Nerfbanes First Ever Grow 2013

LA : Thanks man :) And as I say to other people I know with a SO and 11 children, you're a busy man :) I'm going to go variety crazy my friend, Grizz isn't the only one I know who thinks I have some plums for sourcing seeds properly, I have a mate who has a larger grow than me with his hand out for some when I go again. It is time to wage war against the lack of connoisseurship amongst the bogans I am surrounded by! Or move to europe, one of the two.

KJC : Thanks mate :) But I though I had my sig set up, it shows for me at the bottom of my posts. Is it not showing for others?
Nerf, guess you won't be checking my journal: bush bud seed grown hydro. Lol.
I'm up for getting Aussies back to strain identity. Now need to find someone to supply the seed strains.....
I'll sub to your journal man, I didn't know you had one! Pop up a link. Seriously, MJ laws in this country piss me off. It must fucking burn Toned Abbs that the british government is talking about legalisation, the pope is crapping on capitalism and Prince Charles wants to sit down and have a chat with him about his views on climate change. All he has left is Uncle Rupes team.
Sorry dude I was only joking, hence the title! I will come up with a better title, maybe "grizzwalds Alyssa Milano; good old bag seed grow" ha def give you a buzz once going, be a while wait for clones then get them rooted. Peace dude
Dropped 12c from my first inquiry, made me change to company spec to save money. Did you go another 400? Two apparently better than 1x700 (by 100w lol) get a good deal? I was blown away by mine! Peace dude

What a sad sad day, R.I.P Nelson Mandela
So in the early evening I did ze snap test on some random stems and it was ready to be set to curing. I was right, I don't have enough jars to put it in, filled 3 1.5kg mocona coffee jars and would probably half fill another one. 3, pungent, sticky, sticky, sticky jars. I took a leaf out of my old mums storing crap in jars long term book and ran hot water over the outside until the glass was fairly warm before sealing them. And of course I chopped some up and gave it a smoke. It is not the best tasting stuff in the world atm, so a cure will do it some good. It burned nice and evenly with a nice white ash, and there was no harshness to the smoke at all, which is good because after a year of puffing on a vaporizer I have no resilience to harsh smoke.

So does it work? That's an unqualified yes. 20 seconds after exhaling my elbows and the top of my head felt like a weight had been put on them and it spread out from there. But this is to be expected from weed that sticks to the bottom of the bowl when it's put on it's side.....I probably should have waited until after I put the pot in the jars to cure to smoke some :)
Hey Nerf, you go for it a good selection of good strains is a must lol. I'm so exited to get this lot all done so I can have a 11 strain choice for myself.

@grizz total newb... Can you bring me up to speed on auto flower? Promise I will remember you when I hit the limelight too :high-five:
If you want to pop over to one of my journals Kid, I'll do my best to answer anything on auto's. I've grown probably 20 diff strains of em in the past and probs close to a 100 actual plants. Happy to help if I can just holla at me on one of my threads.
Hey nerfbane, Saturday, I'm not working, drive to hydro shop ( 3 hours round trip) to buy nutes for my canna terra. Fucking come back with coir nutes. Should not do some things stoned or roll extra journey joints. Now do I get coir or return and get right nutes? Only coir I can get around here is from hardware. Brunnings coir mulch blocks you add water. So it may be a trip back anyway...please help. Peace
lol man that's a bugger of a thing to happen, I do that shit all the time :) What is the exact name of the nutes? It might be they're good for other mediums, I'll see what I can dig up for ya :). You should give what I do now to stop it happening a try, I read up on what I want and then write it on a piece of paper I take with me :) Or in your case, I'd just order it online and have it delivered, a 3 hour drive is not worth saving 20 bucks. And you can check 5 times before you press the pay button online. I got 45ltrs of nutes + additives + foliar food delivered in the last 2 weeks and it was free shipping. Cost a crapload to buy it in the quantities it took to get the free shipping, but I won't need to buy anything like that for 2 years with my current plans. It's all a+b stuff so it'll last that long too.

And for some reason I keep getting the GH 3 part nutrient bottles as freebies in stuff.
Yeah nerf, lol, now I've finished a fat one! I don't even need the nutes yet, just getting excited and (un)organised. Spun me out when I got home. Looking at them now not knowing if there even the ones I grabbed. Probably trying to convince myself it wasn't my fault lol. Somebody else might be asking themselves same thing lol (hope not) nutes are THC-coco A&B....Funny you said write it down, it's on reminders on phone! Getting conflicting info on whether to use the coir I can get. I hate going on threads and asking questions that you should be able to find through basic research...brunnings one has trichdablahblahs? in it, don't know what they do but one post I found said not to use if treated with it and another says it is fine just rinse with water three times and it's all good... Who knows?....
Post no good for me. Town of 50, 5000 over summer, but pick it up from same shop..yeah I try and buy stuff to last me awhile, so I don't have to drive there...peace man
Ah the victorian coastal town population migrations. I went to the rock above the falls festival one year and god damn did the grey army give anyone under 30 the rudest reception. Protip, don't fall asleep during the 4pm band without shade. When I grab the wrong thing at the store it's always because it's in the place of the thing I actually wanted >.>
Ok I think it's time to wrap this sucker up. Since I don't smoke weed any more this is the more important test for me, I've spent some time puffing away on the vapourised product, and the taste has improved quite a bit with the almost a week of curing. It fills the bag with a nice thick vapour that doesn't seem to lose density until it's dry, which was 5 S+B Volcano bags. It has a strange but pleasant lemon flavour with a sort of strong cinnamon aftertaste. I think I've harvested at exactly the right time, when I started earlier in the day it was an uplifting high that has mellowed into a nice body stone. I've ended up with enough to see me through the next grow, which I am confident that will have a better yield with all I have learned from this one. I wish I could give a final weight, but yeah, scales = bad here. So all in all, a moderately successful first attempt.

But in the end, I am of the opinion my plant ended up stunted. I am fairly sure this was caused in a large part by not enough oxygenation of the nute tank. I'm gonna pump 3 times as much through on the next one. I am pretty certain I left far too many holes in the feeding regime, that is fixed (or at least as fixed as it can be without mixing mineral salts by hand) for the next one. I will also be folair feeding after doing some reading on it and seeing the results ppl get. And it goes without saying, more pruning and training, the benefits of an even canopy are obvious.

I'd like to thank everyone who dropped by my sorry little attempt at a journal, for the valuable advice given, the kind comments, the reps, and even just the increased views :) And especially thanks for not pointing out how bad I am with a camera, which we all can agree is very bad. Attempt 2 at starting from seed has gone better this time, she's now sitting in her final home and looking happy under her T5. I will start a journal on that grow so if you're interested in more bad photography and aussie stupidity I'll have just the thing.

Thanks for reading :)
Yes we can! I realised I'd neglected that bit when I woke up today. :) I gave a friend about a half oz last night, so it's a bit smaller a pile, but it still makes me content. They are pretty much like most things I do in the kitchen, presentation is sub par, but tastes great.

I thought this would be a good photo. Shows what I know.


Better ones.


I'm putting this one in even though it is crap and blurry where I wanted to show, but you can see the iridescence of the crystals that have formed on the outside in the outer parts kind of ok.


In jars.

And today I got a prezzie in the mail! A shiny new MarsII 700W :)


And I know we're not supposed to go OT for photos in here, but I just wanted to give a visual aid as to explain how hot it gets where I live. This was a fine summers day a few years ago, it made me laugh when it cooled down enough for me to be able to pay attention to things outside of me again.

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