New City Grower 2.0

I thought I had a fire going about an hour ago. I smelled smoke and could not find anything wrong. Turns out a ladybug had landed on HPS bulb and got fried. Almost smelled like hair burning, lol.
That's just God's warning Kim. You do have a fire extinguisher near your grow area, right?
That's just God's warning Kim. You do have a fire extinguisher near your grow area, right?
No worries. I'm a Buddhist.
Yes I actually have two here, thanks !
We once saved a riding mower that caught fire because we had an extinguisher in the house. When we replaced the spent one, we bought 2. They are money well spent !
Wo there REG mate thats some lovely roots you got for the little ones,,,,are you putting the sleestack skunk straight into flower then reveg or are you going to veg an wait an see? The Power flower OMG she certainly does as her name suggests I really like Royal seeds I grew a Fruit spirit I think was the name an the buds that girl gave were lovely:yummy: the top Cola was the circumference of my fist an she grew roots right through the bottom of my biggest pot at the time,,,thing was her smoke freaked me cause it was Sativa dominant but Pada loved it :yahoo:but it would make me very Para:lot-o-toke:
And thats another reason why I am gonna try another sleestack if one or more are males she loves the up from Sativa an it would leave enough room to put ahother maybe 2 more girls which would be Indica:cheesygrinsmiley:Have a great Morning weed on this Thurweeday :high-five:
Hello everyone. I made my 2nd batch of "Cannabis Sweet Ice Tea" last night.

Thanxx Jaga. I forgot all about that. Can anyone explain to me in detail how to go about checking for sex?
I assume you just place the plant in the bloom tent until you see pistils or pollen sacs.

This morning I feed both the mutant, KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze) and QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) the same mix.

1/4 strength of: Fox Farm Open Sesame
1/4 strength of: Fox Farm Big Bloom
1/2 strength of: Fox Farm Tiger Bloom
Hello everyone. I made my 2nd batch of "Cannabis Sweet Ice Tea" last night.

Thanxx Jaga. I forgot all about that. Can anyone explain to me in detail how to go about checking for sex?
I assume you just place the plant in the bloom tent until you see pistils or pollen sacs.

Yes that would be correct. To my knowledge, which is limited at best, the only way to tell is when they start growing balls.....:circle-of-love:
Hello everyone. I made my 2nd batch of "Cannabis Sweet Ice Tea" last night.

Thanxx Jaga. I forgot all about that. Can anyone explain to me in detail how to go about checking for sex?
I assume you just place the plant in the bloom tent until you see pistils or pollen sacs.

Yep, look for them in the usual places. You either get a little calyx at the nodes, or a short stem with a pear shaped pod. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanxx all...
That's just God's warning Kim. You do have a fire extinguisher near your grow area, right?

No Reg,I do not have my fire extinguisher yet,but you are right,it should be a part of your grow and am now going to add it(a year later)my grow area.I see you can get them at wally world,but could we talk a little about what everyone is using and were they got it?
Thank for pushing the fire extinguisher thing everyone.It opened my eye's.:Namaste:
Thank's Reg
Just make sure its an "ABC" extinguisher so it's ok for electrical use. I'd like to add that it's essential to check the extinguisher monthly to make sure it's still pressurized. And review the instructions so you know how to use it if the unthinkable happens!:yikes:

No Reg,I do not have my fire extinguisher yet,but you are right,it should be a part of your grow and am now going to add it(a year later)my grow area.I see you can get them at wally world,but could we talk a little about what everyone is using and were they got it?
Thank for pushing the fire extinguisher thing everyone.It opened my eye's.:Namaste:
Thank's Reg

Just a note on the fire extinguisher talk and I will get off my soapbox. You should have them all over your house, kitchen, mech room, garages, cars, bedrooms etc. Why? Because if you need one you only will have a few seconds to respond before the little red can will be too little to stop the fire. I have been there when the fires have started, stopped them when it was in a prepared location, and seen a home/shop/garage go down when there wasn't one. So, the only disagreement I have with the extinguisher theme is that one shouldn't stop with the grow area.

Oh and on the grow area, consider that you are hanging a dangerous item (especially in tents) and build accordingly. I ditched my first tent mid grow because I didn't think it really was stout enough to be hanging lights, filters, fans etc and I was constantly scared about it. Now I think I could stand on my new tent and how I set it up.

Be safe out there folks. Sorry BAR, I will remove myself from the podium now.

Just make sure its an "ABC" extinguisher so it's ok for electrical use. I'd like to add that it's essential to check the extinguisher monthly to make sure it's still pressurized. And review the instructions so you know how to use it if the unthinkable happens!:yikes:


Ok, one more as I run from the podium, this is a great idea and I will take it one further. If you have never set one off, and you can afford it, buy one for your space, and buy one to spray (in a safe manner) so you can see the spray pattern and how they behave. You will be less nervous when a real fire comes along.
Just make sure its an "ABC" extinguisher so it's ok for electrical use. I'd like to add that it's essential to check the extinguisher monthly to make sure it's still pressurized. And review the instructions so you know how to use it if the unthinkable happens!:yikes:

Good point Flo. I haven't checked mines since the last apt. inspection.
I put the SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular) in the Bloom tent to check for sex. I've got the power of our circle of love :circle-of-love: on my side so I know it's going to be a girl! This is Day 10. Wow!




I figured while I'm in the Bloom tent I can show you what's going on with KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze) & the Cris-Cross technique.

5 Days ago








Yesterday Counsel was interesting, today, looks like it's all about fire prevention, BAR is our 420 Smokey the Bear.

Here's my economical, self activating fire suppression invention for under $2.

First fill balloons with water leaving an inch of air inside.

Simply hang as many balloons as needed, over areas where a fire would likely start.

Then tape a book of matches to the air-spot on each balloon.

When fire breaks out, matches ignite, balloon pops, water falls on fire, as the fire spreads, the additional balloons will kick in.

This is a fire extinguisher that will work even if you are not home. I'm just glad I grow outside! :goof::goof::grinjoint:
The Trickster's trying to trick you! Where do you get these ideas of yours. :rofl:

This guy has some great personal "Strain Reviews".
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