Poor, CFL, Stealth, Maybe a Little Luck?

dfw, I liked your photo time line of your seedlings. If you could get those into an animated GIF, they would be frickin' sweet. They would just appear to grow. You could probably even use the animated GIF as your avatar.
Very nice time-laps! Looks like it was a lot of work. ;)

As far as the fox farm nutes go, I think you want to start with something like a 1/4 strength dose on the first day you switch the lights to 12/12, but don't quote me on that because I've never actually used them myself. :smokin: But you can probably find what you need to know about them in [thread=81265]this thread here[/thread].
DFW-Guy, start out mixing 1/4 or 1/2 of the manufacturers recommended dosage. I have a 1/8 solution for the seedlins and they seem to tolerate it well. Dyna Gro, Superthrive, MagiCal and seaweed enzyme are what we are using currently. Give them a small amount to begin with. Slowly increase the dosage and amount but keep an eye out for any subtle changes for the worse. I flushed ours with pure water today just to remove some (if any) salt buildup. The plants we moved in from the outdoors were in reg soil (dirt) and seemed to adjust very well.
Thanks for all the compliments guys and gal. I just gave the girls their first dose of nutrients, 1/4 strength. They seem to be happy and so am I. Elsie's getting to big for side shots, so I'll throw in some top shots as well. These pictures are about one and a half hours after feeding. Waterings so far have all been 4 days apart. Yall think that's about right?
Marie day 15 night


Elsie day 20 night

Morning update: I topped Elsie a second time. Seems like the first time didn't really work how I wanted it, the main stem never split. I got it right this time though.
Elsie day 21 morning. The last pic before her beheading.

and after

Marie day 16 morning
i prefer growing from seed but you have to be ready to trash a good portion of the the crop when the males start showing , you must be vigilant, i have noticed that the "feminized" seeds often turn herme and some of the best ive grown are just bagseed, then i pick the healthiest females for cloning
This is really a test run to see if I can do it, and do it well. But if I get a girl of course I'll be more than happy to harvest her. If this all goes well than I'll have some money coming my way to invest in a good proper grow. I'm leaning towards lowrider2's. Producing a seed crop my first run and then just having a continuous harvest every month w/ 6 plants growing at a time. 4 plants at a time if I can produce my own female seeds.
Well have fun and keep on learning. That is kind of my motto right now. Nice babies.
Sorry about yesterday, I was helping my sis move. I came home late so the lights were off and I couldn't check on my girls :( But they're doing great :) Marie has finally cleared up, none of the new growth has anything wrong w/ it. They're both getting bigger.
Marie day 18 morning

Elsie day 23 morning
Ya she grew into the wall :-/
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