Second Grow - Let's Try This Again

It's their bedtime.
So I need some advice. I need to flush my plants downstairs and I was told to do 15 gallons per plant at a pH of 6 (trying to correct a pH problem). I would imagine I can't reuse the water to flush each plant. How do I fix my soil after that?

There is a big cult of flushing here. Got a problem? Flush! Magic! It reminds me of doctors bleeding their patients in pre-scientific times...

If you can give some detailed information (and photos, ideally) as to what happened and what you're trying to accomplish, that would help to answer your question. Questions for you: how are you measuring pH? Do you have a PPM meter?
How old are they now? Seedlings maybe 100 or 200 PPM. Better to go too light than too much. Then watch leaf tips closely for signs of yellowing as you increase the dosage. When you use a standard three-bottle solution, you can go by the manufacturer's recommendation (though usually half strength). When you brew your own stew, you have to figure it out for yourself.
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