I'm posting this in case others didn't quite understand how THC is accumulated in plants, like myself.
The info below is what I brought over from another site, How Stuff Works.

Several factors are involved in determining the potency of a marijuana plant, including:
  • Growing climate and conditions
  • Plant genetics
  • Harvesting and processing
  • Desire by small growers to maximize profit
The time at which the plant is harvested affects the level of THC. Additionally, female varieties have higher levels of THC than male varieties.

As a cannabis plant matures, its chemical composition changes. During early development, cannabidiolic acid is the most prevalent chemical. Later, cannabidiolic acid is converted to cannabidiol, which is later converted to THC when the plant reaches its floral maturation.

Anyhow, it was good for me to learn, as I didn't quite understand the process.

The link below is what I am reading about right now, Trichomes. I was also confused on this, as I thought more trichs meant better smoke.
It was mentioned that more trichs didn't necessarily mean more potency, but from what I have read so far THC and CBD are only found inside the heads of three different types of trichomes; bulbous, capitate sessile, and capitate-stalked.
So it would seem to me that there is some truth to more trichs meaning better smoke, dependant on the strain.
High CBD strains that have lots of trichs are probably carrying more CBD, where high THC strains with lots of trichs are carrying higher amounts of THC. That's my thinking anyhow.
It's a great read for those interested.

Trichomes: The Complete Guide - Honest Marijuana

I think what I was looking for was summarized below:

Just because your plant is covered in trichomes and the gland heads are bursting with oil, your bud won’t necessarily blast you off to the moon with THC. The trichome resin on your bud could also contain counter psychoactive CBD cannabinoids.

The euphoric potency of the trichomes in cannabinoids is largely determined by the moment in time when the marijuana is harvested.

You can tell the cannabinoids are reaching full maturity when the trichome gland heads go opaque. This is why many growers suggest harvesting the crop when half the trichomes on their plants are opaque in order to get the highest level of THC with the lowest level of CBD cannabinoids (which counteract the euphoric effects of THC).

The little hairs that grow from inside the calyxes or the pistils are another clue that help you determine when to harvest your cannabis for the specific kind of chemical properties you want it to contain. The color of the pistils changes from bright white to rusty orange or brown at the end of the plant’s flowering phase.

On one end of the spectrum, if you notice a higher ratio of white to red pistols, that means your pot will produce more of a euphoric THC high. On the other end of the spectrum, if you notice a higher ratio of red to white pistols, that means your pot will produce more of a sober, calm CBD stoned feeling.

Awesome day!

Lots of good info up above brother as it clears up questions I been wondering myself, as the Grannys are milky with bits of Amber and a few clear but she keeps on pushing out more and more pistils though so confusion might still reign as I checked early this morning and have decided on waiting bout 3-4 days and take a look again, but I did take a tester off this evening as had a bit of bud rot in so took the whole cola off..

Girls are looking good brother and you don't even notice that prop holding the arm up.. My black cream auto is pushing the 6th node out and still no pistils at 22 days today, she was overwatered so not the most playful of autos but I'm going to top her in the next cpl days but I'll let you know when I do...
Lots of good info up above brother as it clears up questions I been wondering myself, as the Grannys are milky with bits of Amber and a few clear but she keeps on pushing out more and more pistils though so confusion might still reign as I checked early this morning and have decided on waiting bout 3-4 days and take a look again, but I did take a tester off this evening as had a bit of bud rot in so took the whole cola off..

Girls are looking good brother and you don't even notice that prop holding the arm up.. My black cream auto is pushing the 6th node out and still no pistils at 22 days today, she was overwatered so not the most playful of autos but I'm going to top her in the next cpl days but I'll let you know when I do...
Thanks Smeegs.

Shed mentioned something about plants that show foxtails tend to push out white pistols to the end, so I try and stay aware of that. If yours are showing foxtails then that same case may apply to yours.

I'll be watching for the topping Smeegs. Mine has also just started her 6th on day 17. Strong and healthy this one.
Sorry about the Black Cream and the rot you found. Looks like you found it before it got too bad. Enjoy the tester tonight Smeegs!
Some time ago I did some fancy trimming and training on one of my auto flower crosses leaving me with this. It was suggested that I dispose of it, but I just couldn't do it. I was curious to see just what a cannabis plant was capable of doing when left in this desperate condition.

Well here she is today. Will I write home about her. Perhaps but only to reiterate again how resilient and tough these cannabis plants are and how tough they are to kill. I consider this a very small miracle.
The THC Bomb I did the experiemnt on though has really perked up and looks fantastic, but I don't think she's going to pump out any new nodes. I'm a waiting and a seeing. It's a weed, so it has to figure something out right?
Looks like it did! Let me know how the smoke turns out beez :)

Hey everybody!

Today's update is mainly about dumping photos on unsuspecting 420 members. I did some topping today on the THC Bomb in MGOS and some light training on the GG in MGOS, with the broken wing.

Batman and Superman are DC. Hulk is Marvel.
I'm a nerd, what can I say.

You probably have better things to do. I'm just teasing ya anyway.
Plants look great by the way. Lol
Thanks VG! And thanks for clearing the comic stuff up for me. :)

I guess you don't have any Bluntman and Chronic action figures lol
i did... rolled 'em, smoked 'em, now I miss 'em

Hiya, Just getring started on this journal after reading your last one expecting big things (literally)
Along for the ride
Thanks KM420! I'm glad you found both journals! I hope I don't disappoint your expectations, but if I do, I promise to smoke whatever I get and try again.
Send a warm AB clipper our way will ya... :)
Some sad news today....

I ordered some seeds from Seedsman, a shopping cart full, and paid by VISA. I selected the option for insurance but didn't see it listed under the shipping options on my final invoice.
I opened a ticket up with Seedsman explaining what happened and asked them if I should cancel the order and try again or will they just send it with the insurance anyhow.

Within a few minutes I found the problem and in fact I did get charged and was going to get the insurance with the order, so I responded back to the ticket, which had not been answered by Seedsman yet, and told them not to worry, all was good.
Alex writes me back and responds, OK xxx, not a problem. Thanks.

Yesterday I checked on my order status and it said it was cancelled. Alex misunderstood and cancelled the order. No biggie, just loaded the cart back up and off I go to pay again, except now they don't accept VISA anymore!!

I'm so bummed!
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