Savant's Silly Closet Grow - Feminized Power Plant

You definitely have an issue going, particularly the last photo, could be a few different things, so a question, are you adjusting your ph to 5.8? Quick tip, from @Bill284, put your cal mag in the water, mix, wait 15 minutes, add fox farm nutes, mix, wait another 15 minutes, then adjust ph to 5.8. Second question, are you using cal mag? I’d suggest using the fox farm Bush Doctor cal mag. What kind of water are you using, tap, RO, bottled? Do you check the ppm’s of the nute solution? Hopefully bill will chime in, he knows more about coco growing than I ever will.
You definitely have an issue going, particularly the last photo, could be a few different things, so a question, are you adjusting your ph to 5.8? Quick tip, from @Bill284, put your cal mag in the water, mix, wait 15 minutes, add fox farm nutes, mix, wait another 15 minutes, then adjust ph to 5.8. Second question, are you using cal mag? I’d suggest using the fox farm Bush Doctor cal mag. What kind of water are you using, tap, RO, bottled? Do you check the ppm’s of the nute solution? Hopefully bill will chime in, he knows more about coco growing than I ever will.
I adjust my pH to around 6.0 sometimes it's alittle lower rarely higher though, but I don't usually wait between adding different nutrients usually just wait for the pH to adjust but I'll definitely take that into consideration, I just use regular tap water since it's not Very hard and has worked well for me, though I don't check ppms a bit too advanced and technical for me

but yeah definitely an issue has been going on that has been on my mind the whole time, I'm pretty sure it's a magnesium deficiency but I could be completely wrong
so I think the issue has been solved it was 100% magnesium deficiency because I had forgotten calcium and magnesium are antagonistic to eachother so all the calcium locked out magnesium from being taken up by the roots, but luckily it was quickly solved by a normal dose of magnesium so now my feedings are a tablespoon/15ml each for grow big, calcium and magnesium
week 3 of veg and week 5 since popping the seed and she's looking good and bushy, I'm thinking I might veg her out longer and get a really wide canopy but we'll see
how do you guys deal with the heat? because the recent high heats have put a damper on growth, other than that just training to make the canopy as wide and flat I can
They're looking good nice bright green.

So for temp control I have a cool air humidifier on the outside of my tent that I fill with ice in the morning. It pumps out a good nice cool semi cold breeze and I mist the inside of the tent every few hours, the moisture brings the ambient temp down a bit.
ice in a humidifier is a great idea I'll definitely have to try it, though I have to ask does it not mess with the humidifier?
Not that I can tell, been doing it for all spring and summer and hasn't quit yet.




luckily there's nothing much out of the ordinary with my grow as of recent, she's still growing albeit a bit sluggishly but still pretty good with how the circumstances are with slight mosaic virus and extreme heat, just fed her and did some light defoliation

other than that nothing of note, this grow has been very hands off for me as I only really refill the humidifier and water every so often and some training as needed for the canopy to widen
I got myself a little bush currently and I'm thinking it's almost about time to initiate flower though I am really indecisive honestly, don't know what the best time to flip is, I could veg her out til I fill my space or I can flip to flower and fill the space by training it during the final stretch but I definitely wanna have a wide canopy

what do you guys think? when do you decide flip to flower other than when it's half the height you desire
look at all those tops:yahoo:, this is definitely the most satisfying part of growing right after seeing the plant right before harvest, but she's ready to be set into flower I already changed the light schedule so now we just wait, and honestly I definitely have to start a scrog net on my next grow because without it it's kinda hard to get a wide plant like you effortlessly can with scrog

she's gotten pretty tall too so taming the stretch the best I can so the height doesn't get out of hand is definitely one of my goals, but she's overall looking really good, I honestly don't really know what to really talk about in a grow journal, like it's been a pretty smooth grow with only a few hiccups and I only do the same thing every few days because it's kinda on autopilot currently
but this is already a much better grow than my first grow and I definitely think it's because the light upgrade, my first grow I used LED light bulbs on a 4 way bulb splitter and it wasn't bad honestly because I researched so much about lights and spectrums and saw people doing similar things with some but it barely covered a 1 foor area so I was limited to growing in a small tight area which limited the amount of tops for sure

last time I struggled with the flowering stage so I hope I do better this grow and see how much better the results are, last grow I only harvested a bit over 3oz but that's still alot but I know I can do better this round
it's been 2 or so days since the light change and I'm looking out for the first sign of pistils since I wanna know exactly when flowering officially starts since last grow I didn't and went with the day since the light change and it definitely messed with harvesting at the right time last time around

but other than that I'll soon be kicking up the light to 100% since I've gradually been increasing it, currently at 80% power, and feedings are typical one teaspoon of everything and will gradually introduce tiger bloom during the stretch and pistils forming

a nice even canopy is a nice sight I see I hope it stays this way
the final stretch is in full strength and she's looking good :D nothing special going on the feedings have stayed the same overall and I stopped training so now we just leave it

flowering stage has officially started noted by the first few pistils popping out, so I can't wait til buds start forming and it really starts looking good

she's definitely due for some defoliation but I'm waiting til the stretch is almost finished by like 2 weeks or so, so I can know what to remove because it's not needed or won't develop and it's gonna be alot less leafy and bushy because it's completely shaded half the plant down and that's s problem once bud development really kicks up
I think the final stretch is finished now but she shot up fast and quick huh

here's her after a quick lollipopping and defoliation, I'm not too aggressive on defoliation and lollipopping

and the top canopy is looking great with lots of tops which will soon be beautiful buds
the budlets are coming in strong and fast, so I can only expect them to get even bigger later on if they're this big only 3 weeks since flipping the light schedule, and for the most part the grow has been easy sailing since dealing with all the early issues, the biggest problem rn could be overfeeding a bit which is probably one of my biggest struggles figuring out exactly how much they need but with experience I'll get there


also the thing I love about this strain is the trichome development is so abundant you see trichs as early as this, which I believe is pretty uncommon though they're hardly noticable they're there and they only begin to multiply later Down the line
growth is still looking spectacular !! I honestly I cannot wait til the buds really start fattening it's gonna look amazing, the colas look great

the budlets are looking good too and the trichomes are popping out of the woodworks
so I have kinda a big issue rn, anyone know what's going on or how to fix it? I thought it was calmag but I added more and it didn't help and im frankly worried because things look fucked
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