Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4 x Super Skunk x Grape Crush

Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Thanks Norcali, got some oil out of it and learned a few things of value so it's all good.
Glad you had a chance to drop in.:welcome:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hi Mmmmick :blunt:

Sounds like you've got it under control now. Who knows why the last group didn't flower well in the last grow. You watch,,,It will do much better this time...
just a feeling I have. :popcorn:

Totally agree....just keep a reasonable stash on hand.

Note about the oil I had. Had to freeze the stuff to handle it. Cut it off with a razor. Stickiest stuff in the world. A mess....made a hand full on it though! :)
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hi OMM, happy Thanksgiving.

I'll get there sooner or later. In the meantime it's educational and a great hobby. Sometimes those feelings are spot on.

yep the oil is a messy affair, no question. Great effects, though I find it a little hard on the lungs. I think I'm beyond the age where hot knives are a good idea, lol.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Thanks sisco, I trust your's went well.
I hate my in-laws, but I got stoned and made me a Turkey and Cranberry sauce sandwich that was pretty good.

I don't care for TG, IMHO it is a filthy day of gorging and over spending. At the end of the night most of the un- touched food made it's way to the garbage. That sickens me, but my wife grew up in this sort of thing and now.. well I have to hang out with her family too.

Hope you had a nice relaxing day.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

lol sorry about the inlaws, I doubt you're alone in that sentiment.
A nice buzz and a turkey and cranberry sandwich sounds all right.:thumb:
Nothing goes to waste here, if I can avoid it. I even make turkey soup with the scraps. I spent more than a few hungry days in my early teens, gives a different perspective.:peacetwo:

Our Thanksgiving is the second Monday in October, but I'm retired so every day is relaxing.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

My friends and I started celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving this year. It's cool having two Turkey Days; get to spend one with the family, and one with the people I like!

And for the record, I don't even like turkey that much. I'm all about the ham.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Home made turkey soup is great. Definitely worth the extra work.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Great idea JG, now if only you got an extra holiday out of the deal. I like both, but there's a shop in town that does unbelievable hams.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Had my soup today! I'll tell you what, that was better than any soup I have ever bought. Everyone loved it (at least that's what they said) I had two big helpings. I use Lemon juice and Hot sauce in mine, gets me so high.

How's your grow going so far? I just noticed some discoloration on a couple of my girls, I'm keeping a close eye on them. Hope yours are doing well, :reading420magazine: I'm off to bed now. Good night.:peace:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

lemon juice and hot sauce, hmmmm. Might be worth a try.

I put 2 Rocklock clones under the screen Sunday night/Monday morning. They've had a couple of days to settle in so I guess they can show themselves now.

I've got some discoloration on mine as well. Shared a tray while they were getting established and they don't seem to like the same nute mix as my others. The new growth looks fine so far. I wasn't planning to document the veg time but I don't think they'll veg for very long anyway, so I might as well. The first set of Rocklock clones didn't fare well. These 2 were cut about 5 weeks ago.


Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

This was the only type of mylar that was available locally, so i decided to try it. I haven't noticed any problems due to hotspots. I don't think it's a major issue with leds.

The other side of the cabinet has a dimpled mylar that was acquired later on, elsewhere.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

High Mmmmick!

I've been shying away from long journals because of the time involved trying to catch up, but I'm missing most of the best growers doing that... like you!

So now I'll just jump in anywhere and try to catch up if and when I can.

I love that scrog framework. How long after you take your clones do you start flowering them?

Thanks and take care....:ganjamon:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

High BlueDog, welcome.

I know what you mean about long journals. I recently added page numbers in my sig for the start of the latest segment to help new readers begin with the latest grow instead of starting way back at the beginning and wading thru all my screwups.

I've got a long way to go before I'd consider myself anywhere near the best but it's lots of fun learning and I do appreciate the compliment.

Thanks re the scrog frame, I made it height adjustable to work around my lack of experience.
I let the clones go until they have filled around 80% of the available scrog space. Just a rough guide until I get a handle on a few different strains.

Feel free to speak up if you see anything questionable going on or have any suggestions to offer.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hey Buddy! Is that a new screen or the old one. I'm way out of touch.
420 doesn't notify me of new post in subscribed journals any more. Thought I turned it back on, but no. Do you know how to do it! OMM's confused again, but that's normal.:ganjamon:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

High BlueDog, welcome.

I know what you mean about long journals. I recently added page numbers in my sig for the start of the latest segment to help new readers begin with the latest grow instead of starting way back at the beginning and wading thru all my screwups.

I've got a long way to go before I'd consider myself anywhere near the best but it's lots of fun learning and I do appreciate the compliment.

Thanks re the scrog frame, I made it height adjustable to work around my lack of experience.
I let the clones go until they have filled around 80% of the available scrog space. Just a rough guide until I get a handle on a few different strains.

Feel free to speak up if you see anything questionable going on or have any suggestions to offer.

Thanks for the warm welcome! I doubt I'll have many suggestions but I will be watching to learn.

I really like your scrog screen... do you detail how you made it anywhere? That's giving me some ideas now that I'm seeing the limitations of my grow space. I'm going to either need a screen or a vertical light to make it work to it's capacity.

Take care! :peacetwo:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hey Buddy! Is that a new screen or the old one. I'm way out of touch.
420 doesn't notify me of new post in subscribed journals any more. Thought I turned it back on, but no. Do you know how to do it! OMM's confused again, but that's normal.:ganjamon:

I can't believe the man did that to you OMM! I'd ask a staff member for some help, the only idea I have is to undo all your subscriptions then add them back with that option turned on, but that's far from ideal. :peacetwo: mon ami.
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