Slammy Pajammy's Indoor Organic Supersoil Ladies, 2019! 2nd Ever!

Today's Veg Update:

Veg tent is looking more under control now that I've moved that old gal over into the flower tent. I've had an exciting bit of success with the clones so far, and they are so vigorous once they get rooted!!

These two weird ones were off a flowering plant and they took a while to figure out what was happening... but now they're branching out hard!

The big girl in the veg tent here will be out of control well before I've chopped the third one out of the flower tent :').

I'm discovering that topping these plants actually saves a lot of time and splits that apical dominance far sooner than just LST. Will probably be doing that from now on! Plus makes for an ideal clone candidate ;D

This little white widow seedling is looking good!

And these two clones are starting to look bushy and amazing!!

There's a couple more ladies outside under the sun vegging now that it's beautiful and summery, but it's dark now so pics will have to wait!
Today's update:
Temp: 17-34
RH: 43-71%

Man oh man! Flowers are looking so beautiful! We've definitely been keeping them a lot wetter this time around, and I think they are appreciating it. The new girl is starting to add a little height which is nice! Can't wait to see what she will be! I am starting to suspect I smell peachiness from both of the older two, so I would not be bummed to chop two Chocolope in a few weeks!

At about halfway through week 5, so we're potentially only halfway through flower at this stage... what will happen by the end?? And who will jump in the flower tent to replace them?? Tune in next week to find out! Or... I guess more like next month, really . Haha I've got a couple outside that are looking like great candidates to hit the flower tent when these come down

Week 5.5:

Week 1.5:
Today's veg update:


Lots happening over here at the moment! So many different generations of clones and seedlings now, I should be pretty well set up to have plants to put into the flower tent non-stop as they get chopped. Perfect!

Big bertha is looking unbelievable. I've cleaned up some lower shoots and topped a couple of the tallest colas again to keep the canopy nice and flat, and she is taking the training and everything like a champ. Nothing slows her down!! I'm going to let this one get massiveeee and make sure I get some clones off her before I send her next door

Other than that, I'm just progressively up-potting everybody into slightly bigger pots before they hit the big fabric pots, as it definitely seems to boost plant growth time in my recent experience
Today's flower update:
Temp: 19-32 degrees
RH: 36-71%

Flower tent is looking amazing! We've pretty much just been keeping them topped up with water every other day or so, and they seem to be enjoying it! We are nearing the end of week 6 and they are looking so beautiful! :')

I did another bit of leaf stripping on the lady who is around the end of week 2, and we'll probably leave her pretty well alone from here on and see how she goes! Other than that, just watching and waiting, with bated breath! x'D

Mystery 1:

Mystery 2:

Mystery 3:
Today's veg update:
I remembered to get a pic of the outdoor ladies before it got too dark! Gave them a good watering and tied down the biggest lady today. They're getting eaten a little by caterpillars and thrips, but I'm keeping it reasonably under control with coffee grounds applied into the mulch, and potassium soaps of fatty acids sprayed on weekly. They're still growing pretty well!

Indoor ladies are looking good! Big bertha is blowing my mind... I can't wait to see what she looks like in another few weeks!!

Clones are still perky, but no sign of new growth yet.

The previously rooted weird flowery clones are looking great though! As is the little baby white widow

This big clone is ready for an up-potting!

And this one is recovering from the topping and training. She didn't appreciate that very much...
Today's flower update:
Temp: 19-32 degrees
RH: 35-75%

Just passed the end of week 6, and these ladies are looking SO good!! Pretty well cloudy across most of them, but still a littleeee bit of clear.... I'm going to keep watching and let them go as long as I can wait before they get too amber. Doing a good job of holding out so far! xD

They are sucking down every last bit of water we give them! They got some water with the green supreme and bio boost again today

Mystery 1:

Mystery 2:
Secondary flower update:

Tied down the younger flower girl again today now that we've passed the end of week 2, so she should be really well flattened and opened up in prep for a good flower! The plan is to probably let her finish out on her own in the tent, then I'll put one of the big massive outdoor ladies into the tent on her own
Today's flower update!
Temp: 19-29 degrees Celsius
RH: 42-63%

Hello hello everybody!! It has been a very long time and I have been busy! I did NOT realise how quickly the responsibility of looking after plants can compound into a biggg job when you start adding numbers and other veggies and things into the mix!!

Long story short... slammy is starting to get the hang of cloning!! Woohoo!

But long story, slightly less short... slammy dumped his clones straight outside from 18/6 to a 14hr summer day and they all started flowering... every.. single.. one hahaha xD

So I had to update the journal along this interesting adventure (hopefully) back to revegging these clones!! xD so I'm putting them back into one of the flower tents (flowering overnight) for a few extra hours to boost them back up to 18 hours a day. That'll also make for an easier transition back into the tents once big gurtha comes down!

I also gave them all the tiniest bit of bio vega and some seaweed extract, just to give them some nitrogen to encourage them back to veg, and hopefully reduce some of the shock of all this light stress

Big gurtha is lookin SO fine though!! :') she's about 5 weeks into flower, and gearing up to be my best lady yet! Can't wait to see how she finishes out!!

I also have my viparspectra flowering an older clone in the other tent during the day, and surprisingly temps have been ok in the plant room! This lady is roughly 2 weeks into flower and looking good! Can't wait to finally have some again! :') and now that I've been using the mulch extensively, I've basically eliminated any trace of the fungus gnats I used to have pop up!
Bonus pics of some more of the outdoor ladies!

I was originally thinking I might try and stop these two from flowering, because I wanted to get them a little bigger before letting them flip. But I don't want to muck around and risk stressing them out too much and losing them!! So I'll just take what they make :)

These two were some of the very first to start flowering, and I've left them largely alone. They don't look super stressed, but they are also taking a LONG time to flower, so I'm not sure if they got confused and half wanted to switch back to veg? Will be very interesting to see what happens in another few weeks when the days become shorter than 12hrs outside! But they are THICK! Maybe I'll even stick these in a tent and finish them out sooner. I dunno!


Bonus trough pic with some rosemary, zucchini, onions, and chilis! :D everybody is LOVING the supersoil! We've even got some strawberries in another trough who have done quite well this year! :) so much easier growing in living soil than having to try and match feeding regimens for everybody!
Today's update:
Temp: 21-29 degrees Celsius
RH: 47-80%

Bit of a spike in RH as a lot of rain came through here, but the outdoor plants have appreciated it! Big gurtha is looking beautiful as ever, just plugging along!

I think I might be seeing a little bit of good leafy weirdness starting to come back out of the buds on the little clone friends though... hopefully this is a sign that they are coming back to the veg for a little longer for me! Gave them all a good soak and we'll keep watching them!
Today's update:
Temp: 20-27 degrees Celsius
RH: 40-58%

Big gurtha is looking fantastic! She's right about 6 weeks in, and I can't even imagine what the next two weeks will bring! I got 5 litres of water dumped into her today, and she'll probably drink that down in the next day or two. She smells a lot like the 2 strawberry coughs that have come up recently, so I'm suspecting that's what we have on our hands!

As for the clones, we are just pulling them in and out of the tent and still watching and waiting. Looks like they are still gaining height, but I'm not sure if I'm seeing a huge reduction in budset on the bigger ones yet. All we can do is watch and wait! I'm hoping they should be nice and bushy after the accidental flower flop though, so at least we'll get some bonus out of having to play this game and wait!
Outdoor Update:

Still plugging along nicely! The oldest outdoor clone flowers are very old, but not as big as I would expect for how long they've technically been "flowering"... so I'm not sure if they were half confused and trying to switch back to veg, or if they are just slowly creeping towards the finish. I'm curious to see if there will be any big difference in their growth as outdoor day times come down below 12 hours? No idea! This is the very first season I've had the opportunity to be outside, so it's all an adventure! They are looking pretty good though, and smelling even better!!

Old clone 1 (nice training, slammy!)

old clone 2 (... what have you done..?)

These two below were put outside more recently than the above two, and are progressing through flower pretty normally, so I'm hoping they won't get confused or anything and will just flower right on through the end of the season. We are only probably 4 or 5 weeks until day times are shorter than 12 hours anyway, so I think they'll be fine. Means I sent some of my midsize plants to an earlier flower than I was originally planning... but at least I'll have some bud coming in!
Clone Post!!
I think I've finally stumbled on the secret!! Or at least, the right combination of things... hahaha

There are probably other way better guides and info to cloning out there, but here is my process and some of the things I've picked up along the way! Because I've been trying to clone off and on for like a year and have only just managed to start having success!! :D

MOST IMPORTANTLY!! Sterilise your tools. I've tried rooting gel, rooting powder, cloning into clay pebbles, peat moss, supersoil, domed/undomed, misting/no misting, feeding and not feeding. The single factor that seems to have boosted my success rate from probably 10-20% up to 90-100%, is merely keeping my shear blades in a little cup of 91% iso alcohol in between actually cutting the clones

Otherwise, it's super simple!!! I go straight into supersoil, as it means I don't have to muck around with trying to watch and feed them the right amount at the right time to encourage rooting. Might take a little longer, it's definitely taken a few weeks to get these last ones to root (although I have confused them with the whole flowering while they are trying to root... but it still happened!)

I usually will strip the extra leaves and plant material off the cutting before I've actually chopped it off the mother plant, that way it's not a mad rush and I can have it basically ready to go straight into the soil when I make my final snip at the base. If there is room to get in there, I'll run the shear blades along the base of the stem and scrape back just a little of the excess skin around the stem, otherwise I'll cut my new clone and do this just before putting in the soil. If I do have to do anything after separating the clone from the mother, I'll try and keep it as quick as possible, and often will cut the very bottom of the stem down, at a slant, so that there is as little time as possible between making that final cut and going down into the moist (but not soggy) soil. I don't even bother with powder or gel or anything anymore (although it's possible these would cut down on my rooting time)

Then that's it! I keep them in cute little red solo shot cups uncovered (humidity domes definitely seemed to cause me more harm than good, even in our dry climate, usually ~20-40% RH). They'll get a good soak usually every day or two, just to keep the soil active and stop it from drying too much and getting too crusty, but I try not to really mist the foliage at all. If you want that water, you gotta grow yourself some roots!

I wasn't sure if the sun would be too much light intensity for them, but they get full sun for most of the 14hr summer day here, and I still had all 4 of the last round of cuttings take root!! Woohoo!

I like to pretty slowly up-pot at first, and give them a chance to really completely fill out their pot with roots before going into a slightly bigger pot. I've got a variety of small pots from all the plants we buy at the local nursery, so I like to do many gradual up-pots and force them to really pack out the new pot each time before going up. Just don't wait so long the roots start to turn brown and die off at the edges!

And that's about it! Here's the latest round of pics of the young ladies. Still looking very flowery, despite getting closer to 20 or 22 hrs of light each day, so we'll just keep putting them in and out of the night time tent, and they should eventually switch back. I need a next generation or else I've gotta make my next harvests last!!! If I can get ahead of the game over winter and prepare myself for the start of next season, I think I've learned enough this year to really effectively utilise next summer!!
Today's flower update:
Temp: 20-29 degrees
RH: 45-69%

Got another 5 litres of water into big gurtha. Still looking beautiful! Nearing the 7 week mark!

The little clones are still kind of resisting the flip back to vegging. But definitely seems like most of the smaller ones are showing less dramatic signs of flowering and more leafy growth, so that's a good sign! The biggest tallest one is still looking suspiciously more flowery every day, so it seems she will be the hardest to convince to flip back
Today's flower/re-veg update:
Temp: 23-29 degrees
RH: 50-65%

Big Gurtha still fat and happy. We've admittedly chopped a few lower smaller ones already, just to see what she'll be like. Lookin like it won't take much to knock us out by the time she finishes up x-). Pot is nice and heavy so no need to water today. I'll start scoping trichs probably in another week or week and a half!!

As for the re-vegging ladies... looks like everybody is starting to spit out leaves again! Woohoo! I'll only have to be doing the game of putting them in and out of the tent until the big lady comes down, but man will that be nice! Haha although the sun is still a very nice supplement during the day... hmm

At any rate! Here are some pics of the latest progress. This mistake might turn around and boost me to extra bushy plants coming into next season! ;D
Today's exciting clone update! (apologies for backwards step in pic quality... this phone does not take pics like my last one)

So it looks like we are successfully flipped back! All of our little clone friends are showing good bushy leafy growth, with a distinct change in growth shape right around the apical tops again. Woohoo!!

Maybe next season I will try a much more gradual reduction of light down to match the outdoor sunrise/sunset times at 14.25 hours over the course of a few weeks before I plunk the clones outside. If this still is enough of a reduction of light to initiate flowering, then I may just have to look at either changing to vegging inside maybe under like 16/8 or something? Or I suppose getting some kind of supplemental lighting for outdoors to extend outside day length a little bit. But I'd kind of prefer to not have to do that!

At any rate though, these beautiful ladies will be a very bushy and fantastic next two generations for us!! A potentially time-costly mistake looks like it will turn into bushier plants, so I am very very happy they are back to veg! Losing these to flower already would've cost me quite a lot of weeks of progress. Now these 8 will hopefully carry us most (or all) of the way through until next outdoor season! Yippee!

Still waiting to see if this little lady will take root or not. She was taken from a plant maybe 5 weeks into flower? So I was expecting her to take a little bit longer to start with. But I don't know if all of this back and forth between flower and veg confusion will have cost her too much time/stress to bother taking root before she shrivels up. We'll see! But I've got enough other successfully rooted ones that it doesn't really matter if we lose this one. Just sticking it out for the experiment of it!
Speaking of flowers! Here are a couple of pics of the latest flower friends. We've got them kind of at all different stages of flower, because some were initiated intentionally in the tents, some flipped themselves when they were put outside (at slightly staggered times because I kept changing how I wanted to utilise the two tents with our outdoor garden haha). And of course, Slammy was a little lazy at the time and wasn't really documenting when and why these ladies were going outside! But no dramas here. It will be a lesson in patience and diligent gardening, as I watch and wait for each lady to finish out at her own pace, and they'll each get the chop dependent on how their trichomes are looking

We have DEFINITELY had some issues with spider mites this year. There has been much back and forth of plants/me coming in and out from the big outdoor garden to the tents, so I was expecting it would be a big problem, especially because this season has been a really bad year for the mites and the aphids. With a consistent regimen of potassium salts of fatty acids, I've definitely managed to keep them largely at bay across all of our plants. The difference between the infestation levels on the bait weeds that I leave around the yard versus our plants in the troughs, is TERRIFYING! Haha but I'm still a little bit worried as I have caught a few small signs of webbing in a few spots here and there. I know my mulch has a healthy population of predatory mites, and I do see them trundling around from time to time, especially just after a water. I can only hope that they will be enough to take care of my babies through flower, because I'm not sure if there is much else that I feel comfortable spraying on all my buds! Fingers crossed!!

Big Gurtha appears to be the biggest and oldest (although I suspect there are two outside that look somewhat close to her in terms of age into flower). She is roughly 7.5 weeks into flower, and still has a little bit of clear trichomes in the mix. Buds are looking beautiful and chunky this time round though, I think due at least in part to the crazy wind we had for a lot of the time she was outside vegging, which forced her to make nice big thick stems. This was also the first lady I trained into fewer but larger tops, and those main colas are looking good because of it! She is a little bit pillaged as we have been progressively taking little bits to dehydrate here and there. It is interesting to watch the effect change as the buds develop and progress closer to ripeness. I'm hoping we can hold off on chopping at least some of her until she fully finishes, which it looks like will be another couple weeks yet

This little lady is in the tent next door to Big Gurtha. Flowering during the day under the Viparspectra, I've definitely consistently noticed under this light that although the yields aren't quite what the bigger quantum board/cob light can produce, she always makes ridiculously frosty little chunkers. This lady is probably maybe 4 weeks into flower? She did get up-potted into this big pot pretty recently before the flip, so she didn't really get a chance to fully stretch her roots into this soil mass and make full use of all the soil and water available in this pot. I'm noticing it in how much less frequently she needs water than her bigger sister next door, and she does get a little thirsty before the pot is light and the soil in need of rehydrating. Still very satisfying flowers though!

These two ladies were some of the first clones to go outside. When they slowly started to show their first signs of flowering, I thought they were just nice mature clones who were showing how ready they were to flower... Haha yep! So ready in fact, they indeed WERE beginning to flower xD. So I left them to do their thing for many weeks alone outside under the summer 14hr days. By the leaf structure, I'm not sure if they ever tried to reveg, or if they've just flowered slowly. They have been outside for probably at least 8 or 10 weeks now, and are not quite looking like 8 or 10 week old flowers yet. I just scoped some trichs yesterday and there is definitely still some clear, I'd peg them developmentally closer to 5 or 6 week flowers. So I'll just watch them and see when they look nice and done! I'm guessing they won't be quite as big and defined as the buds on Big Gurtha, but they should be pretty thick and chunky! I'm a little bit tempted to stick one in a tent down to 11 or 12 hour days once Gurtha comes down, just to see if there is any change in the growth or how she flowers. But they may be done by then anyway. Who knows!

These two clones were babied in the veg tent for longer because they took a little longer getting established. Because of that, they came outside quite a few weeks after the first round, and subsequently had a smoother transition into flower I think. They are probably around the 2 or 3 week mark? They started to flower around the same time all my little baby clone friends flipped, and I at first was going to try and supplement outdoor lighting to get these two to flip back to veg as well with all of the smaller ones. But being that they were near the two older flowering clones above that I already wasn't sure of the status of, I decided it would be safer to risk the stress and herming and stuff on all the little baby ones (plus was much easier moving them in and out of the nighttime tent), and just leave the 4 bigger clones outside to just do their thing however they decide to respond to the natural day times. I'm not disappointed with that decision, as it means that over the next 2-8 weeks, we should have 6 decently mid-sized plants coming down!
Today's flower tent update:
Temp: 19-28 degrees
RH: 41-56%

Big Gurtha is looking and tasting so good!! Haha we have been pillaging quite a bit lately, but still haven't touched any of the main colas, so I will let them continue to finish and ripen. We are just about 8 weeks deep now, with a good half harvest in the dehydrator to keep us going and only a little bit longer to finish ripening up the last clear trichs! I haven't had the patience to leave any of these new sativa plants all the way through till finish before, so it will be interesting to watch this strawberry cough continue to develop!

And, after diligently moving the clones back and forth between the tent and the back yard to supplement day length, we finally up-potted some big happy vegging ladies! Can't wait to free up some tent space for these ladies to really go out of control!!
Today's flower update:
Temp: 18-28 degrees
RH: 45-58%
Flowers are looking fantastic!! I've deemed our tent friend to be looking nice and cloudy, with just a little bit starting to turn to amber, so we'll probably look at giving her the chop this weekend! Can't wait!

The two remaining outdoor ladies are just over 5 weeks into flower, and looking fantastic!! Should hopefully be somewhere between April 7-21, but we'll see what the trichs tell us once we get there!

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