Need help with defoliation

Today we see this… by cut a another one . how he can get this?





Hermaphrodite. The seeds you’ve been finding are either from self pollinating or you have a single hermaphroditic plant that has pollinated your entire grow. With that amount of stamens present and with their maturity that plant has fully switched into hermaphrodite mode and is no longer producing resin or anything valuable. That plant is fully focused on pollinating itself now and will pollinate all the plants around it.

The reasons for this can be many. Stress, light pollution, weak genetics, etc.
Hermaphrodite. The seeds you’ve been finding are either from self pollinating or you have a single hermaphroditic plant that has pollinated your entire grow. With that amount of stamens present and with their maturity that plant has fully switched into hermaphrodite mode and is no longer producing resin or anything valuable. That plant is fully focused on pollinating itself now and will pollinate all the plants around it.

The reasons for this can be many. Stress, light pollution, weak genetics, etc.
thank you, can the Hermaphrodite jump from tent to a another one? in the living room are 2 and 1 for the mother plants
Hermaphrodite is not "contagious". The male pollen sacks AKA bananas will fertilize the flowers. Those bananas pop open and disperse the pollen. Once they are fertile, they focus all effort into developing the seeds and the flower essentially dies. Pollen is carried by air currents and sticks to everything. It can stick to your hands, cloths or even shoes to be transported from one grow area to another. It is viable on the walls and surfaces of the "tent" for over a year so in-depth cleaning is required before the next grow.

Personally I would cut my losses and pull it. Gently throw a trash bag over it and close it tight around the stem base. Remove it from the room and then chop it at the base. You could make some canabutter out of it so not a complete loss.
i have it smoked.. a little turn and taste is good bit not strong… make some hash too :)

maybe the other tent is Infected:(
Unfortunately all you can look for is female hairs or male bananas. There is no pregnancy test for female flowers other than finding the seed inside the calyx after harvest. Swollen calyx can be from seed or resin building up. When life gives you pregnant girls make brownies. Once you get the bananas out of the party pregnancy isn't contagious.
Unfortunately all you can look for is female hairs or male bananas. There is no pregnancy test for female flowers other than finding the seed inside the calyx after harvest. Swollen calyx can be from seed or resin building up. When life gives you pregnant girls make brownies. Once you get the bananas out of the party pregnancy isn't contagious.
Can I still cut off the mother plant clone without the hermaphrodite?
Will they get pregnant again?
Or would you rather take a new mother?
Will clean the tent with chlorinated water before the next use...

I also have little hermaphrodite on the other genetics... can it perhaps also be tried by instead of IR light in the morning UV light?? According to the manufacturer 15 minutes IR before the Led and in the evening night the LED.. I have UV light at noon after 6 hours of LED light for 1.5h ??

Do I cross the varieties when there are different varieties?
And the seedlings of it are always hermaphrodite?
Can I still cut off the mother plant clone without the hermaphrodite?
Will they get pregnant again?
Or would you rather take a new mother?
Will clean the tent with chlorinated water before the next use...

I also have little hermaphrodite on the other genetics... can it perhaps also be tried by instead of IR light in the morning UV light?? According to the manufacturer 15 minutes IR before the Led and in the evening night the LED.. I have UV light at noon after 6 hours of LED light for 1.5h ??

Do I cross the varieties when there are different varieties?
And the seedlings of it are always hermaphrodite?
I haven't dealt with this situation much at all, but what I understand is that spraying the plants down with water will bring the pollen to the floor, and then you can clean the floor with soap and water and a rag or mop. But first remove any of these hermaphrodite flowers that you see. At that point, you could let the grow continue, and you'd have some buds developing seeds and other buds free of seeds – the amount of each is unknown. Or you could harvest early.

I am also not familiar with the details of the passing of the hermaphrodite trait, in terms of cloning or breeding. The safest path forward is to get new genetics – either seeds or clones – perhaps from a different source. Also, check your grow setup for possible stress or lighting problems, as Keffka mentioned.
Will the clones be hermy? It depends. If they are genetic hermy then yes. The seeds will also most likely be hermy. If they are environmental stress created, and you remove the stress, then no. If the plant is a genetical female the clones will be female. Don't care what pronoun it uses. lol The most common stress that creates hermy is light.

Were did you get these seeds and were they feminized seeds? Bag seeds are 40% male, 40% female and 20% hermy on average. Feminized plants sprayed with colloidal silver or other professional processes, produce feminized seeds 98% of the time. You have a 1% chance of male and 1% chance at hermy seeds. The odds of you getting 2 hermy plants from a reputable feminized bank, at the same time are astronomical. So if they came from a seed bank you trust, it is over 99% likely it is environmental. If you don't remove the stress, any plant you grow under the same conditions will most likely hermy. Clones of a stress hermy without stress will be female.
Will the clones be hermy? It depends. If they are genetic hermy then yes. The seeds will also most likely be hermy. If they are environmental stress created, and you remove the stress, then no. If the plant is a genetical female the clones will be female. Don't care what pronoun it uses. lol The most common stress that creates hermy is light.

Were did you get these seeds and were they feminized seeds? Bag seeds are 40% male, 40% female and 20% hermy on average. Feminized plants sprayed with colloidal silver or other professional processes, produce feminized seeds 98% of the time. You have a 1% chance of male and 1% chance at hermy seeds. The odds of you getting 2 hermy plants from a reputable feminized bank, at the same time are astronomical. So if they came from a seed bank you trust, it is over 99% likely it is environmental. If you don't remove the stress, any plant you grow under the same conditions will most likely hermy. Clones of a stress hermy without stress will be female.
thank you, i think it‘s my foult becaus ist barney‘s farm, Zamnesia, AMS seed‘s.

i try the mother plant‘s and use from the Super Silver new clone
Today i need a try. i usw the same 3 plant‘s as Mother‘s and from the 7l pot size 1,85gallon to a 30l pot size 7,93Gallon, same light‘s same nutrients.

i got with all 3 Strains in 28 (7l pot‘s)
1. Runtz Muffin a final weight from 103,26 gramm‘s dry
2. Super Silver Haze give‘s me totales 42,36g Dry
3. OG Kush gives 47,92gramms dry

most dry hash from SuperSilver and this kick‘s me in a another galaxy 🍁🤩
10g of 90 micron


then we see the better option from the pot size :)

peace out ✌🏾





we have the second week of flower :)



Do you know what in the environment stressed the plants into hermy? Barneys should be solid genetics that resist hermy. Hopefully no bananas this time. :goodluck:
I also hope, I think it's because of the supplement of infrared and ultra violet has led to the stress. I hope that this time they will remain women
I also hope, I think it's because of the supplement of infrared and ultra violet has led to the stress. I hope that this time they will remain women

that's a fair assumption. don't beat yourself up over it though, sometimes even a good breeder gets one or two that carry the trait stronger than the others.

most time plants predisposed to hermie take little or even nothing to push them there.
that's a fair assumption. don't beat yourself up over it though, sometimes even a good breeder gets one or two that carry the trait stronger than the others.

most time plants predisposed to hermie take little or even nothing to push them there.

Herming is one of the most amazing and successful methods of reproduction on earth from an evolutionary perspective. It’s no surprise that most plants have it in their genetics and it’s no surprise it really likes to come out. It’s definitely respectable. It’s unfortunate for us as growers but there’s a distinct possibility that if herming didn’t exist, the plant may never have survived evolution.
Herming is one of the most amazing and successful methods of reproduction on earth from an evolutionary perspective.
I do not agree with it being a successful method of reproduction. It is a bad trait that leads away from the successful evolution of a specie. If the plant continues to self-pollinate there is no introduction of new genetic traits being introduced into the specie by new genetic codes when two unique codes merge. Eventually the plant specie would no longer be able to adapt to change for starters.

Hermaphrodites happen in many, if not all, specie of plant or animal. It is not a disaster to a specie since there is a level of adaptability already in the genetic code. But in the long run it is a dead end if all reproduction is self fertilization.

Same with any other specie if the only method of propagation is cloning.
I do not agree with it being a successful method of reproduction. It is a bad trait that leads away from the successful evolution of a specie. If the plant continues to self-pollinate there is no introduction of new genetic traits being introduced into the specie by new genetic codes when two unique codes merge. Eventually the plant specie would no longer be able to adapt to change for starters.

Hermaphrodites happen in many, if not all, specie of plant or animal. It is not a disaster to a specie since there is a level of adaptability already in the genetic code. But in the long run it is a dead end if all reproduction is self fertilization.

Same with any other specie if the only method of propagation is cloning.

this right here. too many folk on this board mistakenly believe propagating hermie plants is normal. it's pretty well always a sign of shit genetics.

too many are using selfed herm seed and claiming it's the same as a seed from a proper breeding technique, or a "natural" process. we're seeing problems occurring all the time now. it used to be rare. really rare.
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