New City Grower 2.0

Yeah right, my thumb is no greener than milk is red. You all know who has the green thumb in this family.

Your plants are beautiful either way...
I see your pretty busy over that ways. Be careful with that grey mold,,,,,,,,,, it will spread. Wash your hands everytime you touch them. Lowering the humidity will help. as long as you got good roots, I'd do alittle trimming down to the last of the green. Just don't totally strip-em. Peoples do wonders on PM with PHing and sulfur. Unless they are totally special strains, I'd throw them, you might find more spores getting on others. I'm kind of interested to see if they will make it or if the rott just progresses and they damp off. I know it just get worse outside till the plants completely covered and gone. Wish I had a magic cure for rott, I be rich. I've just about all of the topicals, I plan on using some new stuff to work on the root areas next year on the outdoor girls.
Keepem Green
Thanxx Woody. On that note I'm throwing the two really bad ones out right now! I'll give the one we planted a chance.
On 3 of the cuttings in the veg tent Colorful...


All 3 were left with the ziplock bags over them & were molded when we got home. Although they all had roots at the bottom of their perspective rockwool cubes the first 2 looked real bad.


But the 3rd one might make it. She had the longest roots with the less mold. I sprayed her with SNS 244 Fungicide & then planted her. It's not as bad as it looks, that's dirt on it from the watering.

Thanks for the refresh, went back and reread too - my oversight/bad :) Zoikes, that is some fast acting mold. Any thoughts whether that type of mold can transfer to healthy plants? If it is safe to do and you end up keeping the third, it will indeed be interesting to see whether or not it is able to overcome and regenerate. Great info, thanks man

People speak real highly of stuff like Hygrozime for a bacteria, or it's a enzyme that can eat the moldy parts from the root structures. A lot of that rott comes from the roots not from transfer to the leaves. GL and Keepem Green
A lot of that rott comes from the roots not from transfer to the leaves. GL and Keepem Green
This makes sense because on the first two the bottom of the rockwool cubes had this slimy build up all over the roots. I should have taken pics before cleaning them.
Dec 4, 2014​


3rd WAVE STREET GIRL (Unknown Strain) 88 days from rescue to harvest in nothing but a solo cup/ 6 days of veg & 82 days under 12/12

This is the first harvest of seedlings gifted from the Magic Tree for this season. Though it's small it may quite be the dankiest, stickiest, & heaviest buds I've chopped to date. Since we're drying the whole plant; main stem & all, I won't post the wet weight.




Actually that was from the 3rd wave of rescue but the 1st one to finish Colorful. It'll only be the 2nd plant I've taken to the finish line from the Magic Tree. The other one was my first plant ever from last year; LAVERNE

But this year nearly everything survived. We still have the original rescue from this season; #1, in bloom, 2 plants from the 4th wave, & 7 plants from the 5th & final wave of rescue. 2/3rds of this grow is from the Magic Tree.
Thanxx Dr. Canna.
Just trying to be like you on that one B.

On another note I think there's a dude trying to sweet talk all the girls in the Bloom Tent.

The dude's been removed from the Bloom Tent & trashed at gun point!


And replaced by this lovely young model from the Veg Tent.


I guess it's not hard to tell I took the day off. LOL
It seems that i have been stalking you today my friend.....all the journals i have been to today was following your post i think:) too funny....anyway......if i am going to stalk you on the other journals i may as well do it here here i am in the darkest of corners stalking you.......can you feel the hairs on the back of your neck raising?:rofl: i gotta quit smoking so much:)LOL
Hahaha, happy day off Reg! We can both celebrate today ;)

Nice little harvest there, looks pretty frosty. Sorry about the dude though haha, good riddance to him that model looks great! :yummy: :laughtwo:

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