Mr Teddy's Greek Indoor Grow - Indicas - Soil - LEDs

There are no legal loopholes here, my friend. Democrates invented the concept of democracy. I'm convinced that there was a 5th century Athenian called Beaurocates who invented the idea of paperwork. :rofl:

Beaurocratise I love that thing is he maybe exists
Tell you what though see the way your grow done on that well water I would dream of being able to do that did you check the PH
I am fair to sure it will be near bang on some how got to go up I am late for my evening smoke
P.S. try not to worry about root rot you are just getting over a possible salt lock:rofl:honestly her lil roots will be ok I heard its a lil like
us having our feet in warm water for to long an getting washer women feet it will stress her a bit may slow her for a while but she will
be fine Fingers crossed praying to God :high-five:Only joking she will be fine
I love that you are living the dream of your life. High in the mountains of northern Greece. Since you are a well read man, you know very few live their dreams in reality. Congratulations. :bravo:

Thanks, OMM. We are very fortunate to be here. Many of our chums back in Blighty say "Ooo, you're so lucky". But there's nothing to stop many of them doing the same. Except the actual doing of it. Wanting it enough. Action against habit is what changes things I think. And for Mrs Teddy and me, that sort of change is what keeps us breathing happily, keeps us alive not just living.

Not that one doesn't have to earn the dream. Example - I've been laid flat with back pain for the last couple of days, having shifted a couple of tonnes of firewood into the apotheki. Ha! Sometimes my body reminds me I'm in my mid 50s not mid 20s. (Like when I look in the mirror). But today I rise from my bed like Lazarus to plant on my winter lettuce and rocket. So this afternoon, at lights on, it will be time for some pics and an update. When I checked yesterday, they were looking lovely. And I decided to treat the browned leaves like I do the black spot on my roses - ignore it and enjoy the flowers. :laughtwo:

Have a fine weekend. :circle-of-love:
I think Lazarus wanted still to be dead, your alive an living. Inspirational mr teddy oh and mrs teddy,and teddy don't care where he is as long as it's beside you both, lol.
Your plants will be fine mr...
Hope Your've got enough wood to last ya, too much is still not enough. I have one to and nothing worse than having enough as long as its rationed out, lol.
Have you read papillon?
Peace mr teddy :)

It was a glorious late November day. Bright, low sunlight from clear, ice-blue skies. A day to clear the leaves, pull the tangled, finished Morning Glories from the fences and pot on the rocket and winter lettuce seedlings. A day to work in the long shadows.

An apotheki runs around the house. It acts as insulation from both heat and cold. Its other role is as a long, narrow shed where the winter firewood is stacked and soil and tools are untidily kept. And, because it's cool and the air flows through the slatted doors, it's where the harvest is hung.

I'm determined that The Last Post I sounded on my outdoor journal will be just that. But as the evening sun caught the hanging buds of Frisian Dew I had to snap 'em; so I'll post them here. She smells of a pungent but heady mixture of unripe limes, (the predominant colour), with diesel bass-notes. Mrs Teddy said it was sexy. Mr Teddy is quite happy with that.


Back in the less photogenic tent, the three sisters are on their fifth or sixth sets of leaves, some 5 some 7 leafed. There's some browning and curling of bottom leaves, but up top all is well, so I'm being Lestered. I have another theory about the browning. Long-term readers from my outdoor journal will remember that I had a similar problem at this stage in the summer. It was the same seedling soil. So although in the summer we put it down to me keeping them in the boiling sun with the gas on high - which itself wasn't good - it may be that this commercial soil - neutral pH, no added nutes it says - is somehow too much. If so, then they are moving now into the veg mix and look very happy with life. That's the tell. Here's the show:


Ola kala. Kali nichta.
:love: Mr Teddy x
Looking good Mr. T. Next time around I suggest that you dry your bud inside...easier to keep them in the dark as light degrades cannabinoids, also easier to maintain a steady temperature whereas outside with the temperature fluctuations, you will have atmospheric rH changes that will cause bud moisture content to react up & down too. Very nice looking buds!
looking good. the plants are struggling with the nutrients in the soil so make sure you're giving them plain water for now.
Your plants look so much like some of my plants right now they could be twins. Like b.real said, yeah you have some rich soil. I mixed my soil a touch hot this time around too but the issues clear up over the first 2 weeks after transplant (given only rainwater). I'm sure your plants will follow suit. :Namaste:

I'm so glad Mrs. Teddy is loving that beautiful frisian dew! You must be proud Mr. Teddy! :) You SHOULD be. That was a gorgeous plant.

I saw daTs mention you should have left them under the CFL's - I can't help agreeing with her. I've had 6 plants vegging under a single 40w clamp cfl for weeks, and while it wasn't an optimal beginning for them they actually ended up doing great. those CFL's alone are more than enough light to keep your plants happy for the next few weeks, and actually may keep node spacing noticeably tighter than if you have them under the LED alone. Just saying. It may be worth trying. :love:

Looks great though so far Mr. Teddy, give the hero dog some lovin' for me! :ciao:
Real Nice Mr Teddy :circle-of-love:
I must let you in on something until my Mrs became Padmavati a given name from India ,, she was my Mrs Teddy :bigblush:
Sorry just had to mention it you could be her Ted Brother me I am a henpecked Rabbit she used to call Mr Bunny:geek: Then the year after I wa given the Jagamohan Dasa title in 2009 so Mrs Ted an mr Bun have had a small revival since you came along:volcano-smiley:
The Frisian dew looks scrumy nice lovely looking nugs will you jar it up an cure it or like me just dive straight into it:volcano-smiley:
how ever simply enjoy the benefits of a great herb always it is a blessing from the Universeal God,s
O crap I am a rambeling I wanted to ask since you are in Greeck terrain have you ever been to the Helidorus Garuda colum he put it someplace in Greece an it has proof that he was a vaishnava the first in the West maybe have a great day hope I didnt ramble to much
Looking good Mr. T. Next time around I suggest that you dry your bud inside...easier to keep them in the dark as light degrades cannabinoids, also easier to maintain a steady temperature whereas outside with the temperature fluctuations, you will have atmospheric rH changes that will cause bud moisture content to react up & down too. Very nice looking buds!

Advice noted and taken, brightlight. :thanks: They are nearly dry now, but I have covered the door in black plastic to keep the light out for a few days.:circle-of-love:

looking good. the plants are struggling with the nutrients in the soil so make sure you're giving them plain water for now.

Will do, b.real. Nada nutes. Promise. :cheer:

Your plants look so much like some of my plants right now they could be twins. Like b.real said, yeah you have some rich soil. I mixed my soil a touch hot this time around too but the issues clear up over the first 2 weeks after transplant (given only rainwater). I'm sure your plants will follow suit. :Namaste:

I'm so glad Mrs. Teddy is loving that beautiful frisian dew! You must be proud Mr. Teddy! :) You SHOULD be. That was a gorgeous plant.

I saw daTs mention you should have left them under the CFL's - I can't help agreeing with her. I've had 6 plants vegging under a single 40w clamp cfl for weeks, and while it wasn't an optimal beginning for them they actually ended up doing great. those CFL's alone are more than enough light to keep your plants happy for the next few weeks, and actually may keep node spacing noticeably tighter than if you have them under the LED alone. Just saying. It may be worth trying. :love:

Looks great though so far Mr. Teddy, give the hero dog some lovin' for me! :ciao:

Yes, SG, I know, I know. (See post above concerning cricket bats and Christmas). Should have left them under the CFLs for longer. I will do next time. Promise no.2. Mind you, if I had TWO tents I could use the LEDs for flower and the CFLs for veg and also clone and keep a mother and be perpetual and and and...hmmm Note To Self: Raise second tent subject gently with Mrs T at appropriate moment.

PS Canine Teddy would say Hello, but he's fallen in love with a rag-a-muffin mutt and spends all his time just staring at her with his Freddie Mercury mascara eyes. You see there's a problem. She's too tall for him. But he tries. My Lord, he tries. :rofl:
Real Nice Mr Teddy :circle-of-love:
I must let you in on something until my Mrs became Padmavati a given name from India ,, she was my Mrs Teddy :bigblush:
Sorry just had to mention it you could be her Ted Brother me I am a henpecked Rabbit she used to call Mr Bunny:geek: Then the year after I wa given the Jagamohan Dasa title in 2009 so Mrs Ted an mr Bun have had a small revival since you came along:volcano-smiley:
The Frisian dew looks scrumy nice lovely looking nugs will you jar it up an cure it or like me just dive straight into it:volcano-smiley:
how ever simply enjoy the benefits of a great herb always it is a blessing from the Universeal God,s
O crap I am a rambeling I wanted to ask since you are in Greeck terrain have you ever been to the Helidorus Garuda colum he put it someplace in Greece an it has proof that he was a vaishnava the first in the West maybe have a great day hope I didnt ramble to much

:laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo: I love a bit of romance.

I strongly suspect that we will try a dried bud in a few days. :cheesygrinsmiley: But I would like to taste and smell the benefits of a proper cure since we haven't had the patience so far. Now we've got a little stash on the go however, some buds can be finished properly. ;)

No you don't ramble, jaga. I love your posts. I looked up that column, but if I have the right one wiki says it's in India - it just came from a Greek ambassador who was a convert.

Looking amazing! there mr T great job :circle-of-love:

Thank you, daTenshi. Hope you have an easier week on the work front.
Yes, SG, I know, I know. (See post above concerning cricket bats and Christmas). Should have left them under the CFLs for longer. I will do next time. Promise no.2. Mind you, if I had TWO tents I could use the LEDs for flower and the CFLs for veg and also clone and keep a mother and be perpetual and and and...hmmm Note To Self: Raise second tent subject gently with Mrs T at appropriate moment.

PS Canine Teddy would say Hello, but he's fallen in love with a rag-a-muffin mutt and spends all his time just staring at her with his Freddie Mercury mascara eyes. You see there's a problem. She's too tall for him. But he tries. My Lord, he tries. :rofl:
Your writing always gives me a huge smile Mr. Teddy. You're so good with imagery. Poor little Canine Teddy, his heart's taller than his legs. :laughtwo: Best of luck broaching the tent subject with Mrs. T!! hahaha
:ciao: Playmates.

This afternoon the three girls have had a good watering, five days since the last one and Bluberry in particular was just starting to droop. I went down to the saint's spring yesterday in the pouring rain to fill a 35l container. I wanted the fiercely cold spring water to warm a little. Pansatis, the village mayor, drove past in his old Toyota flatbed. Long time readers know all about the walrus moustached, pot-bellied, loose-moraled mason. He looked at me as if I was completely crazy. I know he'll ask me what I was doing when I next see him in the cafe in the square. I'll tell him that we love it and drink it. We often do. Experience has taught me that a good lie always has a kernel of truth. :cheesygrinsmiley:

The girls were each dunked into the water in their airpots, as recommended by OMM :)thanks:), and left for 15 minutes. (Mrs Teddy allowed me use of her exclusive bath as long as I cleaned up afterwards). Amazing the amount they took up. They seem to love the Platinum P450 light. The new growth is green and vigourous. There is still a little soil-burn browning (I won't be using that seedling soil again) and the bottom-most affected leaves are on their way out but I remain, as always, positive and chipper. :laughtwo: The temperature dropped a couple of days ago but the heater is keeping the tent at around 25C. As the temp went down the RH dropped to 35, so there's now a wet towel as well as a water bowl in there, which has brought it up to 40-42.

In fact, I should go and take a couple of snaps for you....

*Uploads photos whilst Mrs Teddy finds soil on bathroom floor. uh-oh. Let's not raise the idea of a second tent tonight*

Here they are. 26 days old today:


I'm wondering when I should top them. Maybe let them fully recover from the soil burn first, eh?

OK, my lesson learnt, I'm off to wash the bathroom floor....:laughtwo:

Pip Pip!
:love: Mr Teddy x
Hello Mr Teddy I wanna no more about the Walrus:volcano-smiley:
Your plants saying are they Love you,, but you are right I think with the soil maybe being a lil rich at the mo for them:goodjob:
O an the other day when I was here well I just cant believe I put that down(about my Ted) OMG I truly dont no when to be a lil quiet ,,, :cheesygrinsmiley::laughtwo::rofl::rofl:
Your grow is going very well I think you must be happy :circle-of-love::goodjob::circle-of-love:

O an the other day when I was here well I just cant believe I put that down(about my Ted) OMG I truly dont no when to be a lil quiet ,,, :cheesygrinsmiley::laughtwo::rofl::rofl:

Good evening my friend. you've told the world wide web and it's there for eternity. :laughtwo: But my Mrs Teddy thought it was the sweetest thing.

Bless you, jaga and thank you for the comments.
looking good and cool story about collecting water. "walrus mustached" lol.
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