Step By Step Blueberry & Northern Lights Autos By Farside

Your NL are going to love you from topping them:) each pic looks bigger and better

It definitely didn't slow them down much. They are the biggest plants I've had at this age. I'm actually pretty surprised at the Blueberries and how they are looking considering I did not top them and have done very little training on them. All I did was bend the top over a little and that's it.
They sure are looking nice, nl auto is on my list to grow in the future, seems like most of the nl get pretty big with a good yield.��✌

Thanks. My very first grow was Auto NL by Nirvana. I botched it bad but what I did get off of them was my favorite high so far. Nice warm pulsating body buzz with a psychadelic head trip. I'll get more yield off of one of these than I did 5 plants on my first grow. It wasn't the beans fault for such a low yield as it was the grower at the time. I'm hoping these Pyramid seed produce the same effect. So far I'm liking their super speedy growth.
Day 34 - Things are exploding in the tent. They continue to stretch. BB2 was the smallest of all the plants and now she's the tallest. BB1 is starting to show bud all over. The Northerns are filling out more. The Northers got a gallon of Bloom tonight. The Blueberries will get their drink tomorrow. Had to raise the lights this AM. In the group photo, NL1 is front left, NL2 front right, BB1 back left, BB2 back right.


Both your strains should be the warm fuzzies! .

The wife and I seem to like the indicas best. At least we can agree on something. We may not know where to go for dinner though.
Day 34 - Things are exploding in the tent. They continue to stretch. BB2 was the smallest of all the plants and now she's the tallest. BB1 is starting to show bud all over. The Northerns are filling out more. The Northers got a gallon of Bloom tonight. The Blueberries will get their drink tomorrow. Had to raise the lights this AM. In the group photo, NL1 is front left, NL2 front right, BB1 back left, BB2 back right.


Looking good.. . .
Step By Step Blueberry & Northern Lights Autos By Farside

I just read your full journal, this is awesome. I started my first attempt to grow and using hydroponics. Not surprised that there all dying. But it's cool to see someone else successful grow from beginning to end. .
I just caught up and am watching. Finishing my current grow of Super lemon haze and blueberry. Ordered some northern lights auto seeds and am going to try hydro I think for them. Anyways love your tutorial style guide Farside, good vibes!
I just caught up and am watching. Finishing my current grow of Super lemon haze and blueberry. Ordered some northern lights auto seeds and am going to try hydro I think for them. Anyways love your tutorial style guide Farside, good vibes!

Good to have you. What type of hydro, just a soil-less mix or something more exotic? I'll probably always stick to the soil-less/Promix route. I don't have enough space for a table in my setup and I think the soil-less mixes help cut down on the possibility of bugs that you can have with soil. I've been quite pleased with these Pyramid Northerns. They took off from day one, although the Blueberries were slow out of the gate, they are putting on a late charge and are catching up to their big sisters now.
Re: Step By Step Blueberry & Northern Lights Autos By Farside

I just read your full journal, this is awesome. I started my first attempt to grow and using hydroponics. Not surprised that there all dying. But it's cool to see someone else successful grow from beginning to end. .

Sorry to hear of your misfortune. I tried to make this journal as much as a guide as I could so newer growers could have a track to run on. Hopefully there was something in it for you that will help your future endeavors. Whatever you do, just don't give up. There is a learning in every failure. Lord knows I've learned/failed a few times.
Ay the 3 day mark we have some activity. One of the Northern Lights is up.


And that tiny white speck in the middle of this picture looks like a Blueberry trying to find her way out.


Maybe in another 24 hours I'll see the other two.

I have a question, did you have the lights on before they sprouted or just after NL popped up?
I have a question, did you have the lights on before they sprouted or just after NL popped up?

They are fine with the lights off until they poke their heads out.
Good to have you. What type of hydro, just a soil-less mix or something more exotic? I'll probably always stick to the soil-less/Promix route. I don't have enough space for a table in my setup and I think the soil-less mixes help cut down on the possibility of bugs that you can have with soil. I've been quite pleased with these Pyramid Northerns. They took off from day one, although the Blueberries were slow out of the gate, they are putting on a late charge and are catching up to their big sisters now.

Nothing too exotic, plan to start another journal after I finish my current grow. I'm currently vegging a couple super lemon haze seeds and some sweet basil. The setup is a top-fed dwc in a 12 gallon reservoir. The only thing exotic about my grow is the fact I grow in an unfinished garage and that can be very challenging with temps and stuff in socal.

I haven't started a new journal for a couple reason, I didn't feel too hot about my last grow so far(lots of troubleshooting and no real fixes) and I have some northern lights autos I wanted to do instead so I'm doing a trial run of sorts.

Btw, this will be my real first auto, any advice on what to do and not do? I've read a couple things here and there but I hear different things. To top or not to top, LST, pruning? Your clearly experienced and confident where as me...not so much haha! Cheers!
Re: Step By Step Blueberry & Northern Lights Autos By Farside

Sorry to hear of your misfortune. I tried to make this journal as much as a guide as I could so newer growers could have a track to run on. Hopefully there was something in it for you that will help your future endeavors. Whatever you do, just don't give up. There is a learning in every failure. Lord knows I've learned/failed a few times.

Yes, thank you for all the advice. I'm definitely going to keep trying.
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