PakaloloHawaii's LED High Brix Perpetual!

I want to take a sativacation.

A long sativa vacation away from the hustle.

They look like cherreh plants tav.

Haha I thought that too as I wrote it lol. Yes brother come to oahu and have a sativacation. Oh man I like the sound of that. 1pm china walls, cold beer, hot grill, fat high brix doob.....that's just about right. Oh ya, no forget, some swell ah?
for those of you who don't know what cherreh or cherry is it means: really nice, shiny, good, dank, feelin good.

we stay cherreh!!!! pidgin to da max. If you saw me you would say haole fob and then I would speak and people trip small kine haha. no matter what always living with aloha. My dad taught me well even though he went all mid life lolo on me. he's doing better though now.
for those of you who don't know what cherreh or cherry is it means: really nice, shiny, good, dank, feelin good.

we stay cherreh!!!! pidgin to da max. If you saw me you would say haole fob and then I would speak and people trip small kine haha. no matter what always living with aloha. My dad taught me well even though he went all mid life lolo on me. he's doing better though now.

Hehe....when I lived there people thought we were haole fob (fresh off boat). But we were just Kahala kids running from mokes, trying to stay alive.

Full strength

Half strength
I decided to finish the recalutations for people starting in Hi-Brix

Full strength

Half strength
I decided to finish the recalutations for people starting in Hi-Brix

Awesome bro thanks for posting that!

Don't forget that one oz of drench covers a full 4x8 tray or 6 big plants or a whole bale of promix!

I did similar calculations for the sprays but ended up at something I could remember - 1:1. 1ml stress/brix:1oz RO h2o. Shit I'm so lazy sometimes I just try to mix it so it looks the right color hahahaha don't do what I do!

As for calculating drench dosage, I prefer to figure how much energy/transplant/cat drench I need for that plant, then add as much water as I'd like to use. Sometimes I feed with 1.5 gallons of water, sometimes only 3/4 gallons, but both times I might use 6ml of whatever is on the menu for the day.

30mil is for full bale. So if Im feeding one of my six plants that this bale is used for, 30/6=5mil. Add as much water as appropriate.

Still figuring all of this out, but everyday i learn something new! Stoked
Really nice plants and I dig your setup Tavosvo!


My tent will be slightly smaller and I'll be running the Mars 900 for flowering. I hope to squeeze 4 large ladies in there.

I need to learn more about this High Brix approach.

Thanks for dropping by! Loving this light it rocks my 4x4!

If there were any suggestions I could make to anyone on a quest to grow quality meds it would be these:

1: Work on perfecting your environment first and foremost!

2: contact doc bud about getting a kit, and get on the high brix program! I am convinced of its superiority over all other options.
Thanks for dropping by! Loving this light it rocks my 4x4!

If there were any suggestions I could make to anyone on a quest to grow quality meds it would be these:

1: Work on perfecting your environment first and foremost!

2: contact doc bud about getting a kit, and get on the high brix program! I am convinced of its superiority over all other options.

I'd just like to re-inforce that comment!

90% of growing is the environment. No kit, nute program, Peruvian lama shit, or anything else will have as much impact on the quality of flowers as the environment!

Give me a perfect environment and hardware store soil/nutes and I'll grow nicer plants than someone using my kit in a sub-standard environment!

I have actually told people: "I won't sell you a kit until you get your environment straightened out."

Quality meds(10)=environment(9)+healthy soil(1).
Ok another round of pics.

This time featuring Extrema!

Extrema #1


And here is extrema #2. I really like this one!


And finally young syntax! So happy in kit soil!


The local hydro shop worker is a nice guy we always talk story when I go in. For the last few years I'd ask him about all the products he carried and ways to grow better medicine. Last night when I stopped by, we were chatting and he pulled out a box of sample products. Being such a nice guy he asked me if I wanted any of them, some products for roots, and some for trich production in bloom and so forth. I normally appreciate the gesture, love to try new stuff out and graciously accept. But not last night. Things are different now! I told him politely that my grow is spot on and there isn't really anything I could add or change (besides environment controls) that would make my it any better. Then it hit me. Wow I am 100% satisfied with what I got going on. Granted, i could work on automated environment controls and stuff, but the soil and my LED and the room are all super dialed in right now! So stoked.

Some guy came in with a screwy pH meter he had dropped in his res. he was tripping saying how much he needed that thing to work for him, and all I could do was smile inside, knowing how useless that device was to me and how easy, simple, and fucking amazing growing in kit soil is.
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