Relaxed's Winter Experiment

Here is an update for my cannabis thread. Couple of notes on the weather, first storm all cleared out, sunshine this afternoon. Next storm should be here tonight or tomorrow, supposed to catch 3 inches on the coast which is biblical! We need it though. I noticed that a batch of fungus gnat eggs have hatched in the top layer of the soil for both of the flowering pots, so I made a concentrated drench solution of SNS-203 and sprayed the top layer of soil pretty good, I could smell the stuff was strong so I hope it killed all the little larvae. KC-45 youngins seemed withstand the "storm" well last night, we'll see how they fare for the big one, although I'm gonna tuck them in under the overhang. The flowering KC's will remain where they are tied to the handrail, supposed to have winds up to 24 mph so we're definitely gonna test these plants to the limits. In other news, the Blackberry seeds are looking great and were transplanted into a larger container today, they however will be tucked in the garage with the cherry tomatos for the duration of the next weather event.

Blackberry seedlings

KC-45 seedlings

420 Magazine Nug jars arrived today, so stoked! :thanks:

And to conclude the update with the flowering KC-45s

Lester, I'd get nervous leaving plants outside in 24 mph winds if I didn't have to but you would know better than me. I have zero outdoor knowledge apart from what I've learned from you.
Plants look great.


Lester, I'd get nervous leaving plants outside in 24 mph winds if I didn't have to but you would know better than me. I have zero outdoor knowledge apart from what I've learned from you.
Plants look great.

I will be monitoring the situation throughout the weekend, but I think they'll be just fine :) After all, the weather report isn't exactly indicative of the conditions in my microclimate, it is based off the weather station located at the top of the hill which gets a lot more wind than we do. We're tucked in pretty good into a quarry. Relaxed is my motto ;)
More continued pictures, you can see the difference in flower structure between the two plants, as well as a cool comparison picture between young life and old life

plants be looking Happy Brotha
Happy Thurweed day :thumb:

Mahalo and Happy Friedday to ya pal!:high-five:

I'm glad I had a good hour warning using the radar thing on my phone app, it was a good idea to move the seedlings and plants out of the way, you were right in that being a bit nervous for that one was a good idea. Better safe than sorry :)
And the TV weather men weren't as accurate back then. I use to say they did the same thing we did in the morning; Look out the window and say "I better take my umbrella, it might rain today". LOL
It is possible we could see some spotty yellowing on the flowering KC's. I messed up and foliar fed them with a much too concentrated solution of SNS-604B. Also, I believe that the SNS-203 soil drench has killed the fungus gnats dead after I applied a second application this morning. They are enjoying this rainy and cloudy day, and small amounts of trichome production are becoming visible in the upper cola. I can tell that these top colas will be good in size once they get a chance to bud. By rubbing some of the trichomes between my finger, the aroma of spicy lemon comes off strong, it has a very interesting smell.

I am guessing that the terpenes, limonene

and linalool

are currently being generated. The limonene responsible for the citrusy & lemony flavor, and the hint of spice is coming from the linalool. Concentrations of these terpenes, as well as probably a few others will increase as we get further into flowering. Depending on the concentrations of your terpenes and which ones are most dominant in the specific strain, it can actually either enhance, or work against certain effects of CBD and THC, some terpenes make THC cross the blood brain barrier quicker, which is responsible for fast onsets and more powerful highs, where other terpenes can suppress THC and agonize CBD to be more powerful. Terpenes and cannabinoids are both being secreted by the gland cells into the secretory cavity, so it is no wonder that there is some magical power between the concentration of terpenes and the over all final outcome of the medicinal effect (generated by the psychoactive cannbinoids), it is the molecules working together that makes it special. :Namaste:
So that is your secret to get them to grow!! ( the seedling and the The flowers look awesome!! Of the three seed I started the only one has come through it is one of the Big Bangs, I threw some picks in my 2014 attempt in Journals in Progress. Hope that storm don't screw with you to bad, you can see the finish line!!! Keep her bow pointed into it and dam the torpedo`s!!
:420: :Namaste:
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