OMM's Social Network Grow Part 2

that is a bunch of bs, how can our goverment just take someones health care away? I dont remember anything about an age limit on paying taxes!
Hey OMM just swinging by to see how your ladies are doing and let me just say they look the healthiest by far. :thumb:
Keep it up and I hope everything is going as it should with the outside ladies.

Yep, Jo and I know that about milk. I had real milk at the orphanage I was in....sure didn't hurt us. Jo found out that her Medicaid and Medicare stops on her 70th birthday, which is in November. We don't know where we will be able to get her some kind of coverage. Ever see the movie "Soylant Green?". Things are out of our hands, our rights are going fast Brother. Help!

The government is getting rid of her medicade at 70?!!!!WTF!!! With all the free healthcare we give to non citizens in other Countries and our own. You are a Veteran! WTF

WTF? Is right Buddy. I didn't know it. She just told me the other day. She got a letter from them. I couldn't believe it either. As a 100% disabled vet I get care. Even if it's hard to get an appointment. Seems like the older you get, the less they care. The system is wrong and there is little hope of changing it. Illegal aliens get better care than a citizen. :rip: In fact she has to prove that she is a citizen...if you can believe that.
that is a bunch of bs, how can our goverment just take someones health care away? I dont remember anything about an age limit on paying taxes!

Amen cake:smokin:
You haven't seen nothing yet..wait until they close the emergency rooms insurance ???...heal yourself and pay us for getting sick...its a government take-over...

It is coming are right!. This is the big health care reversal they voted on. We are screwed. :popcorn:

Consider this a warning folks.
that is a bunch of bs, how can our goverment just take someones health care away? I dont remember anything about an age limit on paying taxes!

DAMN RIGHT! If they are going to take things like this away then when you reach that age we shouldn't have to pay into it. This is very sad and really stops and makes me think about it. Here I am in my 30's if it's this bad now for the older retired people it makes me think by the time i reach that age (god willing)that there won't be nothing left. And if there is it will probably be a voucher program. Hell if this gets worse we just might end up like the hunger games...
Hey OMM just swinging by to see how your ladies are doing and let me just say they look the healthiest by far. :thumb:
Keep it up and I hope everything is going as it should with the outside ladies.


Hey Thanks MS. Truthfully...I marvel at them!

Outside is going well...they are stretching very nicely.
OMM I remember Soylent Green and you are right, we are all gonna become crackers after the death panels decide we do not have a right to be healed of our sickness because it is too costly for them.......scary stuff indeed. Thought provoking.

DAMN RIGHT! If they are going to take things like this away then when you reach that age we shouldn't have to pay into it. This is very sad and really stops and makes me think about it. Here I am in my 30's if it's this bad now for the older retired people it makes me think by the time i reach that age (god willing)that there won't be nothing left. And if there is it will probably be a voucher program. Hell if this gets worse we just might end up like the hunger games...

K-Frat.......Start investing now to cover yourself......Hunger Games for sure. :helpsmilie:
OMM I remember Soylent Green and you are right, we are all gonna become crackers after the death panels decide we do not have a right to be healed of our sickness because it is too costly for them.......scary stuff indeed. Thought provoking.


Hi shizznizzle.......You remember it well.......those in power will decide someday.....maybe soon. Hope they throw a few spices in to make us taste better....... :hmmmm:
Hey Thanks MS. Truthfully...I marvel at them!

Outside is going well...they are stretching very nicely.

I bet you do I know I sure would. They look great!
When they are outside do they still have roughly the same flower time as they do indoors?
Thanks OMM and keep it up.

Hey omm whats the reason for them taking her health care away. Is it something to do with Obummer care?
I bet you do I know I sure would. They look great!
When they are outside do they still have roughly the same flower time as they do indoors?
Thanks OMM and keep it up.


Hi MS......yes, same time frame. I put them all into flower indoor and out the same make it easy. ;) Lazy.
Hey omm whats the reason for them taking her health care away. Is it something to do with Obummer care?

Yes My Friend....Obummer did this.......Fine print ya know. :thedoubletake:
Obummer care used Romney care as a guide. The name will change but the program would remain the same...

Meanwhile our elected officials care and pensions improve while they pull the wool over our eyes.
Obummer care used Romney care as a guide. The name will change but the program would remain the same...

Meanwhile our elected officials care and pensions improve while they pull the wool over our eyes.

Absolutely....thieves. They march to a different drummer.
So sorry to hear that! Didnt I hear one of Obummers stooges say that paul ryans plan was to push granny over the clif?
I dont know what party Im with anymore! I have a conservative view on economic policy but as far as the war on drugs go they are way off. Medicare, ss I have no idea how they should fix this. Maybe cut those taxes out and let the people save for their own retirement health care of their choice. All I know is I want the money back I paid in FOR TWENTY YEARS so I can invest in gold silver and land. Also I think we should do away with taxes on anyone making 25,000.00 or less and everyone else 15%.
OK I digress. I will go back to my hobby of making the green devil poison that threatens big pharm so much. lol
I do watch your grows and love them and your new lights look very cool! thanks for sharing all the great adventures in your life.
Love, Gittergreen
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