Magnus8's Summer Outdoor Grow: Blueberry, White Widow, Green Crack

in for the adventure sir! Your garden looks lovely. If are west coast canada, look into gaia green products... They have glacial rock dust, green sand, and other such things for your soil, locally sourced from B.C. If i am not mistaken.

also off topic, but i read an article the other day about the sand mafia.... Literally going into islands/beaches around the world and removing all of the sand within a few days. Apparrntly there is a big difference between desert sand (round) and beach sand (granular). Therefore there is a massive shortage world wide as it is not easily renewable, obviously.

curious. @Van Stank said he uses your recipes for topicals? I was wondering if you might be able to provide me a link... Have an injured filly we are trying to get healed, going to take a small miracle.

as soon as i get a few pennies ill be checking out your book, i love me some good reading!
I don't know how this happened but you request for help slipped completely by me without me responding to your plea for help. I am so sorry.

But it looks as though the Stanks came through for you posting a copy of my topical recipe for everyone to use. Thank you, Stanks, fof doing this for me.

To be quite honest I have been so busy with my book's release this past year that I've been fighting just to keep my head above water. Now, before I get writing in earnest about all the publishing woes I have to talk about I think I'll just head myself off at the pass and stop anything before it actually takes place.

So I hope your filly is on the way to healing. Please let us know what was wrong with her and what you applied including her weight and then how she is doing now.

Okay. I am having a devil of a time trying to get these pics posted today...

These first three pics are basically random.

These next pics are of my blueberry plants, #1 - #10. I have never tried this strain but I hear they are quite good for pain in the long run. I sure do hope so because I'm growing 10 of the suckers...

So those are all my big and beautiful blueberry plants. I am so proud of them.

These next 4 pics are of 4 of my 5 Green Crack plants. One of the pics didn't work out so that is why only 4 of my 5 Green Cracks are pictured here.

I did not know this but apparently White Widows are an Indica/Sativa blend where the Indica is strongest. That is why I might be able to tolerate -- might I wish even to enjoy it? -- this particular strain. I have wanted to try a White Widow smoke for about 10 years now but am only now getting the chance. Patience IS a marked virtue that i hold in spades.

Nicely done Magnus. :high-five: I particularly liked the pictures of cannabis in the morning fog. :battingeyelashes: You lucky duck, an outdoor garden.....

You mentioned THC gave you panic attacks. It may have more to do with the terpene profiles than the levels of THC. Very smart of you to use the chemovars for pain topicals instead. I think you'll appreciate both the White Widow and the Blueberry.

Planning anything with a balanced ratio, or very high in CBD to counter all the high THC? All the clinical data shows that for most chronic pain patients a balanced ratio, or one higher in CBD is offering the greatest relief to the greatest number of patients. Many of us were already in a high THC frame of mind.

My life hasn't reached a pace yet that allowed me to purchase and find time to read Finding Max. I was just looking at it thinking if I got it and it was here tempting me I might be more inclined. Rad's endorsement has haunted me all month. Lol!

Thanks for sharing another outdoor grow with us Magnus. :ciao:

Really sweet morning shots. :battingeyelashes:
Nicely done Magnus. :high-five: I particularly liked the pictures of cannabis in the morning fog. :battingeyelashes: You lucky duck, an outdoor garden.....

You mentioned THC gave you panic attacks. It may have more to do with the terpene profiles than the levels of THC. Very smart of you to use the chemovars for pain topicals instead. I think you'll appreciate both the White Widow and the Blueberry.

Planning anything with a balanced ratio, or very high in CBD to counter all the high THC? All the clinical data shows that for most chronic pain patients a balanced ratio, or one higher in CBD is offering the greatest relief to the greatest number of patients. Many of us were already in a high THC frame of mind.

My life hasn't reached a pace yet that allowed me to purchase and find time to read Finding Max. I was just looking at it thinking if I got it and it was here tempting me I might be more inclined. Rad's endorsement has haunted me all month. Lol!

Thanks for sharing another outdoor grow with us Magnus. :ciao:

Really sweet morning shots. :battingeyelashes:

Hi Sue!!!

How wonderful of you to drop in. I was wondering if you would show up sometime soon.

It has been explained to me this way. I have panic attacks when i injest too strong a Sativa. My Sativas must always be tempered with a hearty Indica. So now when i use my Pineapple Express that i grew last year because i didnt know this about myself i mix it with Critical Mass to temper the thc or the sativa side of it or whatever. No one has ever adequately explained to me why i react badly to some weed and not others. But that is how i understand it so far.

No problem about the book. As for Radogast's review... do you mean the one he put up on Amazon? If so, i have seen that one. But if he posted one here on 420 then i dont know about that one. Is there something i should know, Sue? Seriously, however, i do hope you love the novel when you read it.

As for me, all is well. Trying to get ultra resourceful and uber creative when it comes to devising ways of marketing and promoting Finding Max.

But possible the most important thing were to be if suddenly people began talking about it, discussing it with friends, basically using word of mouth to push sales and awareness onward. But it is hard to get that type of thing to happen organically, without prodfing, with a life fire of its own.

But it is still early yet, dont you think?

(How do you like them pics?)

All my best,
Hi Everyone!

Hope this finds you all well and enjoying this dismal (where i am at least) grey morninging.

I'm goign to try to post this video here that I've been meaning to post for a few days. I thought it was quite a beautiful shot of my garden. Hope you enjoy!

Garden is looking fantastic Magnus! Looks like whatever you are doing differently is working. Well done brother.

I just found all my notes on my most recent soil recipe. Will be getting that over to you today or tomorrow.....just gotta type it up from my chicken scratch notes.
Hello All!

Well the big news on our front is the fact that we have 5-day-old puppies here tonight! Dobby, my black lab, was in labour for 30 hours to birth 3 beautiful puppies.

When the puppies are 6 weeks old a lady from Camrose will come to test each of them for suitability as working therapy dogs. I will keep the best one for my own therapy dog but hopefully all three of them will be suitable and those that are will be gifted to families who need a service dog but who cannot afford one on their own.

I think it's a brilliant idea, myself. I like doing good things in this world.

They are a Black Lab border collie cross and both breeds are excellent working dogs. I already know which one I want. 2 of them are all black but this one little guy has 20 white toes and the tip of his tail looks like it's been dipped in whitewash and then there's this stripe that starts at the top of his head goes down his nose down his chinny-chin-chin and then continues all the way under his belly to underneath his tail. And he is so damned sweet. Actually at this age the are all very sweet, right?

Anyway, that little bugger has my name written all her! We are going to be BFF's -- I just know it. Squeal!

I was just out in the garden. There's some damage after this last wind storm. Where I live we get these terrible windstorm that succeeded in breaking 3 of last year's plants right in half. I know it's only a matter of time before it happens again this year.

Anyway, so I was out in my garden surveying the damage and took some pics. I'll create a separate thread for those however.

I'm curious about something. Now, most of you weren't with me for my last two journals where I was completely obsessed with editing a novel with my editor and was working hard to release that novel, Finding Max.

I am curious, Now, as to how many of you were ever interested enough to read it.

In Finding Max, five-year-old Maximilian Aldertree and his eight-year-old brother, Gary, are playing in a playground one hot summer day. Gary has been tasked by their drunken mother to watch over his younger sibling, but while he is preoccupied on the monkey bars Maximilian is abducted by a stranger driving past. 17 years later the two brothers meet again quite by accident. Gary now works as a social worker in a NYC homeless shelter when Max comes in one day seeking a comfy bed and a hot meal. Now the two brothers must learn to love and trust one another, along with Gary's new girlfriend Jean, all while outfitting and out running the evil Quinn who seeks to re-abduct Max for his own nefarious purposes. Though Finding Max appears to be your classic thriller, it is actually a story of hunger, homelessness and human trafficking wrapped in the garb of a traditional thriller. It is a novel you are not likely to forget. But don't take my word for it... check out the 4- and 5-star reviews on Amazon.

So if you didn't know before, Now you do because I talk a lot about writing, my novels and such in my journals so you might as well be forewarned.

So I had better get those pics up, right?


PS I write under several pseudonyms. My primary being Darren M. Jorgensen.

From the first video they have morphed into these huge, squiggly worms that eat and eat and eat! ohmigawd! What have we brought into this world?

Hey Magnus! Love hearing about the pups brother! I am a huge Lab fan. Had a gorgeous yellow lab that was more of a hay orange than yellow and was the absolute best girl ever. Took her around the country a few times in my 30 foot RV. Miss her dearly. When we get a new house, I am wanting to find a Fox Red Lab for my next dog!

Ms Stank is a German Sheppard kinda girl so we are gonna have two dogs.
Me too. I want one too. But the fact is... I'm going to get one. Woo hoo! I'm so damned excited. My own therapy dog that I can bring with me everywhere...
Hi everyone,

Been meaning to find time to update this journal for a few days now but I've been terribly busy with both the new litter of puppies (they are 11 days old today!) and writing my new novel. This one is a sequel to Finding Max which was just published and there will be a third book, too, to complete the Finding Max Trilogy.

My wife-bot and I are trying to set up our lives so that we can go on a 2 month long book tour across Canada for Finding Max. Not knowing what to do with our dogs is right now the most vexing problem. We will have no problem taking the new Puppy, who will be a year old by then, anywhere inside -- even restaurants -- because it will be a working dog. But the other two monstrosities are another story. They just don't do well around strangers and it's my own fault for living the life of a recluse for so many years, right?

Okay. So let's get onto what we came here for. Let's get this party started, right?


You remember I have 10 Blueberry plants? Well, two weeks ago I started putting one Blueberry and one Green Crack, into flowering. This is the overall shot of the plant in the middle of its growth state and the next couple of shots are of the tiny buds beginning to form.




Those buds are coming along nicely. If you are wondering what that structure is... well I used to sell homemade soap at farmers markets and I still have my old tent structure. This is that structure and it works brilliantly.

So the next nine pics are of the other nine Blueberry plants.

So those little buggers are my beautiful bitchin' babes, don't you think? I cannot wait to try my Blueberry plants since I've heard so much about them. Only about 2.5 months to go...

This next shot is a pic of the Green Crack that is about 2 weeks into flower.

These next three shots just show some of the flowering action happening on this plant. Scrumpdileishous! Can't wait.

Okay so Let's take a look at the rest of those Green Cracks.

You know, I know I took pics of every single plant of mine but for the life of me I cannot find the other two Green Crack pics. Oh well.

This is one of my White Widow plants. Again I don't know where my other two white widows went.

And here are some pics I took of the lower portions of some of my plants because it is lollipopping season, is it NOT? Last year I neglected to do this to my plants and it really hurt my yield. I just had no idea how important this aspect of looking after your plants was. After cutting down all my plants and consistently finding only popcorn buds or even no buds at all on all those lower branches I so carefully nurtured all through the growing season because I mistakenly believed that the more branches then the more bud.

And there you have it. Almost all the plants in my garden, doing well. Hope you enjoy the plants and the gentle view. I'll probably take more tomorrow morning so look for another posting!


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Plants look great Magnus! Yeah clearing some of that lower stuff will definitely pay off come harvest time! Keep doing what u are doing brother.

Oh and nothing wrong with being a recluse!!
Plants look great Magnus! Yeah clearing some of that lower stuff will definitely pay off come harvest time! Keep doing what u are doing brother.

Oh and nothing wrong with being a recluse!!

Thanks for understanding and glad to see you Back! And how's the missus doin these days? I hope you are both doing well.
She is doing great, thanks for asking! Life is great......searching for a house but that is slow progress, but its not a decision to be made in haste. We are both kind of recluses as well so finding something with the things we want, IN the location (meaning big enough plot of land that is away from people) we want, that isn't a run down shack or a million dollar home is a bit difficult here. If we had our way, we could be up on a 200 acre plot on a lake in Alaska but thats not doable at this time. Gotta get the back fixed first.
Okay, my garden for today...

These first pics are of my 10 Blueberry plants.

And these plants are my Green Crack plants.

And then here finally are the White Widows which I am so very much looking forward to smoking.

This last one I think of as my "Blueberry patch".

The bb and gc that are in flower were still covered when I took these pics. I'll have flower pics next time. Promise.
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