How about this one was hanging around my front door for about a month last year. It's a cat faced spider.
Okay Smokey I thought we were friends
How about this one was hanging around my front door for about a month last year. It's a cat faced spider.
I thought we were friends?!

WTH! That's disgusting! Omg it would pop if you killed it.

Close your eyes..... I swear it said my name.... Mmmooommmaaa...Mmmoommmmaaa

I don't hate them completely, but I do think they belong in a forest and approx 25 miles out of my bubble!

The laying in bed thing it's real.... those spider mites man got in my head. Sneaky little freaks...

I still luv ya Smokey.:hug: Just you not your friends lol

I'm going to figure out how to load a video properly today so I can do more, and not break the rules.... ugh my bad.

sooo hang tight :thumb: :love:
Packed his bags when the weed was gone, can't blame him. If he was smart he'd go closer to your kitchen your such a great cook! :love:

Off to do so fun shopping @VS! Surprise my hubby for our anniversary.... probably way to much info but whatever. Packing a nice picnic to put on the bikes and go to the ocean for a nice candle light dinner.

I'll post pic later:love:
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