Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4 x Super Skunk x Grape Crush

Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Mmmmick, I was wondering when you would harvest.... Almost dragging the end along like the beginning :lot-o-toke: just kidding man.

What do you mean by powdered? 72g of it for oil? That's a bunch of cookies.:yahoo:

Yeah sisco, me too. Seemed to take a long time to ripen.
After all the false starts, it feels good to finally take them down.

The 72g went for hash oil not edible oil. I stripped all the wood from the buds and overdried it all slightly so it would crumble to powder. Both strains from this grow are less potent than my current stash so I thought I'd try an isopropyl rinse to concentrate the good stuff. It's not the best oil I've ever smoked but the effects are so much more powerful than smoking the bud. So instead of 72g of bud that was a little better than the local supply, I have a few grams of hash oil that are much nicer to smoke and much better than anything local. I couldn't find the right glass vials for storage so I have no idea how much oil I ended up with. looks like 5 or 6 ml from the first rinse and maybe 1.5 ml from the second. I kept the first rinse separate for each strain but the second rinse was combined.

I guess it could still be used for cooking as long as it was mixed with butter or cooking oil, but its very nice for the head as is.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Looks like you made it (not that I ever doubted you would). Congrats on a successful grow.

I look forward to what you have coming up next.

heheh, I had a few doubts along the way. Thanks JG, lots of room for improvement next round but the oil is quite nice.

I have 2 Rocklock clones that will go next. Fewer plants bigger containers, same screen.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

High Mick,

Better late than never :) The oil sounds interesting, what's a barrel go for now? ;)

Good job on bringing in the harvest :thumb:

Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Looks like a nice harvest dude,I bet pretty tasty also...let us know how she smokes:)

Thanks J4. it's very good for the head, strong and has good staying power. A couple of hits keeps me going for hours.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

yay!! good job buddy. hope ur smoke is dank and nice for u! :cheer::cheer::bravo:

Thanks staffy, any grow that actually finishes is a good one, heheh. I'm happy with the resulting product, thats the main thing.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Looks like you made the most out of it. Nice job, enjoy...

Hi sonzor, thank you my friend. It was a bit of a struggle but they managed to get there eventually. I haven't had decent oil to smoke in ages, it's not a frequent visitor to these parts.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

High Mick,

Better late than never :) The oil sounds interesting, what's a barrel go for now? ;)

Good job on bringing in the harvest :thumb:


High Horse.

I agree.

The oil is a nice change, a little variety is good and it's so much more potent than the bud.

Re price, all I know is I couldn't afford to buy a barrel.:)
Thanks Horse.

I didn't forget about documenting the process but it was too messy (well, sticky at least)to bring the camera into the area so I didn't get any pics. I can describe the process if you like but youtube has a few videos that explain it well. I used essentially the same method as the Rick Simpson Run From The Cure video.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Yeah sisco, me too. Seemed to take a long time to ripen.
After all the false starts, it feels good to finally take them down.

The 72g went for hash oil not edible oil. I stripped all the wood from the buds and overdried it all slightly so it would crumble to powder. Both strains from this grow are less potent than my current stash so I thought I'd try an isopropyl rinse to concentrate the good stuff. It's not the best oil I've ever smoked but the effects are so much more powerful than smoking the bud. So instead of 72g of bud that was a little better than the local supply, I have a few grams of hash oil that are much nicer to smoke and much better than anything local. I couldn't find the right glass vials for storage so I have no idea how much oil I ended up with. looks like 5 or 6 ml from the first rinse and maybe 1.5 ml from the second. I kept the first rinse separate for each strain but the second rinse was combined.

I guess it could still be used for cooking as long as it was mixed with butter or cooking oil, but its very nice for the head as is.

Mmmmick WoW, I've never smoked oil before :reading420magazine: So, how much does the trick? How do you smoke oil? I'm a virgin at this stuff.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Sisco, I love the stuff. Super potent, a small drop on the end of a pin smeared on a rolling paper can be rolled with whatever you want to smoke or just tear small strips and pop them in a pipe. Vaporizers work if you drop the oil on some bud(some have a ceramic insert that will take the oil directly), or oil can be done on any hot metal surface. My lungs can't handle hotknives anymore, that blast of smoke is too much for me and it hurts when I fall down, lol. but my little cautery tool allows a more controlled smoke. A small strip of rolling paper will flame up and ignite the oil then I blow the flame out and the oil smokes long enough for a couple of quick hits.

I use this. Small strip of oiled rolling paper balled up and set on the tip. A couple of hits and I'm good for hours. Which leaves the other 8 strips of the paper I started with for other evenings, heheh.






BTW, oil can be made from your fan leaves and stems also, just requires more solvent to cover more material. I use 99% isopropanol, which is relatively cheap.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Congratulations Mmmmick!

You did it and what a finish! I'm sure glad I got back in time to see it.

You did it from beginning to the end this time. Good on ya Brother!

Love that oil.....believe it or not I once had two keys of it! Just a little dab will do it!

I know you have more planned.....I'll just wait and see what it is.

Sure glad you have a stash now and can go at a natural speed now.

Wonderful Mate! :):)
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hey sisco. It doesn't have much smell or taste, to me at least, but of course potency is much better.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hi OMM, good to see you're over the pneumonia, or at least in recovery mode.:bravo:
Wow, 2 keys is a lot of oil. I've never seen more than an ounce at one time.

Thank you, my friend. I have a few strains on hand and I'm thinking two Rocklocks in bigger containers for my next run but I'm planning to do one run at a time from here on. I need to keep my plant numbers down. I got a little ahead of myself with two demos, particularly when they drag out as these two did. I should have just continued with my original clones in this grow. There was really nothing wrong with them once they got established.
I will definitely do another run with this light because I don't think this grow demonstrated anything other than the resilience of the plants to survive in poor conditions. I guess the veg side went well but the flower cycle fell short partway through, so I'll try to fill that gap sometime in the next couple of months to avoid the heat isues that caused or at least started most of the grief.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hi OMM, good to see you're over the pneumonia, or at least in recovery mode.:bravo:
Wow, 2 keys is a lot of oil. I've never seen more than an ounce at one time.

Thank you, my friend. I have a few strains on hand and I'm thinking two Rocklocks in bigger containers for my next run but I'm planning to do one run at a time from here on. I need to keep my plant numbers down. I got a little ahead of myself with two demos, particularly when they drag out as these two did. I should have just continued with my original clones in this grow. There was really nothing wrong with them once they got established.
I will definitely do another run with this light because I don't think this grow demonstrated anything other than the resilience of the plants to survive in poor conditions. I guess the veg side went well but the flower cycle fell short partway through, so I'll try to fill that gap sometime in the next couple of months to avoid the heat isues that caused or at least started most of the grief.

Hi My Friend :)

Feeling much better, thank you.

Rocklock sounds good....good Ole couchlock. Right up my alley. :ganjamon:
I will probably get around to planting my 2 soon. I think one run at a time sounds good. Less to worry about and less to do and easier to keep watch over. I figured you would be working on the heat problem. Think it stressed you and the plants!
That light will do better maybe....worries me about flowering though. You know more about it than I do, so I'm not about to pass judgment on it.

Glad you have stash more buying for a while. :ganjamon:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Good to hear OMM, now the hard part is taking it slow. Keep the energy levels up so you can fight off those nasty micro beasties.
I've got 2 Rocklocks going into 3 gallon bags today. I'll veg them for a short spell to allow them to take to the screen, then put them into flower mode.
When I began I had no intention or need to go bigger than my original closet so I'm certain one run at a time can fill my needs.

Yeah the heat was a problem and I don't have the extra cash to add air conditioning so I'll schedule around the worst of the summer. It was my first grow on the main level of the house and now I know what to expect.

This LED has generated some differing opinions as to whether it can flower plants but there have been a few grow journals where it did well. I'll let the plants form my opinion next time around when they don't have external problems generated by me or their environment. If others can finish a grow with this design then I should be able to as well.

The stash is supplemented by my hash oil run so I should be good.:thumb:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hey sisco, I'll keep this journal open for the Rocklocks. Gotta see how this led flowers for me. Thanks for hangin' bro.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Thanks sisco

you're fine peeps too, so you must be in the right place.:ganjamon:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Now it's time to enjoy. Looks Great and better luck with the next one Keepem Green
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