New City Grower 2.0

I have BIG BUD not BIG BLOOM Lady Dee. It's not a Fox Farm product & is another flowering nute but you're right more often then you think. LOL
What up neighbor?
I still run an open thread. I think I speak for us all when I say "we'd like to see what you have going on."
I still run an open thread. I think I speak for us all when I say "we'd like to see what you have going on."

Not much to see my man. Gonna be getting some going soon for my outdoor grow. I had to give my clones away because I landed a big job out of town and couldnt care for them. I hated to do it but the job was well worth it. I have to go back next week to do punch list for a couple days but then Im back home.

Im looking for strain ideas for my outdoor grow in Northern NY climate if anyone out there has any favorites that can handle the colder temps and shorter season. I grew Northern Lights last year and was extremely happy with the weight and smoke so I will do a couple of those again. Im thinking some type of Kush too not sure what will work up here in the land of ice and snow.
lol I actually have a clip on fan blowing air into one of the ports
during the day the tent is open with another fan blowing air in from outside
Happy Thurweed day BAR :thumb:
Cant wait too see how your sleestack x skunk goes i got a pack of these beans free and resisted temptation to pop them but no doubt your going to make my mouth water too much and ill end up throwing 1or2 in the ground ;)
You want 70°-90° Fahrenheit and 50%-70% humidity for vegetative growth and 30%-50% humidity for flowering. If you do not have a cool mist humidifier to raise your humidity you could also boil off several large pots of water to increase the relative humidity in your home. You may also want to use a small fan in your tent to recirculate the warmer air at the top of your tent to the lower area.
Cant wait too see how your sleestack x skunk goes i got a pack of these beans free and resisted temptation to pop them but no doubt your going to make my mouth water too much and ill end up throwing 1or2 in the ground ;)
Well Scotty, I hate to say it but I don't think the Sleestack X Skunk I knocked over is going to make it. That was just too much trauma & stress too soon. But fear not Lady Dee. I just dropped the other Sleestack X Skunk bean into the seed dish this morning.

Last night


This morning


SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular, 2nd attempt)


You want 70°-90° Fahrenheit and 50%-70% humidity for vegetative growth and 30%-50% humidity for flowering. If you do not have a cool mist humidifier to raise your humidity you could also boil off several large pots of water to increase the relative humidity in your home. You may also want to use a small fan in your tent to recirculate the warmer air at the top of your tent to the lower area.

Thanxx Judge John...
You want 70°-90° Fahrenheit and 50%-70% humidity for vegetative growth and 30%-50% humidity for flowering. If you do not have a cool mist humidifier to raise your humidity you could also boil off several large pots of water to increase the relative humidity in your home. You may also want to use a small fan in your tent to recirculate the warmer air at the top of your tent to the lower area.

I'm glad to know 70 -90 is good, but what about for flowering? Also, since BAD said his thread was open, maybe I can present something to people. I saw this organic fert at the store yesterday and bought it. I really don't want to have to add so many things, so this fertilizer looks complete. I also bought a 6 pound bag of their dry fertilizer to prepare the bed for the three plants going in that spot. What do you think of this fertilizer?

Urban Farm Fertilizers Garden of Eden, 64 oz., Hydroponic Bloom Nutrient
Is there any particular reason why you keep calling me "BAD" Brooklyn?
Is there any particular reason why you keep calling me "BAD" Brooklyn?

Ooop, I apologize. And don't feel bad after you get the answer! Hahaha. I have brain damage from my illness and I see the R as a D! But, now that you pointed it out, my eyes see it as a R! Oy. I should also tell you all in advance that, I have a great tendency to forget a LOT and I repeat myself quite a bit. So, please bear with me on that. Otherwise, I'm the shizz!
Maybe cause u got some bad ass plants B.A.R ;)

Aw poor little girls all shrivelled and wilted sad to see them like that have did u try a bit of rooting hormone mixed with water repair her root damage encourage new stronger rooting? and a splint bandage i used a bit of chopstick strapped on with a piece of string when i near broke a chili stem in 2? but yay replacement can still see how these babies grow cheers reg :bong:
Well Scotty, I hate to say it but I don't think the Sleestack X Skunk I knocked over is going to make it. That was just too much trauma & stress too soon. But fear not Lady Dee. I just dropped the other Sleestack X Skunk bean into the seed dish this morning.

Last night


This morning


SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular, 2nd attempt)


Thanxx Judge John...

Unless the main stem is smashed, don't give up yet unless it is really gone. The plant is definitely in shock, but just leave it without watering more than a few drops when the soil dries out and let it recover. A tiny bit of seaweed can help stimulate root growth and shock.
Ooop, I apologize. And don't feel bad after you get the answer! Hahaha. I have brain damage from my illness and I see the R as a D! But, now that you pointed it out, my eyes see it as a R! Oy. I should also tell you all in advance that, I have a great tendency to forget a LOT and I repeat myself quite a bit. So, please bear with me on that. Otherwise, I'm the shizz!
You're the shizznics just the way you are BKLYN! I'll be your bad boy any day.
PS Do something special for your hubby today.

Unless the main stem is smashed, don't give up yet unless it is really gone. The plant is definitely in shock, but just leave it without watering more than a few drops when the soil dries out and let it recover. A tiny bit of seaweed can help stimulate root growth and shock.
The main stem was also damaged along with the roots. That's why you seen that white brace on it in post #7 of the beginning page.
Anyway, I already pulled it this morning. One problem child "The mutant KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze)" is enough.

I thought it was me and the :blunt: BAR. LOL.
That works too.
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