Recess Is Over - Now To Muck Up The Lesson

Looking great bro.. they'll be good to ya :rofl::passitleft:
Juanita says hi
Forgot to put these pics up yesterday.. that's rain that pushed all the branches down.. massive split in branches, taped them up, should be right..



You should Johnny Cage that broad. Cost you ten bucks. Perfect time. Uh lift all branches up, cage that's smaller in diameter goes over top, then you pull branches down through cage where you want.
Keep reading bro :rofl::(
Thanks Donvito, she's looking great man.. no I haven't, like feral said.. some I stress about but they all recover..
Hey black thumbs, yeah I think so bud.. bloody hurt but once done i knew it was the right thing to do..
Redmud, jobs starting to come together.. we talking about cannabis a lot.. I've found my doctor to get a card from, so that's good :) lunar is great man, just a nice steady stone.. I'm only smoking joints at mum and dads, I prefer it in my bong..
That's funny it's always a topic at workit is weird at first to have open discussions, at least it was for me, I would start talking all hushed when someone would get close I didn't know. Now everywhere I go nostrils flare I always smell like Dakine buds. Yeah I prefer my bong but around here most roll joints to smoke socially or a pipe. We're getting some late snow here it's been cold here this winter.

Check your pm..
Wow, that's a blue dream? That's some mad colouring..
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