OMM's Social Network Grow Part 2

So sorry to hear that! Didnt I hear one of Obummers stooges say that paul ryans plan was to push granny over the clif?
I dont know what party Im with anymore! I have a conservative view on economic policy but as far as the war on drugs go they are way off. Medicare, ss I have no idea how they should fix this. Maybe cut those taxes out and let the people save for their own retirement health care of their choice. All I know is I want the money back I paid in FOR TWENTY YEARS so I can invest in gold silver and land. Also I think we should do away with taxes on anyone making 25,000.00 or less and everyone else 15%.
OK I digress. I will go back to my hobby of making the green devil poison that threatens big pharm so much. lol
I do watch your grows and love them and your new lights look very cool! thanks for sharing all the great adventures in your life.
Love, Gittergreen

That is why Gary Johnson makes a of sense..

Gary Johnson ad: End the War on Drugs

Gary Johnson 2012: War on Drugs - YouTube
never mind.
love your grow my freind :)
I would rather have Obama than Romney. There is really not much difference between the two.

They are both big government politicians. One will spend more money overseas on the military. The other will spend more money on social programs. Neither offer a concrete plan to reduce spending or improve our liberties.

Obama is at least open to Canabis legalization. Even though he has not lived up to his word. Romney will more than likely make stricter penalties. That is how I see it.
All I will say is Romney scares me....Sorry, I am for Obama. He may not have kept all his promises but IMO he's kept more than past presidents. Just my humble and probably politically incorrect opinion. Politics ain't my bag, baby..*in Austin Powers voice*
All I will say is Romney scares me....Sorry, I am for Obama. He may not have kept all his promises but IMO he's kept more than past presidents. Just my humble and probably politically incorrect opinion. Politics ain't my bag, baby..*in Austin Powers voice*

Obama is probably going to win.
All I will say is Romney scares me....Sorry, I am for Obama. He may not have kept all his promises but IMO he's kept more than past presidents. Just my humble and probably politically incorrect opinion. Politics ain't my bag, baby..*in Austin Powers voice*

I'm with you girl! He's been better than many presidents... And honestly, on this site... The masses will always hate whoever is president, just because they don't legalize pot... Without Obama I wouldn't have insurance right now, and with Crohn's disease I need it.

I know this is a cannabis advocacy site.. But it really seems like a lot of people don't look at anything else but who "might" make an effort to decriminalize.. Its a huge issue, even for me... But it seems like its the only issue for many. If Romney changed his mind and said he would legalize it across the board, even recreational... I wouldn't vote for him. Thats not enough to run a country on. He's... Just so out of touch. Someone who is so about themselves should never be president.

I think its nice we have a president to blame everything on. Hell, look at all the ranting thats done? What on earth would we do without one?... Honestly, I don't even know if he has the power to outright legalize.. Honestly, I like our president and very much dislike our congress... And our supreme court... But it would be cumbersome to have to hate on all those people. The prez is an easy target.

Sorry for being off topic, OMM! And I remember what you told me about Jo and her health insurance thing... I'll be studying a little bit on it tonight... Hopefully I can get you all some decent information... Love you brother.

PS... I don't know much about politics. So I maybe wrong on many things I've said... But whatever.
Yeee Haww!! :thumb:
Hey C F.

Here is a link to the exact lights I have. I think they are incredible. Take a look.

Yep, Jo and I know that about milk. I had real milk at the orphanage I was in....sure didn't hurt us. Jo found out that her Medicaid and Medicare stops on her 70th birthday, which is in November. We don't know where we will be able to get her some kind of coverage. Ever see the movie "Soylant Green?". Things are out of our hands, our rights are going fast Brother. Help!
GAWD DAYUMM those are some expensive lights! next time you wanna spend 2500 bucks you can send some of those my way, :rofl: !
So sorry to hear that! Didnt I hear one of Obummers stooges say that paul ryans plan was to push granny over the clif?
I dont know what party Im with anymore! I have a conservative view on economic policy but as far as the war on drugs go they are way off. Medicare, ss I have no idea how they should fix this. Maybe cut those taxes out and let the people save for their own retirement health care of their choice. All I know is I want the money back I paid in FOR TWENTY YEARS so I can invest in gold silver and land. Also I think we should do away with taxes on anyone making 25,000.00 or less and everyone else 15%.
OK I digress. I will go back to my hobby of making the green devil poison that threatens big pharm so much. lol
I do watch your grows and love them and your new lights look very cool! thanks for sharing all the great adventures in your life.
Love, Gittergreen

Hi there gittergreen :thumb: We called Jo's Doctor and it's not as bad as we thought. They just wont pay for anything that involves her her reproductive system. No more mammograms and such. The rest will stay the same. A big relief for us. It's so hard to find out anything these days.
I like your tax ideas. I hear you about in vesting in land, gold and silver. We have a bit locked away.

Keep growing you poisonous green. There will be some more stories soon. I think I'm going to write about a lady I've written about before. She is worth another look! :Namaste:
All your plants look in excellent condition. Best of luck , dont look like you need it though as you deffo know what you are doing but good luck anyway !

Hi there bill52uk. :welcome:

Thanks for the compliments. I love em. :high-five:

I'll be back in the the old farts journal and talk with you about health care. I have learned more and it's not as bad as I though it was. They just reduced some of Jo's benefits and not all of them. What a relief!

I love your countries TV shows.....Specially Big Brother. You guys are crazy as we are. :Namaste:
GAWD DAYUMM those are some expensive lights! next time you wanna spend 2500 bucks you can send some of those my way, :rofl: !

Hey jandre......I thought you were out being one with nature again. We will talk more about the lights soon.
Always good to see you.
I would rather have Obama than Romney. There is really not much difference between the two.

They are both big government politicians. One will spend more money overseas on the military. The other will spend more money on social programs. Neither offer a concrete plan to reduce spending or improve our liberties.

Obama is at least open to Canabis legalization. Even though he has not lived up to his word. Romney will more than likely make stricter penalties. That is how I see it.

Well, that's the real one really worth voting for.....we need a real leader that will fight congress and the house. :high-five:
Wow 9 pages in such a short time. Your friends with the whole grow community lol.
politically speaking for the plants, the plants hate the government too. Not sure that made sense but in a dream one talked and basicly said she would piss on the gov's doorsteps if she were able to grow the proper tool for pissing.

Hey Mr Smith ! Thanks for looking you know why my journal has such a strange name. We cover it all and do a bit of growing too.

I loved your dream....that said it all! :)
I'm with you girl! He's been better than many presidents... And honestly, on this site... The masses will always hate whoever is president, just because they don't legalize pot... Without Obama I wouldn't have insurance right now, and with Crohn's disease I need it.

I know this is a cannabis advocacy site.. But it really seems like a lot of people don't look at anything else but who "might" make an effort to decriminalize.. Its a huge issue, even for me... But it seems like its the only issue for many. If Romney changed his mind and said he would legalize it across the board, even recreational... I wouldn't vote for him. Thats not enough to run a country on. He's... Just so out of touch. Someone who is so about themselves should never be president.

I think its nice we have a president to blame everything on. Hell, look at all the ranting thats done? What on earth would we do without one?... Honestly, I don't even know if he has the power to outright legalize.. Honestly, I like our president and very much dislike our congress... And our supreme court... But it would be cumbersome to have to hate on all those people. The prez is an easy target.

Sorry for being off topic, OMM! And I remember what you told me about Jo and her health insurance thing... I'll be studying a little bit on it tonight... Hopefully I can get you all some decent information... Love you brother.

PS... I don't know much about politics. So I maybe wrong on many things I've said... But whatever.

Well, said my Friend. That's what we needed to hear. We old guys are bitter and we want our buds to be legal.
You got it, we want to legalize now. Thanks for throwing a bit of common sense our way!
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