Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

This ^^ is why I subbed here Van. I always appreciate when growers can explain what they're doing and why in a way that makes perfect sense. Thanks!

Thanks Shed. Makes no sense to me to just say what I am doing without any explanation as to why I am doing it. I am the King of understanding why. Used to drive my Seniors crazy when I was in the Corps. Can't tell you how many times I would ask "why are we doing this"....and they would respond with "Because I fucking told you to numbnuts". I would have wait a bit and reapproach and explain that I wasn't questioning the validity of their orders, just wanted to know why they choose that option so I would be more educated to future situations.

Lol all my leaves are touching each other. I have weak small plants...I need the space still I haven't done true.

I am not the culler......Ms Stank is the culler. I really struggle with intentionally killing a plant that isn't for a harvest. She is much better than I am at culling!

We grow within the legal limits as well, but here is something to consider. Plant aren't counted when chopped...if it gets crowded and you are at limit (but never over, oh no)...the minute you get a call/car in the driveway/knock on the have your shears on the wall like a fire extinguisher and CHOP! All good. :slide:

Interesting....but I will prefer to stick within the legal limits for now. But I will keep that idea in the back of mind LOL.
Just getting caught up over here. I can highly recommend BC Bud Depot's Strawberry Cough. It's very potent and tasty. I could actually taste some cinnamon on exhale.

Hey Neiko! Thanks for swinging through brother! I have been looking for a good Strawberry Cough. I didn't hear great things about Dutch Passion's version and have been holding off for a better option. Think you might have just given me one!! Thanks!

Hey Van.....cheers my brotha!
Found ya...:bravo:

Hey Duggs, glad you made it over brother! And glad to see you getting the swing of the new site.

Good morning Van...Neiko...yes i will second that motion...BC Bud Depot....great seed depot.May i recommend their God gonna grow them again..did back in 04 i believe!
Very, very great tasting and some potent cannabis...:thumb:

That God Bud sounds great! Definitely going to check it out!

Good to know. They have 2 strains that I am interested in and God Bud is one of them.

I am definitely going to look at more of BC Bud Depot's strains. Thanks for the input guys!

Have you ever considered using synthetic in the first part of the grow then switching to organic nutes during flowering? (if not in soil)

Well I can say I know that it is an option for some people, but time is something I have plenty of time with so I don't really mind the slower early growth. With photo plants I can just let them veg longer if they are on the smaller size. The Jack Herer is an auto and I know there is only a limited window for growth before they decide they are ready for flower. I love having control over my plants, not the other way around.

I don't have any desire to grow with synthetic nutes. I have a bottle of Cal-Mag just in case I need it, as well as some silica but I try not to use them if possible, especially if my soil is where I want it and its getting really close. I love my organic soil and will likely grow this way 99% of the time. I might give something like DWC or Aeroponics a try just to see what its like, but I am a dirt guy. I love the feeling of my hands in it and the smell of it.

I appreciate the input and idea though Killerbudz!

It helps a ton! Thanks so much! I wondered why they were doing that. :p

Glad I was able to help! And now you know!!
Are we allowed to mention/talk about the BC Bud Depot because their seeds are sold on the Seedsman site?
As I've been told we can talk about any strains or sellers we need to, but we can only link to sponsors of the site.

I see Shed hooked up Beez, thanks Shed.

Then only thing the site really doesn't want you discuss without something being a sponsor are LED lights. I guess there were some shady ones that ruined it for everyone. Seeds you can discuss any strain from any breeder you want, just can't pimp their site if they aren't a sponsor.

And I think I am all caught up now! Time to medicate and eat....the back is killing me today!
Why do you choose to do 2 up pots rather than going straight into your final container? Have something to do with sexing the plants first as to not use up 7 gal soil on a male?? Hope you havent covered this already! Thanks!

My veg tent is small.....a 2'x4'. In order for me to run 4-5 plants in veg....I need to keep them in smaller pots for a majority of veg. My plan was to keep them in solo cups for about 2 weeks (give or take a few days depending on the growth rate), then go into the 1st up-pot for about 4 weeks and then finally up-pot into the 5,7, or 10 gallon pot (depending on what I am going for in my grow).

Has nothing to do with sexing them. Its all about my logistic capacity (space available to grow) in alignment with my plant limit and my scheduling. I can't support 4 plants in 5, 7, or 10 gallon pots in my veg tent at the same time. My plan (which isn't being followed as I intended LOL) was to drop a new bean every 2 weeks, run them for 8 weeks and flower at the 8 week mark. So that means each plant (non-auto) was supposed to be in the solo cup for the 1 week as a seedling and then an additional 1-2 weeks in the beginning of its 8 week veg period before getting up-potted. They were supposed to stay in those 1 gallon pots for 3-4 weeks which was supposed to take them to the 5-6 week mark in veg. From there, they were supposed to get up-potted into their final pot where they would get 2 weeks to get used to their new home before flipping.

Ok, so after writing all that, I decided to just post a drawing of what my plan you can see how the two tents will be used in their parts of my perpetual. Here is a much simpler vision than me trying to explain it to you. Might also answer other peoples questions.

Veg Tent

Flower Tent

Now please understand, none of that is to scale. The smallest pots in veg are the solo cups. The two middle sized pots are the 1 gallon pots. The big pot is either a 5 gallon (males only), 7 gallons (10 week and under flowering strain), and 10 gallons (strains with 10+ weeks flower time). Hope this makes everything as clear as mud! LOL
Why do you choose to do 2 up pots rather than going straight into your final container? Have something to do with sexing the plants first as to not use up 7 gal soil on a male?? Hope you havent covered this already! Thanks!

LH, up potting in general (with photoperiods) also creates a tighter root ball which will feed the plant more efficiently in flower phase.
Northern Lights Update

We have lift off with the Northern Lights! She started to break the soil last night around midnight. I was attempting to stay awake and catch her fully coming above ground but I lost steam around 2:30 am and fell asleep. Woke up this morning to her fully out of her shell and looking good. Welcome to the world Ms Northern Lights.

Cheers, enjoy your weekend everyone!
That is kinda what I learned the hard way on the smaller veg tent. I like to get mine into the large pots as soon as I can but space is at a premium with a smaller tent.

Another reason I prefer dealing with smaller pots in the early part of the grow is that my back doesn't really like needing to bend down to pick up a 7 or 10 gallon pot after watering. Thats a recipe for disaster through out veg for me.
Know you're not a pH testing type of grower, but the accidental dose(s) of silica will definitely raise soil pH, which in turn might have caused your issues. If you want an organic version of liquid CaMg.....General Organics. :Namaste:

Thats an interesting observation BL, but it doesn't explain it happening before I made that mistake. It certainly might have made it worse though!
Jack Herer Auto Update Day 16

A quick update on this adventure into autos. She continues with her leaf variegation, something I have no experience with. Ms Stank likes it.....I don't particularly care for the variegation. Its finally starting to pick up steam in the growth rate more node and I will look at topping her.

Beautiful babies!

I had a thought, I see so many awesome people growing your ATF! Any chance you want to start an ATF thread to see them all in one place, I think it be pretty popular;) just a thought...keep on keeping on stank’s
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