Nivek's Need to Know Nature - First Grow Journal - 2015

well my little afghani sprout seems much more content this morning, fully supporting it's own self, i think if i did name my plants i sure would be calling this one 'dumbo', for pretty obvious reasons i think,,maybe not so obvious,, i just think the first set of leaves are huge,, probably twice the area of any of the other sprout first leaves i have


and i had to look close, real close, but i spotted this,, stalk split, ha (a trader will know why that's a tiny bit funny)


a bit hard to see but right at the very bottom there,, timing is about the same as when my super lemon split. it's probably useless information, but to me it means the stalk is firming up, the plant is through it's baby stage,, bulking up a bit, showing it means business. in my little fantasy world, this happens.

in my flower room, clones c1 and c2 are just beautiful. glowing almost,, i tried to capture a bit of the 'sheen' the whole plant is taking on, does not really show in the photo but it's a nice pic anyway


i gave my plants the first 'real' dose of fertilizers yesterday,, flowering and veg,, i have been so afraid of overferting, because i made such a mess of my last plant, that i have been ferting in very low dosages, and using urine regularly. i will watch close for bad signs the next few leaves, cheers for now, niv
i just wanted to share this electrical information on my journal as well as on my other electrical thread. very useful information and easy to understand.

thank you 420 member alienpus, shared with permission,

'If you have an extension cord on a 20 amp circuit and it is not rated for 20 amps that is a fire hazard right there, it's possible to overload/melt the cord without tripping the breaker. I'm not saying it's going to happen, it's just possible, and to be up to code it has to be impossible. A warm cord means it's having trouble carrying the load, call it borderline, a cord that is warm enough that it feels less ridged or softer has to go fast. Keep in mind it can also be due to bad contact with the prongs in a loose outlet or any other splitters or power bars plugged into it. A cord that is cool can be considered as doing it's job, the shorter the cord the better.

Metal boxes weigh pretty much the same as plastic ones but are cheaper. If you buy the type on the left in my pic you don't need any connectors, if you buy the type on the right you need something similar to those three, the plastic ones weigh about a gram.

To be sure about your power consumption count up all your amps, it takes 5 minutes, here's how:

Watts = Volts x that means that:
Volts = Watts / Amps.........and:
Amps = Watts / volts

Anything that has a ballast or transformer adds 10-15% Watts like HID's and CFL's, it's lost in heat from the ballast.

So if you have sixteen 23watt CFL bulbs, that's 368Watts + 55W (15%) = 425Watts
425Watts / 120Volts = 3.5Amps

A 100Watt fans uses .8 Amps ( 100Watts divided 120Volts )
A 1500W heater uses 12.5Amps and so on. So by looking at the labels you can convert everything to Amps or Watts, they usually list two of the three, if they only state Watts or Max Watts, you already know your household voltage.

While you are at it, if you convert to and count up all your watts you can count how much the power is costing you. If you look at your bill you are charged by kW/h, that is 1000Watts for one hour, here it's 0.07$. If you consume 2200Watts at a time, divided by 1000(kilo) = 2.2 kW/h multiplied by 0.07$ = 0.15$ hour'
more updates,, too much time on my hands these last few days,, slow and easy,, very enjoyable,, this makes er three for three as far as stalk splits


that's the delahaze, right on time, near exactly as the afghani,, this one does not look so deep maybe,, but that nails it for me, till it doesn't. fact = pot plants stalks go through drastic changes, yep

i did some cropping on d4 clone tonight,, wanted to show y'all a nice clean bend/break. this before,


i was right there, nice bend, lookin good, real good,, just a touch more,,,,,snap.......oops


i am pretty sure it will be fine,, i will know real soon,, just about perfect,, oh well,, gonna be fine...

and last update is the canopy in the flower room, not the canopy,, but the flower,,


cheers, nivek
cheers brother,, love to have you along for this adventure, and that is what it is, indeed. i am growing right along with it. thanks so much for the kind words. my hands are indeed my life,, always have been. i take good care of em too, least i try to,, they be old and sore now days, but still work. cheers to that.

my secret door, ha,, not that i have a ton of folks in my studio, but when i do, not one has had even the tiniest inkling what's back there. kinda funny and sexy really,, me and the missusses secret.

the room/lab/studio is where i get to do what ever i want,, never easy in any marriage,, but i need to because i do silly things like this,,


a work in progress, and expanding and gaining height by the week. what will i ever do with this thing. well, get a lot of satisfaction in the building. the fun is the trip, not the destination. well, there should never even be a destination really, just a trip, and a trip it should be,, cheers brother, folks

That is awesome.
Howdy nivek,
I've seen you around and had to check out your grow. Glad I did. Cheerful, informative, artistic, just plain fun.
Careful of the cats: once they get a taste, they'll be back for more. Back in college my cat, Claude, ate one of my plants. Guess he got the munchies, because he then proceeded to eat the gerbil I was pet-sitting. He was all fat & happy, but my suddenly sans gerbil friend was crushed. Heads up!
Good luck.
heya ranger,, thanks for the chuckle,, darn cats,, i will be keeping a close eye on the little critters, seriously though, they have never bothered my plants in any way,, even almost keeping their distance because of dislike. i do think they like the smoke though,, that's why they love to hang in my studio. your poor gerbil,, part of the food chain,, it's life giving energy still circulating in the system somewhere

welcome to my adventure and please feel free to offer advice and criticisms all you like,, the comments have been so helpful so far,, cheers to you and all the folks in 420 land, nivek
for real with the cats. i was watching a youtube video of this guy explaining his double chamber cabinet and he pans over to this really sad charlie brown christmas tree looking plant and complained that his cat ate the whole thing. he sounded annoyed that it happened again.
heya paka,, i get it with the cats, however, they stay. like every lesson, i guess the best way to learn it is the hard way. my cats love my studio, and i love it that my cats love my studio. they are great company, even though they just sleep. i think the lingering traces of mj smoke help them sleep, like they need any help sleeping. ok, they just like it . but i so appreciate the concern and i thank you for the advice, cheers

cheers dch, thanks for the good vibes,, sending some anti karma to them buggers,, anti karma is not a negative thing,, just interferes with positive karma that the buggers are getting from other buggers

i too have concern,, or at least i did last night when i near snapped my clones head off. hanging by a thread it was,, and thread is right,, look at the wound, i got all wound up about it last night, the wound has broken threads/bones. not sure how many are still holding,, not many.


the plant has already got it's head held up high,, almost proud of it's wound, like some things get. i would have taken it for cloning if i needed a clone right now. but showing amazing resilience, the plant wins by a knock out, and is one to boot


also showing in that pic is some pretty poor doctor skills. that tape was supposed to hold the stalk up, for better healing. i think the plant might have removed the tape itself. i was wondering why that leaf had it's middle frond pointing straight up when i got in the room this morning. ha, cheeky plant
so i was trimming some of the big beautiful fan leaves in the flower room, lights so bright and soft, thought i was in mexico again, so nice,, and i looked at the fan leaves and i said to myself, 'they sure are dark green,, must be the lights make them look so different from the veg leaves,, but as i was discarding the flower leaves into my 'gonna make budder for the first time when i get enough' container i saw the two leaves together.


that is quite something. the dark green leaves came from the exact same place as the light green just a couple weeks ago. maybe part maturing, definately major part light kelvin change. assuming , of course, that my light green plant is not wholey malnourished and very close to death

I am editing because I left out one important fact,, those two plants are exactly the same. the light one is a clone of the dark one
i think it's the lack of nitrogen that makes them turn into that darkish green

(im sure there is some fancy name for that particular color)
It's usually too much nitro and not enough light when they turn dark green. It's because with weak light it can't process the nitrogen and you get buildup. But yours seem fine, mine always have light green new growth surrounded by dark foliage
thanks bro, it has not been receiving the veg nutes, just miracle grow, in a couple of weeks and just had it's first dose of flower fert, yep, miracle grow again,, less nitrogen than before definitely a factor,

ok, great inf peyton, thanks,, too much nitro sounds possible,, i do still water with a urine mix, though it is very mild and has the other two as well,, and they look so lush, i am carrying on as planned and watching closely. i am working on my lower level now getting it ready for the D clones,, continuous rotation looking good. two flower spaces the key,, cheers, nivek
i am , so far, basing every bit of my healthy or unhealthy decisions for these plants on leaf shape. i only know from one plant ever flowered indoors and the leaves were terrible, i know where north american indians got the idea for canoes. that's what that plants leaves looked like. little freaky ones are i think normal, but any curl, consistent curl, not just one leaf, and i am doing something wrong. so far, no curl,, though i am more cautious because i do see the odd leaf with a bit of curl. few and far between though, still
Morning nivek. I wanted to thank you for the share on electrical. It prompted me to stop and assess. I am now more comfortable that I covered all my bases.
most welcome sue. i am so glad i started that thread,, it has proved invaluable for me. so easily understood, which is the key. another big thank you to alienpus for writing it. not just alien either,, some great posts from others too, thank you as well. i am working with that information and redesigning my light system as we speak. i am also much more comfortable knowing that i can make my electrical a bit safer, maybe a lot

dumbo has indeed straightened up and thank you for asking. though still leaning a bit, not a problem apparently for it anymore. i removed the support this morning, it's skin splitting nicely, the stalk is much stronger already,, just a couple of days ago i could blow it right over hardly blowing,, now, no way, nothing, well, not like before anyhow.


there it is, splitting up a storm, self supporting, hopefully developing some female genitalia in there somewhere. it is the only one i have that i don't know the sex of. assuming my femmed sprouts are fems of course. the afghani does indeed have some mighty ears, and a huge nose as well,, this compared to the delahaze


those two sprouts are nearly the exact same age and are still at near exactly the same point in progression, same height, same everything, except the afghani has bigger leaves.
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