Merry Christmas, presents are wrapped and girls were top watered with recharge. I decided to use a little recharge when watering because I trimmed and topped and tied down the girls. It was a stressful week for them and I wanted to make sure they had all the soil nutes available they needed. Unfortunately there is a wiggly stem in the quadlined Wedding crasher, it appears it's only half detached from the main stalk. I will leave it bent over and staked down and try not to move it so it can heal.

I don't think I'll be having any Christmas trees in this grow but def some shrubbery lol.
I am resisting the urge to flip these girls. I know that they probably won't yield much if I flipped now but the wedding Crasher is starting to take off. The Wedding Crasher is a bush the other two are more stretched and spaced between nodes and when they really start hitting the reservoir I'm afraid they are going to take off. Anywho I'm giving them 2 more weeks and then then it's flip time.

Wedding Crasher (31 days), quadlined and trained. It's one top is still an inch lower than the others so I moved the hooks out on the other tops to try to keep it even. I also have a couple burnt tips and a odd random brown spot. I'm thinking maybe water droplets on new growth that's grown out now? Idk seems isolated and something I will just monitor.

Before moving the hooks out

A little closer photo of the burnt leaves


Moved the hooks outward, this whole plant is maybe 6" tall so far.

Blueberry (31 days), this plant is just starting to hit its stride and should really start going over the next week. After topping one of the main cola never developed and now the plant is growing with 5 main nodes and the leaves look like they have been chewed on on the main node. The plan is to allow these five nodes to be the main canopy. It's getting super cropped to maintain it's even height.

Before a light trim and super crop


Post trim and bend

Purple Haze (24ish days), this plant is just doing it's thing and minus topping and ticking that's all this plants going to get because it's a week behind the others.

Before trim and tuck


After trim and tuck
I have to say as excited as I am to be growing, I feel that my plants are lagging behind when looking around the site. There are so many awesome grows and I look at these plants that are 30 days in and I think damn what is missing to get me to that point. However I'm staying positive in that this is my first grow after a long break and everything is very healthy and green. This veg feels uneventful which is exactly why I choose the soil, SIP, and organic nutes lol but dang can't I just will them to grow faster haha. I going to post some pics because that is def showing the growth is real and before I know it I will have some great buds forming

Wedding Crasher, trimmed and tucked to allow new bud sites into the canopy, just shy of 5" tall



Blueberry, 4"

Purple Haze, this thing is throwing weird leaves after topping, I'm going to give it another day before taking the fan leaves that are touching the soil 5"

Wedding Crasher fan leaf
Things are responding to the training really well. Lots of new growth into the canopies of the girls.

Purple Haze, 27 days above ground
Pulled some of the lower growth out to spread the plant out

Blueberry 34 days above ground
Really starting to hit its stride


Wedding Crasher 34 days above ground
Just a ton of growth after taking it down, I think it'll be ready for a feed this week. I have noticed a couple of lighter fan leaves that may be due to the increase in light intensity.


They look real good to me- good job keeping them nice 'n short too-
they're off to a great start!👍
They look real good to me- good job keeping them nice 'n short too-
they're off to a great start!👍
Thanks for stopping by and the encouraging words. I kind of used your Budget grow as a jumping point for me. While not super budgeted like yours, your SIP, slow release nutes and short bushy plants were what I've modeled my grow after. So thanks for the inspiration lol.
your SIP, slow release nutes and short bushy plants were what I've modeled my grow after
Well thank you, g-13- I hope things work out well for you- keep the training up, and you really can't go too wrong...
When do you plan on flipping to 12/12?
Originally I was planning Jan 7 but I may go longer just to let the canopy develope a little more. My tents only 5' tall and with the inline and scrubber I loose 6ish inches and plus the height of the 5 gal buckets so ideally for me I'd like the plants under 2.5-3' which seems like an achievable goal so far lol.
Sounds like a plan...👍
I flip mine at 60 days old, or 10 inches tall, whichever comes particular reason, that's just how I've always done it...
Sounds like a plan...👍
I flip mine at 60 days old, or 10 inches tall, whichever comes particular reason, that's just how I've always done it...
Haha 60 is a nice round number but I don't think I'll make it to there, I however would hit 10" quick if I could stop staking it down every new node.
Happy early New Years hope everyone has a great safe holiday. I had some time on my hands while waiting for the ball to drop, so the girls got topped up. They got a full dose of Gaia green, 2tbsp of all purpose and 2tbsp of bloom, and a full cup of worm castings which should last through the transition phase to flower. They were top watered and I will top up the reservoir tomorrow. They were staked out further to the edge of the buckets to try to allow some more undergrowth to the canopy.

Wedding Crasher 36 days above soil
Staked and super cropped 1 of the four mains to any empty space

Blueberry 36days above soil
Pulled the lower branches further out to the sides of the bucket to get more undergrowth up to the canopy

Purple haze 29 Days above the soil
Just letting this one do it's thing still needs some more lower growth to be able to stake them out further
I wasn't going to post anything today but I checked on my plants today to see how they were enjoying yesterday's feed and I was only planning on just checking on them in and out. That was an hour ago and I think I finally have them in the spots I think they will stay and be ready for the flip in 7-10 days. All three girls have for sure hit the reservoir and are really bushing up quite a bit. A couple of the lower nodes were shooting up past the mains on the wedding crasher so I supercropped them to slow them down. Unfortunately I was trimming a fan leaf that was touching the soil under the canopy and snipped the stem of one of the lower branches and now I'm trying my hand at cloning lol. I'm not concerned if it roots just figured why waste the opportunity. If it does root it'll go in the new little tent I just picked up from Vivosun with my points I had from all of my purchases I originally made.


Wedding Crasher


Purple Haze
So I'm starting to believe I may have a small issue brewing. The plants that have been super cropped have these yellowing tips on them. The purple haze does not have any yellow tips but the blueberry and wedding crasher so. It isn't affecting every node just the main branches so far. I'm thinking it looks a little like light stress, but it could also be a ph problem because I have been top watering with just plain RO water.

I've backed the light back down to 60% and I'm looking on the zon for a pH pen and some pH down
Could be just a little nute burn. Leaves don't look like they're canoeing or twisting away from the light so I don't think it's the lights.
Ok 👍. This was the first full strength (recommend 1tbsp/gallon) feed, is there anything I should watch for or prepare for in case it gets worse? Thanks for the quick response, I appreciate it.
A little tip burn means they're a bit more than maxed out on the nute level so watch closely that it doesn't spread.

Or maybe back off a smidge if you're concerned. Recommended nute levels are averaged over many different plants and some, obviously, need more or less than the average one would.
A little tip burn means they're a bit more than maxed out on the nute level so watch closely that it doesn't spread.

Or maybe back off a smidge if you're concerned. Recommended nute levels are averaged over many different plants and some, obviously, need more or less than the average one would.
Ok cool, just one more question lol and this is just a general thing about SIPs and organic nutes. If I needed to flush it how does one go about that in a SIP, and does top watering force to organics into the reservoir causing a concentrated runoff pool? Sorry for the questions it's just a thought I had.
If you're growing organic there should be no need to flush.

If you grow synthetically and the nute line has a built in flush on the schedule you're probably best off with the two bucket design which allows you to pull the grow bucket out of the reservoir bucket to make flushing easier. There's a video in the design post on page two of the SIP Club thread.
Just walked by the tent and thought damn that looks cool 😎. The @VIVOSUN lights doing their thing, and only at 60% they are bright!

The plants look to be growing rapidly now and I think they are just about ready for flower. A couple more days of Veg to gain some more canopy and then it's time to flip these girls.

Here's some tape measurements they are all about 7". The Blueberry has a main that is starting to stretch above the rest of the plant.

Wedding crasher


Purple Haze
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