Low Watts - High Yield - Let's Smash the 1 GPW Benchmark Together

Hi 420fied!! How are you??
Your garden is looking nice and healthy there buddy;) Just a side note to your comment on C99, well I grew C99xPR last grow and she was a monster plant hitting 6ft3 x4.5ft wide and would most likely have yielded 1 pound in soil under my 400w MH/HPS.
I never got to actually weigh the total buds as I ws robbed of 2/3rds my stash and was only left with 4, 2ft long buds that weighed 6.5 oz themselves.

Anyway, Ive started another grow, and it seems that by some weird miracle I may have another one growing! Its doing nealry everything the samme as my last, even the smell and flowering time, she s at day 26 and still has a bit to go, Cindy,my last was @ 63 days!!
Im hoping for a big yield but I reduced the Veg time, So she s only 4.5ftx4.5ft so the next 2 weeks will be interesting..
I was hoping for a different strain, but somehow, I may have got another, I swear it was the last?? Oh well.. Good over all smoke, but I may harvest before 10% amber trichs this time for a more head high. Later mate and great work.. Smokemup
One positive note as it pertains to my goal:

A few days ago I chopped down a very average 11 inch plant and dried it. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it yielded 5 grams, dried. An average of 4 grams per plant would allow me to operate at 1 GPW.

I'd like to average 8 grams per as that would allow me to operate at 2 GPW. The information that I have gathered thus far leads me to believe that a 7-8 gram average will be quite challenging, but not impossible.

We'll all find out together.

I know of one way to boost your final weight. I noticed from your pix that you have some space between your tables n your walls. Even in between your 2 tables if needed. Make some partition style walls with mylar or just tent material and have them tight against the sides of your tables. Make them as stands like the old skool partitions people would change clothes behind. That way you could move them when you were doing any maintenance/waterings. They would only need to be as tall as your shade to have a big impact. You would contain a lot of light to reflect back into the canopy and get used up. Downfall would be you'd need some type of fan system to move the air down the (now partially inclosed trough)!! Would work wonders tho :) Sorry if this was mentioned already. Currently on page 17 and trying to catch up!! Been waiting for you to get your new journal/location up n running. Peace!!

I will post the startings of my 2L SoG, when I reach the final page :)

Couldn't stop reading lol, caught up to current time now. U tha man, luv this new set-up also!!

Just getting my 2x4 set-up for the moms n the T5s in the pic. Those 24 hempies will be under a 600 in a cooltube. Will update here if it is ok with you. My first 2L hempy :)
66* sounds good. I would imagine your pump will heat the water in your res just a bit but obviously, you won't know for sure until you try it. Get yourself a floating thermometer at Wal Mart in the aquarium section for $1.79 and drop it in your res and test it. Personally, I have found the optimum aero cloning temps to fall between 72-78*, so to answer your question, ... No. 78* isn't too hot. Clones will root faster in 75-78* water than they will in 65-68* water. You can always add the heater if needed.

Having that same problem with my NL x BB clones been 3 weeks no roots but some qrazy train right next to it and the ring on the clones you speak of, is it above where the neck of the collar is? If so I need to look back at fewer sprayers and pump gph?
After seeing the pic i think i will stick with the 2L bottle :thanks:

If hight was a issue i would go for the 20oz bottle but its not. Tks again :cheer:

No problem. I definitely wouldn't reccomend growing in the 20 oz. Our little friend is just a novelty project. To give you an idea of the difference.... that 2 Liter plant is 14" tall and will likely yield 6.5 grams+, dried. The 20 oz will likely yield 1-1.5 grams, dried.

I 100% Agree, and it is my ALL TIME FAV to breed with. SOOO many great strains owe homage to NL. IMO, the first Successful indoor tailored strain.

NL is a monster. I agree with you that it has produced many great crosses.

NL5 from the British Colombia Seed Company(Canada) might be the next seed I order. I've done tons of research and BCSC has the REAL NL#5.
Hi 420fied!! How are you??
Your garden is looking nice and healthy there buddy;) Just a side note to your comment on C99, well I grew C99xPR last grow and she was a monster plant hitting 6ft3 x4.5ft wide and would most likely have yielded 1 pound in soil under my 400w MH/HPS.
I never got to actually weigh the total buds as I ws robbed of 2/3rds my stash and was only left with 4, 2ft long buds that weighed 6.5 oz themselves.

Anyway, Ive started another grow, and it seems that by some weird miracle I may have another one growing! Its doing nealry everything the samme as my last, even the smell and flowering time, she s at day 26 and still has a bit to go, Cindy,my last was @ 63 days!!
Im hoping for a big yield but I reduced the Veg time, So she s only 4.5ftx4.5ft so the next 2 weeks will be interesting..
I was hoping for a different strain, but somehow, I may have got another, I swear it was the last?? Oh well.. Good over all smoke, but I may harvest before 10% amber trichs this time for a more head high. Later mate and great work.. Smokemup

I'm sorry to hear that someone stole your stash. That sucks. Those are impressive plants that you're growing! Cindy99 is a killer strain. She has produced several good crosses. Thank you for the kind words and I hope you'll stop back in.
I know of one way to boost your final weight. I noticed from your pix that you have some space between your tables n your walls. Even in between your 2 tables if needed. Make some partition style walls with mylar or just tent material and have them tight against the sides of your tables. Make them as stands like the old skool partitions people would change clothes behind. That way you could move them when you were doing any maintenance/waterings. They would only need to be as tall as your shade to have a big impact. You would contain a lot of light to reflect back into the canopy and get used up. Downfall would be you'd need some type of fan system to move the air down the (now partially inclosed trough)!! Would work wonders tho :) Sorry if this was mentioned already. Currently on page 17 and trying to catch up!! Been waiting for you to get your new journal/location up n running. Peace!!

I will post the startings of my 2L SoG, when I reach the final page :)

Couldn't stop reading lol, caught up to current time now. U tha man, luv this new set-up also!!


Just getting my 2x4 set-up for the moms n the T5s in the pic. Those 24 hempies will be under a 600 in a cooltube. Will update here if it is ok with you. My first 2L hempy :)

Thank you for the kind words and the info on the partition walls. I actually have what you speak of, already built out of 1 1/2" PVC. I just haven't adjusted it to fit my current setup. I both understand and agree with what you're saying. Building partitions that met my hoods would trap all the light that shoots out of the sides and bounce it back in. It would make a difference but I'm not certain that it would make a TON of difference. If you notice, the homemade extenders I have added onto my hoods extend far enough that they reflect the majority of the light produced down onto my grow footprint. I lose some to the sides, but you'd be surprised at how much those wings help. I lined the inside of them with Mylar.


However, the partitions you speak of would allow me to capture even more. I just don't know if the hassle would be worth it as I am ALWAYS in there and would have to constantly be moving/shifting them as I moved about with daily maintenance.

Your plants look healthy. Let me know how they turn out for you.

Good growing
Having that same problem with my NL x BB clones been 3 weeks no roots but some qrazy train right next to it and the ring on the clones you speak of, is it above where the neck of the collar is? If so I need to look back at fewer sprayers and pump gph?

Please post pictures. That'll help me help you diagnose the problem.

What size tote/res? What size GPH is your pump? How many misters do you have?

How far is your manifold from the bottom of your clones?

The stress ring forms on the leaves, not the stems.

There is no stress ring on this clone but I'm pointing to the location where the stress ring forms.

If you're like me, you are in the groom all the time. It would probably be more hassle than it's worth. Unless there was eno room to just slide them to the wall. Then u'd just have to simply slide them back in place after. Nice, I was gonna mention small pvc tubing for the frames, but knew I wouldn't need to. That being said, this is your first run. You will have this fine tuned in no time. That's a wicked set-up!! I was actually thinking of doing that in a 4x8 tent with only one 600. Problem there is heat on an open bulb. Only way to resolve this would be a bigger fan replenishing the air ever min, instead of every 5. Extra stealth is needed at current local, maybe l8r I can get situated in a better spot. Maybe a couple T5s on either side, just to have constant light. Just throwing ideas out there for ya. Peace!!

I will update you on my progress. After all I wouldn't be here or have these 2L hempys if I didn't stubble across your Come SoG with me thread. Better late than never!!! :)
Your setup is fine 420fied. :)

Your little wing extensions are catching most of that stray light already. I wouldn't worry about that. Just wanted to let ya know at least one person agrees with you. Keep it green.
so 7g * 152 plants = 1064g ÷ 28 g/ounce = 38 ounces ÷ 16 ounces/pound = 2.375 pounds

this seems like quite an accomplishment using 1 light on a mover !!! and that's only one table !!
Kinda quiet lately. 2 of the plants I got going are blue dream. They are 12/12 from seed. Complete opposits, one is about 18" tall and bushy and the other is around 3 1/2 feet! The tall ones leaves are curling under. Originally thought it was from the light being to close so I raised it and that didn't make a difference. The short one looks beautiful. Heres a pic, anyone have any ideas?
Happy Feb. 1st growers,

The first full lid of clonex dipped clones are starting to show serious root formation. The lid is 8 days in and 47 of 50 made it. Excuse the 3 clones with the long root systems that are mixed in as they are holdovers that filled the spots of the 3 failures.


On the 5th I'll be chopping a few plants on table 1. These will be the very first harvested in the new space. There are about 35 coming down on the 5th and then another 50 or so on the 27th. After that, table 1 will be full of babies again.


I'll be adding a few of Blue Planet's new products to the mix in the coming days so we'll all get a look at how they fit in to my operation. I'll actually be running everything that comprises BPN's 3 part High Yield System.

More to come soon.

Good growing everyone.
I have read all your journals and im having trouble with my clones run every thing same as you but after five days then they start to wilt I was thinking maybe its the res temps any help please .Thanks everyone
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