Mr Teddy Grows Indoors & Out In 2015

Well well mr. Teddy, it's been a while since I last poke my head in to write something! Don't worry I am still a constant stalker of you'r ladies, looking upon then much like that kitten in the pic. Have to say how truly gorgeous those babies are!

Perhaps one day I will invite myself to your mansion and test some of that Greek coffee! :laughtwo:

Sending loads of love!!!:circle-of-love:
I like the way daTenshi thinks :) I could go for coffee at a lordly greek mansion! Don't worry if I get lost up the mountain of organic wonder ingredients, (highly probable :rollit:) I know a magnificent dog who'll save me!

So glad to catch up with you, Oh Great and Powerful Lord Teddy! :adore: You're definitely building quite the greek cannabis kingdom, over here it almost sounds like its out of a fairy tale. I'm expecting a Satyr playing a flute to stroll through one of your garden pics and sit down for a bowl :love: ...if there's any room for satyrs in that garden with all those english tomatoes anyways lol.

In all seriousness I'm so proud and impressed to see what you're doing out there! Around this time last year you had some scraggly autos. Now, all this. Just goes to show the power of learning from 420 mag. I love this site. So many bright people... fun to talk to and read their writing, and learn together as we grow. Glad to be back Mr. Mod Teddy! I can't wait to watch the rest of this grow. Subbed. I hope Mrs. Teddy has been well cared for lately! I know she'll be very happy soon. :love:

P.S. It's great to see you posting again too PeeJay! Every time you take time to explain something I appreciate it. I have to head over to the breeding journal next! I'm glad that Teddy's lovely journal lured you back in for us, I don't blame you its such a fun, funny, but serious growing journal. Hope you'll stick around! :)
How wonderful that all my lovely virtual ladies are here. :ciao: everyone. And so right SoilGirl - when I remember those tiny, scraggly autos I had outside last year. :laugh: And you were all so nice to me. My my, what a difference a year and a wonderful bunch of experienced chums make.

So onto my real-life girls here...


Tent girls, out for some sunshine and tea:

Master Kush#1

Mazar #1

Blueberry #1

Master Kush #2

Mazar #2

Blueberry #2

As you see, they are nearing the end. Blueberries will finish first, as they did this winter, and the Mazar's take their own, sweet time.

I had three plants in the tent over winter. The six I have now are of course not as large as the winter crop, and the buds are certainly smaller. There's cupidity for you. So I think under the P450 in the 4x4 tent that four would be a maximum number from now on. Still, no complaints as samples have, as you may image, already been enjoyed.

Onto the two planted in open soil.

The poor, regular Afghani in the veg plot is stretching up for sun and trying to see over the tomatoes (which have gone crazy on the nettle and Horsetail fern tea). She's about 30" now. Healthy though. Watching for those first signs of sex...

And the Desfran in the sunny back boarder seems to be enjoying herself. About 42" tall now. Tea once a week and Kelp foliar sprays twice a week. I love this lady.

And here are the rest of the potted gang.

Back and middle rows: Dark Star, SAGEs and KC45s, a couple of Afghanis and the potted Desfran in the big black bucket that Frisian Dew did well in last year. I'll introduce you to the little ones in front in a moment.

All the family - in the foreground is one of the lanky, flowering Cookies Kush. Bud on a stick all right. At least it's a big stick:

My first clone. *stupid proud*

And allow me to formally introduce you to *best 70's gameshow host voice* five very special little ladies. My own Nolan Sisters.

Grape Dog (Grape Ape x CHEM 91 x SOMA NYLD):

Aurora Ultra Confidential:

Two Sour Diesels:

And an Aurora Ultra:

That's it for now from the land of imminent financial collapse. Got to go 40 miles and join the massive queue at the nearest ATM machine. But we still have the forest and the sea. That's more than many can say.

Pip Pip! Playmates. :love:Mr Teddy x
the whole taking ten minutes to fall down the stairs groove.

I know what you mean, Bapple. But Greece fell down the stairs eight years ago. Since then it's just been kicked whilst down by the Germans.

No cash currently available, so that was a wasted 80 mile round trip. And don't even think about going into an actual bank. It's like a Bruegel painting inside. So we're all living off credit from Afrodite at the village mini-market.

Now if only we had something to sample that might ease our mental stress...*'ang on, lads. I've got an idea*
Now if only we had something to sample that might ease our mental stress...*'ang on, lads. I've got an idea*

LOL, that's the spirit :thumb:

We make light of it but I imagine it's quite unsettling.

Have a super weekend Mr T!
I know what you mean, Bapple. But Greece fell down the stairs eight years ago. Since then it's just been kicked whilst down by the Germans.

No cash currently available, so that was a wasted 80 mile round trip. And don't even think about going into an actual bank. It's like a Bruegel painting inside. So we're all living off credit from Afrodite at the village mini-market.

Now if only we had something to sample that might ease our mental stress...*'ang on, lads. I've got an idea*

Hard on Afrodite, because non-flowing cash is not sustainable.

Too bad your best barter product isn't legal to trade.
Things are looking frosty on the bloomers. Does your chest puff out more when you stand next to the sternum high Desfran or when you smile at the clone? They are loving the summer heat. Nice family, Mr. T!
Admiring that happy jungle you have going there Mr. Teddy. I'd be hard-pressed to pick a favorite. You and Mrs. Teddy are in my thoughts. :love:
:420:Best of luck Mr Teddy I am sure though your mate Mr Edwards will keep you in your fav dog food:lot-o-toke:
I feel scared for you my friend this aint no pick nick
Its real an I am very worried about you please be safe brother
All our love keeping all fingers an toes crossed for the decisions over the next few days
Lots of love from me an the P:circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
Hard on Afrodite, because non-flowing cash is not sustainable.

Too bad your best barter product isn't legal to trade.
True on both counts, Rad.:thumb:

They say the banks may close tomorrow and daily restrictions on withdrawals have already been made by some of them. The government will impose a national restriction if the result of the referendum on the 5th July on whether to accept Europe's terms is 'No'. Essentially it's an in/out of the EU referendum. Certainly here in the countryside the locals will vote 'Out'. I think that's the wrong decision, but, my God, I truly understand why they'd make that choice. Not the place for a full discussion on this - some Mod or other, bless 'em, they do a fantastic job y'know, will be telling me I've gone too far off-topic. But I shall subtly weave in the domestic trials and tribulations whilst discussing the sex of my Afghani's. Which I need to. Maybe 4 out of 4 queens. Maybe.

Things are looking frosty on the bloomers. Does your chest puff out more when you stand next to the sternum high Desfran or when you smile at the clone? They are loving the summer heat. Nice family, Mr. T!
:thanks: PJ. I saw you used a photo of mine to demonstrate what plants should NOT look like at 15 days. :rofl:Glad to be of service.

In answer to your question - my manly chest almost bursts at the clone, every time. I love taking cuttings from my (and others') garden plants and growing them on. With money tight (see above) I've been doing a lot of that in the regular garden this year. Incredibly satisfying. So it must be time for my once-a-thread gardening joke. Welcome back, old friend:
When's the best time to take cuttings?
When nobody's looking.

Admiring that happy jungle you have going there Mr. Teddy. I'd be hard-pressed to pick a favorite. You and Mrs. Teddy are in my thoughts. :love:
:thanks: SweetSue. And you, my dear, are certainly in ours. :circle-of-love:

:420:Best of luck Mr Teddy I am sure though your mate Mr Edwards will keep you in your fav dog food:lot-o-toke:
I feel scared for you my friend this aint no pick nick
Its real an I am very worried about you please be safe brother
All our love keeping all fingers an toes crossed for the decisions over the next few days
Lots of love from me an the P:circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
Hey amigo. :ciao: Did I pick up word on the wire that you are having connection problems? In which case, especial thanks for popping in here.

Don't worry - the media says what the media says, politicians do what politicians do, and us regular folk get by. And have a laugh while we're doing it. You know that. ;)

Teddy will certainly be fine. His favourite food is free - bones. The nearest butcher, a couple of villages away, looks like your ultimate vision of a cleaver-wielding, blood-stained nightmare. Alexandros is, of course, the nicest bloke in the world, and he loves my dog, so Teddy is never short of something to gnaw and bury.

Hope you get your internet sorted soon.:Namaste:
How wonderful that all my lovely virtual ladies are here. :ciao: everyone. And so right SoilGirl - when I remember those tiny, scraggly autos I had outside last year. :laugh: And you were all so nice to me. My my, what a difference a year and a wonderful bunch of experienced chums make.

So onto my real-life girls here...

That's it for now from the land of imminent financial collapse. Got to go 40 miles and join the massive queue at the nearest ATM machine. But we still have the forest and the sea. That's more than many can say.

Pip Pip! Playmates. :love:Mr Teddy x

Pip Pip! Back Atcha Lord Teddy

What an incredible update. Everything looks so ......Lookable.

You're going to need longer support sticks.....such a problem most growers would love to have. :laughtwo:

Special thoughts are always being sent to you during the crisis time in your corner of the world.

Oh Mr. Teddy your plants are just stunning, such gorgeous buds. :) I'm so happy for you. Those look absolutely top shelf, and you're going to have jars and jars full. :circle-of-love: I wish I could visit your beautiful garden more than ever. Awful about the crisis though, my thoughts are with you on the financial front. Scary stuff.. but like you said, the regular people will get by, they actually remember how to get food without a drive to the grocery. I wonder how an exit from the eurozone would even work, I don't blame those people around you for wanting out either though. It seems like the rest of Europe is punishing Greece like a smothering parent. As if that's going to help :\ ..oh right 4 of 4 Afghani queens, sexy stuff! :rollit:
Because we're a few hours ahead of the US, may I be one of the first to wish all my American friends a Happy, Peaceful and Green 4th July.

We Brits lost you. But you've done pretty well on your own.

The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.

So John Adams' prediction was off by two days, but I trust you still enjoy "pomp and parade".

Bless you all.:amen:
:ciao: Playmates.

And thank you, lovely ladies, for your kind words and supportive comments. And yes, daTenshi, a care package of folding euros would be most appreciated. :laughtwo:

Well the referendum is tomorrow and there's no good result. It'll be major hardship for the people either way. They are printing Drachmas right now. And whether I speak to Jannis the bin man (who lets me ride on the back of the truck back from the village - it's my and Teddy's very favourite thing right now) or Tolli the wealthy Athenian and my nearest neighbour, everyone says that it's pointless and nobody knows what the consequences of a vote either way will be. I truly love the Greek people and it's terrible to see them suffering so badly. The only people I have ever met who are as open and welcoming are Americans. I actually saw, whilst in an ATM queue yesterday, a fight break out. And so it begins. It's all going a bit JG Ballard.

Two days ago I potted on the five smaller, younger girls - Aurora Ultra, Aurora Ultra Confidential, GrapeDog, and Sour Diesels. The force is strong with them. (Plus a KC45. The three KC45s have much paler, lime-green leaves. Not sure whether that's just how they are or whether they need a nitrogen shot). Thanks to Mrs Teddy's illimitable tolerance the soil has been in a pile in front of the house for about a month. For those lurking - because I know my Playmates are adept and confident - I water them a couple of hours before transplant because the damp with the root ball holds them together well. Then pop crocks in the pots, a little soil, pop in the plant and back-fill around the pot. Then twist and ease out so you're left with a perfect hole. Ease the plant out of its old pot and into the the new one. Pat down to ensure no air pockets, water in and put your fiercest dog on guard. Robert is your mother's brother.

My soil mix is one-third perlte, one-third peat moss, one-sixth worm castings, one-sixth my own garden compost and one-sixth black humus from the forest. Oh, and a spade or two of natural zeolite for slow release of nitrogen and potassium and as a water moderator.

The girls have been moved to different spots around the property. In completely unrelated news, they have got rid of the friendly local village cop and replaced him with a bloke with stripes from Athens. He's coming down heavily on all local farmers who haven't got insurance on their beaten up old 4x4 flatbeds. I'm not saying it's right not to have car insurance, but these are poor farmers who just drive to and from their local olive and fruit orchards. What's the point of giving them a 550euro fine that they can't pay? So just for extra safety, every girl is quite out of sight. It means an hour or two's less direct sunshine on them but it also means that Mrs T sleeps better.

To end on a happier and stickier note, here's a Blueberry bud from the tent. Any day now...

Pip Pip! :love:Mr Teddy x
Because we're a few hours ahead of the US, may I be one of the first to wish all my American friends a Happy, Peaceful and Green 4th July.

We Brits lost you. But you've done pretty well on your own.

The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.

So John Adams' prediction was off by two days, but I trust you still enjoy "pomp and parade".

Bless you all.:amen:

"from one end of this continent to the other... " There is that British Manifest Destiny showing again. You didn't lose America, we just became a spinoff corporation.
Lester Freeman (aka Relaxed Lester) runs KC45. I believe there are several phenotypes. As I recall, his are wispy and a standard color.

Magnificently smart Mr Teddy, riding with Janis the Bin Man.

Currency and governments collapse but plants keep growing and people keep skoodly-pooping. C'est la vie. God save the queen. Patrick James (aka Bob) is my mother's brother-in-law. A Manchester bloke, or Manchester United man, never been sure.
Hullo Rad. :ciao: I always thought Manifest Destiny was a 19th century American concept - an almost divine right to spread West and continue the agrarian colonisation. And I'd argue that American influence on the Brits has been much greater than visa versa - apart of course from popular music where we've always had the best bands, (excepting but not exclusively Stevie Wonder, Willie Nelson, The Beach Boys - so much better than the Beatles - absolutely all jazz, the renaissance of mid 20th century swing, all country, Dolly, Cash, Gill, Zappa, Bruce, Jimi, Little Feat...oh, ok, better music too). I mean, there's even a movement in England to mis-spell 'colour' and 'neighbour'. And 'colonisation'. :cheesygrinsmiley:

EDIT: We posted simultaneously. Yes, I've been back and looked at Lester's KC45's. Mine are very limey. :laughtwo: Healthy, but limey. Perhaps an extra dose of nettle tea is called for. God Save The Queen indeed. The woman is absolutely faultless. We shall not see her like again.
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