New City Grower 2.0

Sorry wrong journal . Sorry for the hijack .
It's all good. I was following that convo too. You'll find convos crossing into other journals quite often here at 420...
For some odd reason I think we might have the same news Fifi...
I'm not saying your right or wrong. I'm saying it's a secret...
Ok, so here's what we're doing in the Veg Tent. Since no one will be here for nearly a week we've flooded both drain boxes (the one at the bottom of the tent has all the older, taller plants in veg) with a nuteless gallon & 1/2 of PHed 6.5 tap-water each to bottom feed from.




We'll also flood the plants in the Bloom Tent.
looking good. when I went away for about a week I did something similar and they were still happy when I returned :high-five:
You don't know how good it is to hear that B. I figure if they get over-watered in the first few days they have the rest of the time to slowly drink. Also since the humidifier won't be running the standing water under the lights will help in the RH department. Did anyone notice how even with the chapo LED side lighting the plants favor that side? We have to rotate them every few days (Actually they were just rotated so look at it as an the opposite lean).

This is the one downside of keeping your grow top-secret from friends. VACATION!
Hey BAR, hope you have a good time away.

I've always had to put all the house plants in the bathtub full of water when we go away this time of year.

I don't often have a problem. I expect with a more maintained climate (like in your growing area's) it'll be just fine, especially with it only being a you said, initially they might be a little wet down the bottom, but as that all get's drunk, they'll recover, and I wouldn't expect there to be too much worry.

If you got an idea of how much each drinks and how often you could calculate the volume needed in the flood trays/tubs.

Just a thought if it concerned you.

Happy holidays! :)
Enjoy your vacation and you and baby girl have a wonderful thanksgiving Reg:love::Namaste:
Likewise to you & the whole 420 community but I'll be in tune. I'm taking my laptop with me.
Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and lovely trip Reg and BG! I'm sure the plants will be just fine when you get back. :circle-of-love:
Hopefully your girls will weather the holidays out nicely. A week shouldn't be hard. They have a product called polymer you can add to the soil if you have to go away a lot. Stuff sucks up like 10 times is weight in water and slow releases it. I use to use it to cut back on watering trips in some places I grew. To many trips to the pot patch was a risk I didn't need to be taking in some areas. I know it's doing no good for ya now, but you can get it and sprinkle it around the top of your soil next time if you have to. GL and Keepem Green
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