G'day @Azimuth and fellow SIPsters im going to be running 4 SIP's in my 4x4 tent and im not sure if anyone has tried it but I have an aerator in the reservoir of the SIP's and because of the way I made the SIP it should aerate the water and push air up through the soil its the only way for the air to escape from the SIP . Im curious to see how it goes
Its in my Canuk journal in my signature if anyone wants to follow along
I looked at doing it with an aquarium stone. Meant to be useful.
I use this style, this is picture from the flood drain setup but its the same aerators
ResDog did some experimenting with them. I think he mentioned a concern about whether pH would be affected but I don't remember his conclusion.
With the drain pipe the way I've done it i can spin it sideways and drain some liquid to keep an eye on it i suppose .
I think I kicked the idea around with him either here or my Giant SIP journo. I think he has used them. I’ll have a look. Hopefully Res pops his head up but not sure if he’s still in hospital or not.

not sure it was him but i know other folk have mentioned it was a bust.
Oohhh, pretty stuff @sjb504 very pretty stuff. Thanks for sharing that one.

Yeah, I still drop the odd air pump in there still but there's no need per say.

They can help if you feel things have become overwet. And I use them in a lot of active-microbe grows which, these days, is most of them.

I only use on a burst timer schedule, so they are off for the vast majority of the time. Often I'm just keen to prevent any settling in the reservoir. As it can be a large reservoir, often it can settle out over time if not stirred up a bit and an anaerobic environment can develop over time if enough settling material is in the water to eventually isolate itself from the rest - and bad things can happen. So to have the benefit of of all the stuff I have in the water but not the threat, I run an airstone in my SIPs for a few seconds every few minutes - type of idea.

If you are running a fertigated tank, some fertilizers are more pH stable than others, and running an airtstone nonstop can impact your mix's pH, but frankly, making sure its just on a burst rate will prevent all but the most unstable fertilizers from reacting.

If you're just adding water to your SIPs its of no concern either way, in my experience. An airstone in operation will heat the water (which reduces oxygen content) while adding oxygen content - so it's a bit of a wash really.
Oohhh, pretty stuff @sjb504 very pretty stuff. Thanks for sharing that one.

Yeah, I still drop the odd air pump in there still but there's no need per say.

They can help if you feel things have become overwet. And I use them in a lot of active-microbe grows which, these days, is most of them.

I only use on a burst timer schedule, so they are off for the vast majority of the time. Often I'm just keen to prevent any settling in the reservoir. As it can be a large reservoir, often it can settle out over time if not stirred up a bit and an anaerobic environment can develop over time if enough settling material is in the water to eventually isolate itself from the rest - and bad things can happen. So to have the benefit of of all the stuff I have in the water but not the threat, I run an airstone in my SIPs for a few seconds every few minutes - type of idea.

If you are running a fertigated tank, some fertilizers are more pH stable than others, and running an airtstone nonstop can impact your mix's pH, but frankly, making sure its just on a burst rate will prevent all but the most unstable fertilizers from reacting.

If you're just adding water to your SIPs its of no concern either way, in my experience. An airstone in operation will heat the water (which reduces oxygen content) while adding oxygen content - so it's a bit of a wash really.
Got my earth box root and veg kits in. Planning on using my 3x3 but it looks like a tight fit. Do you guys recommend 2 in there or just 1. I also have a 2x2 tent setup. I have options of doing both autos and photos.

You can go either way but if you go with two you're going to have to be very strict about how you grow! Here's mine with one. 13 oz's dry in the 40 inch x 40 inch tent! It's a quad that I held all its shoots down for a level as possible canopy. I'm sticking with one. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the EarthBox for this! Good luck!
You can go either way but if you go with two you're going to have to be very strict about how you grow! Here's mine with one. 13 oz's dry in the 40 inch x 40 inch tent! It's a quad that I held all its shoots down for a level as possible canopy. I'm sticking with one. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the EarthBox for this! Good luck!
That looks awesome. I think I’ll stick with one. The other one should fill out the 2x2 I have really nice
Got my earth box root and veg kits in.

are the earth boxes a sip set up ? just curious.

I have options of doing both autos and photos.

it's a nightmare trying to run both in a small space.

Planning on using my 3x3 but it looks like a tight fit. Do you guys recommend 2 in there or just 1. I also have a 2x2 tent setup. I

run both tents. start 2 in the 3 x3 and then move the auto to the 2x2 as it will likely finish smaller. you can the train the photo out larger in the 3x3 and let it finish there.

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