Lush Led vs Advanced Led Featuring Ace of Spades

So, let me ask a question for the LED knowledgeable folks out there.

Who would get more bud for the money? Advanced LED XML 300 10W Cree LED (Wall draw 330W, cost $1K) VS. Mars-II 1600 LED (wall draw 780W, cost $650)??

I know the Advanced is a more efficient lamp with its diodes and all and used le$$ electricity and the watts don’t match; but for now let’s ignore all that and focus on yield per dollar spend on LED, please.


I think a panel that draws more than twice the watts should yield more, whether the quality is better or not who knows.
but to not take into account the money it costs to run the light through a complete cycle is a mistake IMO.
its going to cost you more than double to run the mars and over a four month cycle that adds up. if running costs mean nothing and all your interested in is yield you might as well run HPS, you'll get more yield at the cost of quality and high running costs.

would be interesting to know the Par/watt readings from the Mars II 1600 , that might help you make a more educated decision. :)
I'd advise you to watch as many journals with as many different LED manufacturers as you can & see what the nugs are like come harvest time. Look at the results & compare the prices & work it out for yourself. That's how I made my choice & I know mine aren't the best quality money can buy but they will go toe to toe with many of the higher priced lights & they worked with my budget :)

very good advice. :)
Yep nothing wrong with questions about lights lol. I would have responded if I had a decent opinion. I'm only on my first LED light and its not really in the price bracket your on about so my opinion is moot. :)

your right , before buying any Led panel a lot of questions need to be asked. Wow 4k+ for the G.O.D. panel , I think thats out of most of our price brackets. :)
I would assume be same as MARS 2 400, it the same thing just 4 times the diodes.

Hey Crawdaddy , was hoping you'd make it by. :)

if thats the case the XML350 has almost twice the par/watt as the Mars lamp , but the 1200 would have to cover more area. so it should yield more , of course at more than double the running costs.
your right , before buying any Led panel a lot of questions need to be asked. Wow 4k+ for the G.O.D. panel , I think thats out of most of our price brackets. :)

Hey Crawdaddy , was hoping you'd make it by. :)

if thats the case the XML350 has almost twice the par/watt as the Mars lamp , but the 1200 would have to cover more area. so it should yield more , of course at more than double the running costs.

LOL i been around, just a bit more 'guarded' since put on 'vacation' lol.

That G.O.D light is INSANE, FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS +, I do not see how they are going to sell any of those.

I know you probably answered this Ronnie, but would you say there is really any measurable and repeatable difference between the LUSH and Advanced? From what I have seen in this thread and your results, I would say not much if any, but you have hands on look, so what your overall conclusion?
LOL i been around, just a bit more 'guarded' since put on 'vacation' lol.

That G.O.D light is INSANE, FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS +, I do not see how they are going to sell any of those.

I know you probably answered this Ronnie, but would you say there is really any measurable and repeatable difference between the LUSH and Advanced? From what I have seen in this thread and your results, I would say not much if any, but you have hands on look, so what your overall conclusion?

I would have to say resin production was pretty even all the plants were really frosty , the buds under the Lush panel on the outer edges of the footprint were more airy than on the Advanced side but probably because of the core coverage advantage. cure is not completed yet but i've been smoking it since it came off the dry rack and smoking is smooth, tastes a little green in the vaporizer. both sides are really potent so the deciding factor is for the same power consumption Advanced Led produced a good bit more buds.

Have you checked out the new XTE series? next journal will showcase these panels and I'm excited to see them in action. :)
Yea the XTE's look like a cool design, the diode choice makes sense to me. Still cost is an issue for me though. If $$$ was not an issue I get one. Sucks that they wont let you do a side by side.

I'm not too worried about not doing a side by side , I think the XTE's would stomp the Lush panels just based on diodes and intensity and the color selector control is better than any i've seen. along with the 10-100% intensity dial that is very nice.
I'm sure I'll pull more weight running all XTE panels. :)
Ronnie, there's only one thing with the new advanced light that confuses me & that's the addition of 10w cree diodes. What is the point of them? They are way more powerful than the 3w so does that not kick the balance of the spectrum out of sync & stop you having them at the correct height for the reds & blues to work in their sweet spot? Can you ask them the question of why they were added if you don't know the answer yourself? My sceptical side says they are a gimmick to give them higher par readings & will have no benefit to growing our plants.
So, let me ask a question for the LED knowledgeable folks out there.

Who would get more bud for the money? Advanced LED XML 300 10W Cree LED (Wall draw 330W, cost $1K) VS. Mars-II 1600 LED (wall draw 780W, cost $650)??

I know the Advanced is a more efficient lamp with its diodes and all and used le$$ electricity and the watts don't match; but for now let's ignore all that and focus on yield per dollar spend on LED, please.


Hey Seraphim, if you haven't already go check out LA's journal and start at page #177, post #2644. You'll see what I'm talking about. It was an epic
Ronnie, there's only one thing with the new advanced light that confuses me & that's the addition of 10w cree diodes. What is the point of them? They are way more powerful than the 3w so does that not kick the balance of the spectrum out of sync & stop you having them at the correct height for the reds & blues to work in their sweet spot? Can you ask them the question of why they were added if you don't know the answer yourself? My sceptical side says they are a gimmick to give them higher par readings & will have no benefit to growing our plants.

the 10w Cree XML are the game changers in the DS350XML IMO. They add the intensity and penetration i've seen from no other led light. White diodes are a mix of many different spectrums, so no balance is upset.
The main problem with Led panels is they lack the intensity and penetration. these diodes address this.

think about it , how do you think plants respond to higher par outputs. par is the light range that plants use for growth. so anything that raises this energy is not a gimmick, and will translate into more energy for growth. :)
I think I get the idea, here's my conclusion from what you've explained.
The 3w mix of coloured diodes beam down & mix on the way so at say 18" they are amost all blended together and at 24" the full blend is achieved. This I would class as the sweet spot as it is a perfect spectrum with the best intensity to hit the top of the canopy. As this light travels through the canopy it's intensity is reduced so to combat this they have added the 10w cree which will penetrate much further & take care of the lower parts of the plants.

Have I got it nailed? :)
holy crap! Now I see what you mean.. sorry i stepped on that red herring.. sooooo, how's the weather!!!! Football season!!. ehhh..

Hey Seraphim, if you haven't already go check out LA's journal and start at page #177, post #2644. You'll see what I'm talking about. It was an epic
I think I get the idea, here's my conclusion from what you've explained.
The 3w mix of coloured diodes beam down & mix on the way so at say 18" they are amost all blended together and at 24" the full blend is achieved. This I would class as the sweet spot as it is a perfect spectrum with the best intensity to hit the top of the canopy. As this light travels through the canopy it's intensity is reduced so to combat this they have added the 10w cree which will penetrate much further & take care of the lower parts of the plants.

Have I got it nailed? :)

I think you do. :)
Been working a lot of OT lately so I had some extra money to spend on Room upgrades.

first is an autopilot analog CO2 controller.


I also purchased an La Crosse alert system with dry and wet probes as well as a water leak detection sensor.
this will monitor my room 24/7 and send me text msg alerts when ever temps,humidity,water temp, are out of my set parameters or if a water leak is sensed.
will also save all temps and humidity data which can be charted .
with my smart phone I can view real time data.
waiting on delivery.
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