They came from 12/12 flower and were rooted along with the other normal cuttings in the veg space at 18/6.

I want them rooting, not flowering so that's why they got moved. If you left them on a flower cycle I would think they'd be harder to root since root development is supposed to slow dramatically after stretch.

But, whatever. I moved them to a veg cycle and got roots in about 3 weeks which is approximately 1 week longer than it's been typically taking. But, temps are also falling and I haven't engaged the seedling heat mat yet.
Ok cool. I'm not sure which way would be better, just wanted to know which way you went.
Wow in all my years of growing even outdoors I've never seen that before looks like an insect nest of some sort something hiding in your soil somewhere??
Dunno what it was - we had mosquito fogging in the house for Zika virus last week so whatever it was is dead, someone suggested a Preying Mantis, too small for that. But I do have a picture of a dead Preying Mantis, below which makes me sad. Its too small for a Mantis I reckon.
When you did your clones in flower, what light schedule did you use? Flower cycle or veg?
For us they take what they're given, 18/6 or 24 depends what we got to hand. But never 12/12 - but then we always clone before 12/12. Our seedlings until they go to solos get 24.

Nick & Co

Wow in all my years of growing even outdoors I've never seen that before looks like an insect nest of some sort something hiding in your soil somewhere??
They call them "wall bugs" in Thai. They build nests on concrete walls, plants or whatever is closest to their convenience. Not very harmful to plants to my knowledge.
They call them "wall bugs" in Thai. They build nests on concrete walls, plants or whatever is closest to their convenience. Not very harmful to plants to my knowledge.
Wish my wife just gave me “Wall bugs”!

She was trying to translate the full name. Promises not stingy and not harmful to the house. But about 3m away we have a much bigger one meant to be getting removed.

Dunno what it was - we had mosquito fogging in the house for Zika virus last week so whatever it was is dead, someone suggested a Preying Mantis, too small for that. But I do have a picture of a dead Preying Mantis, below which makes me sad. Its too small for a Mantis I reckon.

For us they take what they're given, 18/6 or 24 depends what we got to hand. But never 12/12 - but then we always clone before 12/12. Our seedlings until they go to solos get 24.

Nick & Co

Yeah I don't like to kill beneficial bugs either although a praying mantis is a generalist predator so it didn't care if it eats other beneficials so not to much of a loss
Dunno what it was - we had mosquito fogging in the house for Zika virus last week so whatever it was is dead, someone suggested a Preying Mantis, too small for that. But I do have a picture of a dead Preying Mantis, below which makes me sad. Its too small for a Mantis I reckon.

For us they take what they're given, 18/6 or 24 depends what we got to hand. But never 12/12 - but then we always clone before 12/12. Our seedlings until they go to solos get 24.

Nick & Co

There’s probably a photo of the month contender with the source material - just need the skillz and phone without three cracked lenses 😂

a guy @KIS organics. Brandon Hudson I'll send him a picture he has friends who are entomologists I'll see if he can find out for me just cause I'm curious!!!! I'll let you know what he tells me if interested!✌️
For us they take what they're given, 18/6 or 24 depends what we got to hand. But never 12/12 - then we always clone before 12/12. Our seedlings until they go to solos get 24.
I usually clone while still in veg as well. This was just a test of my new cloning process to see if I could clone a plant well into flower. It was 3 weeks after first pistils and rooted in about 3 weeks.
I usually get roots with this process in 7-10 days if I go digging, about 14 days for the roots to show at the sides of the clear inner cup. For these, I saw roots at the cup sides at 21 days so I assume they had actually rooted about a week earlier.

I wanted to test whether I could clone a plant that was far enough into flower that you'd have a sense of smells, and frost potential like if you were on a pheno hunt, or were just surprised at how good a new plant was, but hadn't cloned it while still in veg.

Won't be my normal process though for sure. I wouldn't want the monstercrop, super branchy plant I'll get, so if I did do it in a grow I'd probably let it re-veg and then take clones from that rather than flower out that original cutting.
Have had a few in flower where I’ve been 🤦🏻‍♂️ shoulda cloned her. My Farmer mate will take clones off every plant on a new strain in case but the very best he will re veg and turn to mothers after harvest.

When we were cloning, I’m sure you’ve seen our SWICKies we’d expect roots to the bottom within a week off a clone.

But as I ever say - our environmentals are a big factor. Plus we’re in Coco.

Dunno what it was - we had mosquito fogging in the house for Zika virus last week so whatever it was is dead, someone suggested a Preying Mantis, too small for that. But I do have a picture of a dead Preying Mantis, below which makes me sad. Its too small for a Mantis I reckon.

For us they take what they're given, 18/6 or 24 depends what we got to hand. But never 12/12 - but then we always clone before 12/12. Our seedlings until they go to solos get 24.

Nick & Co

Walking stick.. that's what we call them 👍👍
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