Relaxed's Winter Experiment

Happy Munchday Brother :thumb:

Mahalo and have a good Tokerday! :thumb:

Is it a nirvana stain

It is.

What's meant by "force flower" Lest?

When I say "force flower', I am referring to the outdoor light deprivation technique, most often used by greenhouse growers to attain up to 3-4 complete harvests during the regular growing season. For me, I just "force flower" selective plants by putting them into a "blackout chamber" over night. Basically, I cut their sunset short to keep them in hard flower, as oppose to take any chance on re vegetative hormones being secreted, which could be triggered by the fact the days are getting longer each day. My blackout chamber is just the garage, I put the plants inside at 5PM and take them out at 9AM to keep them into hard flower (another reason I'm a fan of containers and their aspect of mobility). Some commercial greenhouse growers use entire "blackout tarps" that they cover the greenhouse with on a regular schedule, it is the essence of the light deprivation technique.
Thanxx Lester.
ok its just about Weednsday, Happy Aloha Weednsday Relaxed :thumb:

Aloha and Happy Weednesday brother! :ganjamon:

Morning lester, I've tried their blue mystic, bubblelicious,jock horror, and A.K.48. The blackberry is on my list of things to try nice to see a good grower run it first. Peace and good weed to you buddy.

Awesome! Cheers :high-five:


I see you lurking, I put a picnic table over those girls that are in the ground. It is pouring out!

Seen any hawk moth's lately? :peace:

Your thoughts on collecting rainwater for future watering? I have not read much good about using it.

It's not like we get a lot of rain down here in socal, so when it does, we are all surprised :biglaugh: We have got a bit of rain as well, supposed to be a larger storm moving in at some point. You could collect your (very little) rainwater, but I don't even go through the trouble of worrying about it. The tap water we have has ~ 300 ppm of Ca and Mg so it helps the plants stay nice and healthy without ever having to add Ca and Mg supplements. However I would discontinue the tap and use distilled water for the last 2-3 weeks of flowering so there is nothing excess left in the buds after harvest.

It's nice to have a bit of rain every once in a while, just not when I'm into hard flower :Namaste:

PS: Full update coming this afternoon!:cheer:
Hello RL and you know about rain here. I have these two and use them, I do know over the period of two to three days. When I pull a quart of it out into a glass jar "it is alive with little goodies". I cant prove it but especially with seedlings, this dying material, organic stuff helps feed the fungus, bacteria and micros the produce strong and healthy roots systems. It is all natural and missing from R/O and tap water. Plus unless you live by a power plant or a refinery it is PH neutral. I have this with a couple of handfuls of worm castings, 1 teaspoon peroxide and a teaspoon of molasses per quart. Just let it sit over night and holds me over for 3 to 4 days. I all most said good luck with grow but it shows you got it nailed down to what works for you. More like your "joy" in doing shows through, compared to what is "efforts" or "labors" for others. Happy growing pains and ...Peace.....



:420: :Namaste:
Goofy, that's brilliant! :high-five:
It is almost like having a little living pond to feed your babies, water with no run off from lawns or paved roads. The slime and algae forms a thick ring on the inside at the waterline and even the tree frogs in another 2 months will lay eggs in them. The birds and lizards love using them too, (2) 100 gallons jugs of living goodness. So it is filled with single celled animals and nitrogen rich algae. All the stuff from biology class composting in your soil!! You do need to pour in a cup of mineral oil or salad oil, as long as it is safe to eat. The mosquito larva come to the surface to breathe air and this is a barrier to suffocate them. Happy Growing All...Peace.....
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