all those fan leaves kinda makes me nervous, might not hit my goal of 2.5...or maybe I will? :grinjoint:
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Join the family Lil N. My girl's sick too. She's got tinea.:biglaugh: I'm always selective in what pictures I post too. I'd like to see someone try to use my journal as a grow guide.
It's all over the shop like a mad womans sh#t.:biglaugh::peace:
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Man your right........a buzz killer for sure.:smokin:
She will recover,,,,,in time. So you may still hit your target:goodluck:

See pics below :) Thanks for the optimism! I fed her those nutes last night and she seems to have liked it. Pretty perky today but kinda hard to tell from the damage toll although I think she could still stand to drink some more (still some droop).

Join the family Lil N. My girl's sick too. She's got tinea.:biglaugh: I'm always selective in what pictures I post too. I'd like to see someone try to use my journal as a grow guide.
It's all over the shop like a mad womans sh#t.:biglaugh::peace:

What? For real?!!? I gotta mosey over to your journal as soon as I post these pics...


The first two pics were from before I removed some dead/damaged leaves:



I wound up with a pile of loosely stacked leaves about 3"L X 5"W
X 6"H! No pic, realized after I crushed it up and tossed them away. Still some more I want to remove but I figured this was probably plenty for a couple days...maybe Friday I'll trim some more. Most of the ones that I pulled came off with little force, a couple I gave a bit tougher tug, and some I just broke off the dead ends of the leaves or the entire leaflet itself.




The Twins...Gemini...maybe I should call this strain something like "Blue Gemini". :roorrip: I'll have to look at that tomorrow when I'm sober lol, it might just be the weed thinking (Jack Flash I think).


The buds are starting to noticeably fatten up :slide:



Since she seems to have reacted very well to the nutrient dose and it was on the small side (~3/5g) I am going to feed her another regular dose but a full gallon Friday if she's dry enough. pH it to 6.5, a tenth less than the last solution, which is what I understand is pretty optimal for soil grows and keep it there the rest of the grow.
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

thats a lot of bud on there my friend.
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Hooo-ooooieee, that is a pretty good producer you gotz there friend.. [II like the Blue Gimini name[/I] I just harvested my last girl and am doing a re-veg. You should maybe consider re-veging that girl too~

Well, take em' easy and have a great night with Jumpin Jack Flash.
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