Spitz Tries His Hand At The Dr. & Some Fruit In Soil!

The Strawberry Cheesecake was showing some I'll affects. I went through the pain in the ass of bringing her to the tub and trying my first flush. Beat the damn thing up against every door jam, stunk the upstairs for an hr, and made a huge mess in the tub. Ran about 5 Gallons through her. The initial runoff was PH 5.2 and 2300ppm. After the 5G she was down to 650ppm and PH 5.8. I know it's not good but it's as good as it's going to get. I can only assume all 5 of the others are in a similar scenario. She already looks better though.

I've got some changes to make to the process. I've either got to add some lime to my soil or move away from soil altogether. I did plant a seed and she's under a cfl in coco. I'm going to run her 12/12 once I transplant to her a 2G as a small test. She may make an appearance in the journal in a week or 2.

Happy Labor Day!
I've been doing a lot of flushing lately as well, lol. It takes an awful lot of water :) The highest PPM that I measured in the run off was about 700. But I've never fed anything over 1200, and usually I'm at about 900. Still fairly confused and still learning though- so who knows- maybe I'm underfeeding in general. Signs definitely point to toxic salts build up though. I'm going to water to runoff more from now on. I think it's safe to say though, that 2300 ppm runoff is extremely high. Your plants should be a lot happier after this. :thumb:
They just starting showing signs of unhappiness. I only fed them twice at about 800 ppm. Our tap water is 50 ppm. Crazy soil I guess. Been watching yours too. It's actually the reason I decided to flush. Glad I checked. We'll see how they look next weekend. Here's to hoping for the best to both our ladies.
Never forget the day!

End of week 5 bloom update....

Battled some PH issues with the plants. It hit fast and it hit hard shortly after my last update. I haven't been watering to runoff and used really "hot" soil. I knew it was going to happen... I just wished it would have came later and set on slower. Anyway, plants have been lightly flushed and all deterioration seems to have ceased.

First up...
Just the end of week 5 tent shot


Here's a little closer look at the Super Lemon Haze


The Raspberry Cough in the back corner. I think she's my favorite so far.


And last but not least, the 2 Dr Grinspoons in the front side by side


The Blueberry is starting turn into a redhead. She should finish up in week 7 or 8. The strawberry cheesecake is confused... She's kind of just standing still. She's by far the frostiness though. I'll try and get some pics of them next weekend. Shout with questions and/or comments... Peace!
Wow! What a gorgeous collection of plants! Nice pics. You must spend a lot of time standing there entranced looking at them. I suppose we all do that...
Sorry for not reading back through/missing the situation - but from what you have been saying - it sounds like there is no drain where the plants are, and the tent is quite far from any sort of drain. Right?
I'm sure you've thought about remedies for this, so probably just talking, but are you too far from a drain option to run an electric pump? It seems like it would be relatively easy to elevate the plants, put a catch basin underneath, and hook up a bilge pump or something. I pump water between my rain barrels with a little electric pump. That's about 20' but there's no reason it couldn't be longer.
Wow! What a gorgeous collection of plants! Nice pics. You must spend a lot of time standing there entranced looking at them. I suppose we all do that...
Sorry for not reading back through/missing the situation - but from what you have been saying - it sounds like there is no drain where the plants are, and the tent is quite far from any sort of drain. Right?
I'm sure you've thought about remedies for this, so probably just talking, but are you too far from a drain option to run an electric pump? It seems like it would be relatively easy to elevate the plants, put a catch basin underneath, and hook up a bilge pump or something. I pump water between my rain barrels with a little electric pump. That's about 20' but there's no reason it couldn't be longer.

Thanks for the idea. Im thinking that's probably exactly what I'll do. I'll just pump into 5G pails. I can lift a house, I just don't work too well close to the ground. Thanks again! And yes... I do stare at them way too long.
In my veg room I put the plants on a platform made from a piece of plywood. I nailed some wooden strips around the edge, about 1"x1", ran a bead of caulking where it sits on the plywood, and cut a gap in this edging in the middle of the front side of the platform. Then I painted the whole thing white. The platform sits on rails I screwed partway up the walls of the veg room. Then I managed to screw the front center edge of this platform down to a lower crosspiece I ran under the front side, which had the effect of dipping the platform down a bit at that point so water runs down and out the gap there and into a pan. I mean to get around to putting an actual drain in but have been lazy about getting around to it. I don't do much flushing during veg, and the pan is enough to catch any runoff. My flowering room has an actual drain.
I hope you understand my explanation- not that it's important. There are probably lots of ways to skin this cat. During the summer I saw a shower stall base which someone had tossed out after a reno. It was nicely sloped with a drain in the center. I didn't drag it home because I got lazy and my current system works fine- plus the shower floor was just a little smaller than the ideal size.
My electric pump is supposed to be submerged- it pumps till the water level gets about 3" deep or so. A bilge pump doesn't have that issue as far as I know. The bilge pumps I've dealt with were 12 volt, but I'm sure they have 120 volt ones, or else it's easy to wire up a 12volt wall watt type adapter you can find second hand. On boats we hook a float switch to the bilge pump so it comes on (and off) automatically. Not sure that this would be useful for you, but maybe...
Yeah.. Way too familiar with bilge pumps. I like the boat console bilge switch the best. Spent more than my fair share with the "duct tape, flex hose, alligator clip, under the back deck, sitting in 24" of water about to drown" variety too. I'm just going to build a screen platform over a 3x3 tub. Stick a block underneath the back corner for slope and a 12v pump and DC power supply.

I'm really looking forward to the coco attempt. She's pushing her 3rd set of leaves now under a cfl in a 16oz cup. I should just be able to water to waste over a cake pan quite easily. The strain is Medijuana (50/50 hybrid).
Spent more than my fair share with the "duct tape, flex hose, alligator clip, under the back deck, sitting in 24" of water about to drown
Ha ha! So familiar. Usually done while more water pours from the sky, and in through mysterious holes in the boat, and soaks you everywhere possible, as you grovel in a disgusting soup and curse and complain and freeze and search for your missing tools and parts and watch your stuff float away. Well- this should be easier than that.
Permission to come aboard! Subbed and going to follow this grow with interest Spitz. Thanks for stopping by mine and I will try to offer motivation and good vibes. I to have way to many ship stories to tell. 10 years in the Navy with 6 of those at Sea!
I mentioned I dropped a seed in coco as an experiment.. I'm adding a picture of her in case she makes an appearance in the spotlight, and mostly, because I want a time stamp on her. She's been getting 250 ppm of GH Micro every watering. I water her every other day and she is far from dry. Roots poking out the bottom of the cup. She should make it to her final pot tomorrow.

End of week 6 bloom...

The Strawberry Cheesecake and Blueberry took the toxic soil the hardest. The deterioration has ceased and they are finishing up. None of the plants appear to be growing much but they are still drinking like crazy. Here are a few pics...

The Strawberry Cheesecake is first up. She is by far the smallest but frosty as can be. This is a picture of the main cola (she is untopped)


Next up is a Blueberry top. She started packing on weight this week. I expect a nice little harvest from her.


A Super Lemon Haze random top.


And last is a shot of the tent. I left the xml on full power for the picture.


They are all moving along nicely. A couple more weeks on the Blueberry. The Raspberry Cough is looking like she's getting close. For a sativa, she may come down at 8 or 9 weeks if she doesn't swell a bunch. She is the prettiest plant showing no deficiencies. The 2 plants in the front of the tent (right side) are the Grinspoons. They are going to produce more than I expected. Have a good weekend peeps!
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