Stanks Switch It Up In 2019

She liked the fact I'm a journeyman meatcutter so we'll see.
Oh yea, walk in and go to work. Sharpen em up soon. I remember delivering to the meat packing zone in Boston in the 70's. Those boys were daunting all bloody with their knives in hand. They'd cut me a bunch of tips and send me on my way. Good guys. It's not the same now, everything's in a box they say.
I can't even find a real butcher up here. They have meat stores but again not the same as the butcher shops back down south.
It's tough. Same here. Well they're here but too exclusive. Good steak tips go for 18.00 a lb and any prime is 24 and up. Costco's been a haven for pretty good beef at a price I can spend now and then.
I miss the finer ratings - Prime, Choice, etc. Now they have whatever they have.

I'd be willing to pay double for the occasional Prime cuts ...
Prime accounts for 4% of US production, rarely will it go to a box store grocery. Most goes to restaurants.

We have a butcher that will drive to Omaha for their sides. They'll occasionally pick up a Prime for a special order, and I can get some cuts then. :)
Good luck Penny!

I made a nice beef connection through weed. A dude my brother knows smoked some fine HB weed as was so intrigued he wanted to meet. We talked soil, animal health and how it's all related. He is into his cows like I'm into my weed. He's in negotiation with the Toronto Blue Jays and Detroit Tigers to provide them beef. I guess they have specific needs for specific players. I didn't realize he can manipulate the fats based on feeding. Some have higher than normal Omega 3 fats and other custom requirement I don't quite understand. It was fascinating listening to him talk nutrition and cows. Needless to say we've made an arrangement...I provide him quality bud and he gives me prime beef cuts. I gotta say his steaks are the best I've ever had.
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