Marrzblaze's First Ever Grow | Melonade Runtz | Indoor & Hidden | Soil & LED | Runty


420 Member
Hey guys as you can see from the title, this is my first ever grow, I plan on fixing the environment for my plant in a bit, once some products arrive. But I'm here to share my first ever experiences and hopefully be informative and entertaining at the same time. I would appreciate all the help you guys would offer!

In the image is my little seedling Runty, I got a few water droplets on her, hope she isn't hurt! So far she has been resilient, while germinating in the pot, I dropped the the thing and all the soil spilled out, had to sift for her which was a rough job, by some miracle I found her eventually and put the soil back in the pot and put her back in too. And now she has popped out!

Strain: Melonade Runtz
Genetic Makeup: Hybrid
Pot/Bucket Size: 7 Gallon / 27 litres
Tent Size: 1.3' x 1.3' x 4' / 40cm x 40cm x 120cm
Grow Space: closet
How Many Plants: 1
Environment: Indoor
Stage: Seedling
Medium: No Idea
Lights: 30 Watt LED
Nutrients: None So far
Room/Tent Temperature: 73F / 23C
Relative Humidity: 90%
Media/Res PH: 7.3
Pests: None
Watering: Once Daily
Welcome to 420 @marrzblaze

Watering every day might be excessive and your pH is too high for any medium - if it's soil aim for pH6.3, and let it dry more between watering
So hi guys if anyone is still following this and could help me with a question about Runty, So I have two other seedlings, one that i left outside the tent just by the window, and another within the tent. The one near the window is growing tall but not growing the leaves, which i understand is because its reaching for the light and its not getting enough of it, which is fine, Runty however isnt growing tall, and now has the leaves which are ralitvely big to before. My question is, how much taller should Runty be growing? Should I raise the height of the lamp so that she grows taller?

Runty Day 5 (2).jpg

Runty Day 5 (3).jpg

Runty Day 5.jpg
All phenos are different, so I don't think there is a 'should be' height
I'd rather a short stocky plant than a lanky one so I throw as much light as I can at them without scorching
I would not raise anything she looks great and will grow taller on her own. Tall and lanky is not what I would want. Last year I had to lower my light as a few of my plants were getting to tall and I was afraid they were getting to lanky and weak. I had to prop them up with toothpicks. 🍋
I'll pull up a chair and watch. Looks like a good start. I agree with @KeithLemon. Don't raise the light. It will start stretching up to the light and won't be strong enough to stand on its own. Stay the course for now. It should start filling out and grow more nodes and leaves.
So hi guys if anyone is still following this and could help me with a question about Runty, So I have two other seedlings, one that i left outside the tent just by the window, and another within the tent. The one near the window is growing tall but not growing the leaves, which i understand is because its reaching for the light and its not getting enough of it, which is fine, Runty however isnt growing tall, and now has the leaves which are ralitvely big to before. My question is, how much taller should Runty be growing? Should I raise the height of the lamp so that she grows taller?

Runty Day 5 (2).jpg

Runty Day 5 (3).jpg

Runty Day 5.jpg
No she looks great. Don't change whatever you're doing. She doesn't even have her 1st true true leaves yet.
Runty however isnt growing tall, and now has the leaves which are ralitvely big to before. My question is, how much taller should Runty be growing? Should I raise the height of the lamp so that she grows taller?

Lights: 30 Watt LED
That's a small plant in a pretty big container so it will be challenging to water it properly, at least until it gets bigger with a stronger root system. And you'll need more light power as she grows. The rule of thumb is about 25-30 watts per square foot which is fine for now, but as she grows she'll need more to properly develop for you.

What are your plans for nutrients? The seed has enough in it for the first week or two but after that you're going to need to feed it. And what kind of medium are you growing in?
Hey, Runty looks healthy at 14 days old, i started now feeding her every other day water with nutrients, and i plan on flushing the nutrients with just water every third fee. Attached are some pics, she looks so beautiful.
Runty day 14 (2).jpg
Runty day 14.jpg

What are your plans for nutrients? The seed has enough in it for the first week or two but after that you're going to need to feed it. And what kind of medium are you growing in?
So she is in some sort of soil mix that I cannot remember what it is exactly, but im feeding her according to the attached feeding schedule with the nutrients recommended. And yes the pot size is an issue for watering and feeding, but im watering and feeding around the perimeter of the plant, as if it was in a small pot. So I am leaving some distance from the stem, but also not too far away so that the roots can reach out for the water and food. But yes I went overkill with the pot, it barely fits the tent, im definitely changing it after this grow. As for the light, i will try to buy a new one at some point, right now the budget isn't there for it, so i will check what size nugs ill get from this baby. When should I start training it based on these images? I feel like she could be ready for a bit of training.
When should I start training it based on these images? I feel like she could be ready for a bit of training.
I'm partial to Quadlining (link in my sig) and with that we top between nodes 4 and 5 so you've got some time yet. Right now she's just getting her roots established and you don't want to add any stresses that divert her focus.

Looking good, though. :thumb:
Quick update on runty, she is now 20 days old (17 days without germination) and she's starting to have a whole lot of leaves, I don't think I could Quadline her quite yet, but im wondering if there is anything I can do to train her (im eager to do more than just feed and water). Also, I'm watering with only water after every 3rd feed so that the soil doesnt get all messed up, is that correct? Here are some cute pics of her today:

Runty 20 (2).jpg

Runty 20 (3).jpg

Runty 20.jpg
My comments from last week still apply.

I'm partial to Quadlining (link in my sig) and with that we top between nodes 4 and 5 so you've got some time yet. Right now she's just getting her roots established and you don't want to add any stresses that divert her focus.

Looking good, though. :thumb:

If you rush it you will stunt her while she takes time to recover. Looks to me like she's just starting on node three. Do what you want but, to me, patience is more important than action at this stage.

If your temps are still in the low 70*'s F you could raise them to get faster growth, but if you just start messing with the plant because you feel like you have to do  something then you run the risk of setting her back. They toughen up as they get bigger, but when very young lots of things can be counterproductive vs just letting her do her thing.
I'll get you hip on the term early in your grow career. Helicoptering.😀

I try and not open my tent unless necessary. I put a camera in the tent if I want to look at them.


Water the entire media so that you don't have to water so often. Your sprout now has roots so it can take up water.

Get a better light. The one you currently have won't cut it. For your size tent I would suggest the ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro.
I would suggest the ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro.
I can second this. I grow with three plants at a time with two ViparSpectra XS 1500 Pros. If you'd like to read about them there are a number of user reviews, including a link in my signature.
Patience is a lesson worth learning & rushing into things not well known or understood could lead to blunders.

So far so good all looks just fine 'n' dandy :thumb:
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