Sauga's First WW Indoor Grow, LED Style

I check my nute water every feeding to be certain. With the coco I run 6.0-6.5 seems to do the trick. In soil you can go a little higher but not not by much.

Hi guys, I agree with Penny
I too check EVERYTHING before I apply. I run everything between 6.2-6.5. Just lucky, I guess
I know right? l I still agree with @Pennywise there is a pH issue that is locking out the Ca. At what pH would you mix your solution to add to the water? In otherwords, is a batch of rain water pH'd to say 5 too acidic or show I go down to say 4 before adding to the girls?
Yerr ill stick by @Pennywise im calling PH issues
4 is way way too low, water at around 6.2 to make calcium available to the roots.
Ya that was an old post. I never did go do that. I did some reading and realized too fast a pH change and I risk shocking the plants. So it's been 6.5 the whole time. pH is not an issue anymore now that I understand what I did wrong.

On another note, I'm not sure if I can get used to these blurple lights. I just installed the original 600w HPS with the two x 1000w led's and now draw 1000w from the wall. I'm happy with that and will have to watch the plants carefully over the next few hours and days to see how they respond. Warms up fast but keeping it around 82F for now. I may end up taking out the led's.
Hey MrSauga! Read some interesting stuff on Graytail’s thread today about lighting. Had some comparative stuff on there from different light sources. Pretty cool stuff. Might make you want to keep those led’s around. Lol. Anyway...hope the day finds you happy and healthy my friend!
Top of the afternoon mr.Sauga I did it, I went #ballisticnewty on quaddie this morning so she is looking really nekked....haha

You would think I've been starving the poor thing...haha
Here's an update on the recovering one outside. Had a good storm roll through and kinda sheltered her from the wind and hail. She took a good hit though and looked like she was having some fun. No damage. One pic inside the tent shows the three plants together. The farthest one, is a lot lighter in color. Is this leading to an issue? My first thought is N def. pH is spot on.

It seems these WW have a lot of interesting characteristics. This one has thrown everything at me and fortunately I heeded the advice given. The new growth looks fine but still displays signs at random of pH issues, such as the ends twisting. I don't think I need to be worried as overall she is looking good. The one pic shows some new tiny brown holes evenly spaced. I kinda think it's heat related as it's been friggin hot and humid, and also some shock I'm sure from going back to the outside. I have to admit she has taken one for the rest of the team as the quads and the other look great. I learned a lot from her.
Inside she had 18/6, and outside we are down to about 14/10, so she started transitioning to flower from what I can see. It's kind of exciting to see her start to show changes. Cigars anyone?

Not sure what's up with that leaf twisting but she looks fine.
I'm pretty sure that's old growth that is dying off. Some of the affected lower leaves from the beginning started to die so I plucked them as required. It's really hard to say cause the new growth is happening fast now since I see a lot more lighter green. I'm still learning the damages caused by pH and lockouts and what effect it has on the plant overall. My thinking is if the stems and leaves were still trying to get the old pH out it effected certain parts of the plant more than others.
If a node already had a reaction and locked out Ca would any new growth off that node still be affected once the lockout was cleared?
New growth should be fine but old growth will stay the same.
But I shouldn't be showing any signs of N def this early into flowering correct? I will take some pics shortly and it almost looks like some leaves are showing me signs of something new. It's been raining off and on here the last few days, sometimes pretty heavy. I try and keep her protected from excess rain but she's had a real good flushing. I'll have something you you all to look at soon.
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