My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

I have been following this closely out of curiosity mostly. i think the idea of growing 12/12 is quite interesting, obviously not the thing to do if stealth isnt an issue, but in many people situation I believe this is the way to go. lots of small bud bushes instead of bud trees. anyone have previous experience?
I can't to get back home tonight, even though i won't see them til morning cuz they'll be in lights out, i'm crazy excited about finding out whether i have boys or girls!
I have been following this closely out of curiosity mostly. i think the idea of growing 12/12 is quite interesting, obviously not the thing to do if stealth isnt an issue, but in many people situation I believe this is the way to go. lots of small bud bushes instead of bud trees. anyone have previous experience?
So far so good, this is my first grow in general, and to be truthfull i didnt' go 12/12 the whole way, they vegged under 18/6 for 6 days first, i didnt' even know about the 12/12 method then. the tallest, Lucy is about 9" and the rest are between 5-8"
18/6 for 6 days
12/12 for the last 16 days
22 days total, i have a second crop coming up in solo cups and 3 planted in a pot. those are true 12/12 so i guess we'll see the difference as I progress.
On a side note, I didn't get to make the carbon scrubber this weekend, i should have been back home today, but I'm still at my sisters, at some point during the week between work and school I'll get it done and post a step by step how to.
sorry for the short story that I wrote, I just wanted to give you all an update.!
cheers and happy growing to you all!
I have been following this closely out of curiosity mostly. i think the idea of growing 12/12 is quite interesting, obviously not the thing to do if stealth isnt an issue, but in many people situation I believe this is the way to go. lots of small bud bushes instead of bud trees. anyone have previous experience?

Thanks for following my journal coldbud, appreciate the interest.
So my Gf gets off work early and the lights are still on when she gets there, it's only 2pm. so she offers to take a few pics for me of sasha and daisy, the two i think are showing sex, and email them to me, (she knows how much i miss my girls)

she's very handy with a digi cam as you can see ;)

and then she took pics using the camera and the magnifying glass....

and i'm still not sure about daisy, but on sasha, those are WHISPY WHITE HAIRS THAT I SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can an expert please confirm so I can start doing the happy dance???
THank you so much Pan!!!!!, i'm dissapointed in daisy turning out to be a dude, but hey i'm not even risking him going near sasha, i'm gonna call my gf and tell her to toss him A.S.A.P and move the lights that were on him onto sasha!!!! Pan thanks a million for the clarification!!
sorry bout the dude, but hey, the chick is lookin good! i can't wait to see how the smell is...and how you hide it! i live in an apartment and the smell is the one thing keeping me from a crop right now.
sorry bout the dude, but hey, the chick is lookin good! i can't wait to see how the smell is...and how you hide it! i live in an apartment and the smell is the one thing keeping me from a crop right now.

thanks coldbud, yea sasha's been my favorite since they were wee seedlings lol, as far as the smell, still gonna build the carbon air filter, and thinking about using ONA as well, i read it in Dreads journal and i believe he said it worked great for him. I live in an apt too so the last thing i need are nosy neighbors getting suspicious
Sorry about the dude.
Whenever you see clusters that look like a bunch of grapes, it's a male.
Oh well, more room and light for your girl!

thanks for stoppin by tricome, yea i'm a little down about the dude but its all good, not stressing it at all, his lights will go to good use!
Sorry about the dude as well toss him the F..out! lol And dont be dissapointed man its all good stuff like that happens to most of us. You just have to brush them off it will happen! but the female is looking good! good luck
Sorry about the dude as well toss him the F..out! lol And dont be dissapointed man its all good stuff like that happens to most of us. You just have to brush them off it will happen! but the female is looking good! good luck

Thanks L8, not stressing the dude at all, his departure frees up more light and lumens for sasha.

Ok folks, i'm back from my weekend getaway and was beside myself with excitement to see the crop, I went a little picture happy this morning .
I've got pics of sasha's cola forming as well as a little LST job i'm trying to give Lucy, she seems like she's going to get pretty tall and as space is an issue for me i think it best I train her now.
I saw how much success L8 got with his LST job figured i'd give it a try.. well without furth adieu, heeeeere we go!



A side view of Lucy (left) and d'lila before Lucy's LST

Top view Lucy (left) and D'lila oh and my foot! lol
I will as soon as i get home, i'm at school right now and won't be home for another few hours.
the glare from the lights sometimes makes it hard to get a pic right on top without that bright light in the background
uh oh i hop nothings wrong...!! this is the best i can do until I get back home, I used photoshop to zoom in and save the image, is she ok???
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