SoilGirl's Organic In & Out Journal 2015

OMG it happened. Bans on gay marriage are now a thing of the past in the USA! Who wants to be my first future ex-wife!?? Seeing as this is my journal, time to party!!!! I Love You Anthony M Kennedy!

:thumb::goodjob: dont you just love soil :)
I sure do NuttyProfessor! Thank you :Namaste: This LOS smells and feels so good to the touch I'd like to climb in a pot and take root myself. :laughtwo:
Soil nerds are the best. :)
Nice outdoor plants SoilGirl! I hope one day I can grow cannabis in my backyard!
I hope you can too one day Roach! It's such a different experience from indoor grows. Indoor ones are so lab-like, scientific.. outdoors its more, go with the flow. Nature is a beautiful thing :) :Namaste:
OMG it happened. Bans on gay marriage are now a thing of the past in the USA! Who wants to be my first future ex-wife!?? Seeing as this is my journal, time to party!!!! I Love You Anthony M Kennedy!



About time. Geez, we evolve slowly. :straightface:
Hi everybody, I've been having a crazy weekend and have a big week ahead so I won't be here as much as I'd like to be. Just wanted to let you know. I have to run soon but I snapped a few pics and I want to do an update first. So much happening in the grow! :circle-of-love: I'm also expecting some seeds soon! I will probably only pop one or two this summer. - I also indulged myself in some BAS goodies, some of their craft nutrient blend and minerals. And I have the parts for a 5 gallon (or maybe 2 5 gallon's at once) ACT brewer on the way. Still pretty confounded by that whole process but, hey, I have a little money and I'll try and make it work haha. Gotta start somewhere. I'll be putting my own little setup together helped by instructions from Microbe Organics. ----> Microbe Organics

Alright gonna upload the pics. Brb! :)
Update 6/28/15:

Here's the outdoor family, with a couple new additions.


OG Kush (PR) is finally looking happy with me again after my rough treatment of her during those supercrops. The wounds on the stems are starting to heal, fattening that section of stem significantly in the process. I've given a cytokinin-heavy popcorn SST to it (and the others) every 3 days, which I'm sure helped the healing process, and now am starting to sprout some alfalfa. Today the plants got some aloe juice. It's also going for flowering as I predicted :) more pistils every day, and smelling stronger too.


Blue Blood is also going for flowering. She has a strange shape for having never trained or topped her to my memory. But, an overall happy medium/small plant.


Red Cherry Berry, the bud on a stick, is about to be chopped. I think tomorrow. Smells nice and fruity, maybe not optimally aged for trichs, but my stores are scarily low. Tomorrow it is.


The Dinafem White Widow is taking to that old cab-driver pot pretty well :)


Ultrasour (the possible self pollination/cross pollination from a TH Seeds mother plant of my friend's 2014 grow) got moved outside :) into the old 3.5 gal bucket that grew my Red Cherry Berry plant last grow (old pics below), topped off with some of BAS' craft nutrient blend and mineral mix, and some fresh vermicompost and ground malted barley. That bucket had some living mulch growing in it so hopefully it is still pretty alive.



Cheese also got moved outside, into possibly the largest pot out there. Hey... had the soil, why not? And I like cheese. :) for the soil mix I started off with CC's recipe, and took a page out of PeeJay's book and decided to diversify it with BAS' craft blend, some Yum Yum mix, and topped off with some organic Kellogg's gro-mulch, fresh vermicompost, supercharged with about a cup of ground malted barley, and a little top cover. Should do great.


The two Jamaican OG Clones are doing quite well. One is short and bushy, kind of topped itself, the other long and leggy. Both have some deformed leaves from a rough time in the cloner, but the new growth is all in good shape. :)


Mama Jamaican OG took to the few supercrops I gave it and is just shining in the sunlight... Starting to get this really interesting smell. I'm still trying to wrap my nose around it :laughtwo: definitely flowering. I'm so glad the older plants are flowering. This should ensure a couple harvests this summer, without really planning it out haha. Some things just work out for you on their own. :Namaste:


Diesel (reveg mother) is finally done putting out those crazy mutant reveg leaves. I had to do quite a bit of cleaning her up, and still have a ways to go, but I can see a lovely harvest and a few nice clones in this girl's future.


The Euphoria sprouts are opposites. One quick to stretch and grow, the other still struggling along, but definitely alive. I'll give it a few more weeks to put on some real growth, then I'll pull it if it doesn't.


Rokerij White Widow sprouted right away 3 days ago. It's gonna be cool to try 2 different breeder's versions of WW. :) I never was a big WW fan in stores, but I'm sure their WW wasn't grown in top notch LOS with the love and care I can afford to shower on mine, so perhaps I will change my tune after this grow. :Namaste:


And since I have some seeds on the way - I decided to throw caution to the winds, and drop my only actual TH Seeds Ultrasour bean into some soil today. Cross your fingers for me she sprouts! The CH9 Jack bean I mentioned, didn't make it. I sprouted a Black Bubba kush bean instead.... then pulled it because I remembered how unremarkable that BBK was last year. It was just... meh. :\ - I'd rather have a legit Ultrasour growing.


Thank you for coming by and I hope you all had a lovely green weekend. :cheer::circle-of-love::ciao:
You've got a lot of fun ahead. Obviously you spend enough time to appreciate and observe each plant as an individual, that helps a lot :)
I don't have such a great memory, so I have to name them to keep track.
Hahahaha yeah, I do spend quite a bit of time with them, and hopefully have good times ahead. ;) I love your names for your plants. Giselle, Bertha, Delilah, :) I wish I could come up with good names for my plants. I guess I'll just leave it to the breeders for now haha. :rollit:
Looking fantastic there SG... wait till you try out the Microbulator - put the ACT on the other veggies in your garden too and you will see a transformation and it won't be subtle either.
Hahaha well lets not go so far as Microbulator, I actually ordered a 5 gallon bucket with lid, an air pump (the elemental 02 series TW recs now, except the 571 gph version), some 3/16 air line, and 5 little round air stones. Lol hopefully thats enough. if it isn't ... I guess I'll have to figure it out. :laughtwo: all of that for like 40$. I wonder if I'm missing the control for the pump or something. Seems too easy >.< I've gotta be missing something. Maybe I should have got the Microbulator. :straightface:
Making me jealous of all your outdoor space!
Aw sorry CC, hopefully you'll get your own outdoor space some day. :Namaste:
Great update SoilGirl. I got my fingers crossed for your Ultrasour.
The Ultrasour sprouted! Admittedly I'm a little concerned about its skinny little root barely holding itself up.. but its 'helmet' is off and I think it'll make it just fine if it gets a few gentle days. I'm about to start trimming up that RCB Stick Nug. I'll take a few pics for you guys but might not get them up for a couple days. Thanks! :love:
A Few Things....

Let's start on a happy note. That RCB Stick Nug was chopped yesterday. And I actually was reminded that trimming can be enjoyable.. on a small scale lol.


All the plants got an Alfalfa SST a couple days ago too, here's the proof lol.


Now, my odd little Ultrasour sprout.... It looked much sorrier than this before I covered up part of its root (the mound of dirt in the middle) .... Just gonna leave it alone and hopefully it'll put on some weight..


The real dilemma I'm facing is Dinafem WW... in that cabdriver pot. I don't know what's happening, it looked happy when I left it yesterday. It's like, sudden death. :thedoubletake: I want to call it overwatering but... its been doing great til now with a little sprinkle every day. Just weird. Have you seen anything like this before? It was thriving the other day. Any help appreciated thanks! For now, I moved it to the shade and propped it up with a stick...


Have a great day! :love:
UGH as the day goes on it's just getting worse... poor Dinafem WW... I feel so bad, I don't understand what could've done this.. :yikes:
I suppose there could be something attacking the roots but ? -.- It really is weird. The leaves are already dry and crumbly... Ugh. Bye Dinafem WW. I don't think this ones gonna make it :(
:rip: Dinafem White Widow. It was root rot. The drainage holes at the bottom of the pot were clogged, and not big enough. I pulled it and found brown roots. First ever root rot for me :S I guess it was bound to happen eventually with all my watering.

Glad I still have Rokerij White Widow going. :Namaste: Good to have a fall back plan(t) haha. :)
50$ 5-10 Gal (A)ACT Brewer Build!

By now, we all know that (Actively) Aerated Compost Tea, made correctly, is one of the best (if not the best) concoctions you can possibly give to your soil plants, whether you're growing cannabis in a closet or corn in a field. This is because you are taking the microbe life from your compost/vermicompost and extensively multiplying it in a controlled aerobic environment before drenching your soil with it. It is an inoculant for organic soil like no other, full to the brim with all kinds of good microbes. A game changer for any organic gardener...

Yet, it can be off-putting to the typical, slow-to-change organic gardener to work out how to build their own brewer, or to buy one. This was my dilemma. While I saw everyone else's great results, it was hard for me to find out a simple, affordable way of doing this for myself. Now I will show you how I solved my dilemma for ~50 USD.

What I am using:

-25 ft. standard 3/16" airline tubing - 9$
-5 30mm Jardin Ball-Shaped Bubble Release Airstones (these were cheapest, any small air stones will work though) -4$
- a Commercial Air Pump, I'm using the O2 571 gph, 2.47 psi, 20w, 120v (The EOCP254 made by Elemental Solutions) - 25$
- 1 or 2 BPA-free 5 gallon bucket's with lids, depending on how many you want to make. For now, just one for me, but in the near future I'll be running 2 5 gallon buckets from this one pump. - 10$

I ordered all of these using cramazon, which for many will probably be the most economic and simple solution.

Step one: follow your air pump instructions and cut 6 3/4 foot long lines of air tubing, attach to assemble the pump.

Step two: drill a hole in the lid off to one side, big enough to stick 6 air tubes through and still have some space for air to flow out.


Step three: poke air tubes through the hole without tangling them up or squeezing and attach your air stones to the tubes on the inside of the bucket lid.


I only have 5 airstones at the moment and you'll notice that their are 6 dividers/air I put a pin on one to close it up and make the airflow through the other 5 a bit stronger.


Step four: Plug in and enjoy the bubbles! :) Ok, for ACT brewing, the lid will be on for splash control, but that doesn't make for a very good pic does it? :laughtwo:


You're ready to make an (A)ACT now! For help with that, this is undoubtedly the best place to go... Microbe Organics ... my build was inspired by instructions from this site.

I'll be starting my first 'brew' tomorrow morning! :yahoo: Hope this helps! I'm not exactly a builder, or too great at instructing how to build, but if I can do it, rest assured you can too. :laughtwo: :circle-of-love:
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