PotChimp's Side Projects

Nothing yet (Ghost Train Haze #1 selfing project):

Some of the tips I'm not spraying well enough are getting female hairs:

More of the tips have that look, but not the hairs. Maybe it's working. :hmmmm:
So, did anybody else have kids come by for Halloween dressed up as transvestites, by the way? :nomo: I got a couple Batmans and some kid dressed up in a princess costume with a moustache..... Hey, wait a minute! :thedoubletake:
You sure they weren't just dressed like Nancy Pelosi?
The whole world's on edge right now. And here comes tomorrow. I'm trying to think of an outcome that would be acceptable to all, but win, lose, or draw, half of the Danger Island inhabitants are gonna be pretty pissed. I hope it doesn't get too crazy. And if it does, I hope Nancy's got enough weapons in her Batbelt to keep planet of the apes from becoming a reality! :snowboating:
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