Stinky Snid's Nursery & Flower Shop - Welcome To My Perpetual Adventure

Makes sense Snid. I was also thinking about it a few days ago since I am on day 18/19 of 12/12. Both my plants are quite bushy. I removed a little bit of bottom growth since it was in the way of feeding. The rest of the plants will stay how they are. More leaves to soak up more light I'd say
:Namaste: thanks Pat
Hey Yo! :high-five: good to see you :ciao: Dirt
Awesome update snid, girls look fabulous
Thanks Lupey, it's fewer and further between updates these days but I do still enjoy making them.

He is amazing and I also have spoken to the admins/mods about him :;):
Please don't, I don't need any extra glamorization for doing what I like. But I'm am truly humble by that Birdy :Namaste:

:Namaste: Jedi master stinky snid :Namaste:
I always love coming back to your page and see the great
comments and friends stopping by. I love this Web page! Great friends, great advice.

Glad things are looking up for you brother! Ladies r looking forward to seeing you.
Sigh... Biggest of :handshake to brotherly hug:to you mun. It's been long, I can handle hard but it feels like forever. :thanks: somones been busy here..
Gonna be extra stinky now
Peace brother
Busy? That's a huge understatement :rofl: Thanks a bunch oldschool, although I'll try to stay away from the skunk strains for a while. To much delicious aroma. :Namaste:

KiG :green_heart:cheers
:cheer: January 16th Update :cheer:

A casual smoke report of you, since I've recommenced my medicating practices. Cheese is utterly delightful, a strong aroma as soon as it gets grinded between your fingers. Crystals galore and a great kief hash. A major stone and a great sleep aid.

Bubblegum is much more hyper mode weed. Super sweet aroma upon breaking it up, and even more Crystals.. My grinder is loving these strains, :hookah:

And I finally got to try the Pineapple Chunk. An outrageously Stinky aroma, not like the cheese but like a skunks ass. :thumb: also hard hitting and yet surprisingly smooth on the inhale. The white tops of the buds are a little weird to smoke but taste just like the rest. I saved the tops of a few and smoked a "white" joint... Weird ;)

So let's see what next up for the cure jars. These widows are nearing their harvest window, And the photos are just getting started. so strap yourselves in cuz here goes nothing...

:passitleft:Interlude :passitleft:

Auto-flowering Tent
Temperature : 71>62°f / Humidity : 38>24% Rh

The Widows
Day 105





















Notes ~
The gang of widows has lost their luster, but have added some sparkles. There's 3 who are about the same in time remaining. Emerald, Ruby and Amethyst are are about 20 days away. Sapphire and topaz are looking more like a week an a bit... maybe 15 days. Trichome check on the the two is still amber free, Topaz is starting to get hard and a bit purple with the cold nights. I pulled off a ton of nitrogen def. leaves, two fist fulls by the time I got through the gang of plants. It's that time of the season, at least I don't need a rake... Feedings are as per my :rofl:"expert":rofl: discretion as to what and when they need. This auto grow has been a good lesson in not neglecting them when they need to the most. I had no time to figure out their early problems, and I'd just say one more day and we'll see. Lesson learned and we still have some pretty nice buds, so all is good :)

:blunt: Intermission :tokin:

Flowering Tent
Temperature : 72>60°f / Humidity : 35>27% Rh

Atomic Bomb
Day 80 +42




Notes ~
Not much to update on Marge, she's just continuing her bud production. Two feedings since the last update, including one today. Both were 3/4 dose of the bloom lineup for AN, with some added calmag and a bit of liquid kelp meal.

Liberty Haze
Day 54 +21



Notes ~
Haze-L is rising up perfectly in unison. Buds have formed at the top of each prospective cola. She's still working on her last feeding and is due for her next one any day now. Stakes are holding in place, I haven't had to tie anything down yet. No issues regarding deficiency or toxicity yet, :wood:, she been extremely healthy throughout.

Skywalker Kush
Day 52 +21



Notes ~
Leia's cola formation looks like a circle of kids ringing around the Rosie. They're all the same height and I expect they will continue on the same pace together. I'm still hoping for some of the secondary that had just started accelerating in growth, to catch up aswell. Her feeding is due in about two days. Pistils have set in, and buds are forming. No specific issues to report, another healthy flowering lady.

Skywalker Kush
Day 49 +14



Notes ~
As flower gets to the 2 week mark I am not thrilled about her progress. Her secondary growth is still minuscule and only a few have made it to canopy level. Other than the four mains this plant is basically lifeless. I gave her a full feeding this morning, let's hope she turns the corner soon. Other than that she fairly healthy with only a few older leaves withering under her frame.

Do come again, Ole Margy is just itching to unwind... :)

KiG Everyone :green_heart:Cheers
Unbelievable buds snid keep up the good work. Your beautiful girls are motivation for hundreds of not thousands of future growers including myself!!!

Too kind Growlove, too kind. I'm very humbled to hear that my journal might help others find their way on their own adventure to bud heaven. I'll be by your journal likety split to see what I've been missing. :thanks:

KiG :green_heart:cheers
Hey brother looks awesome. I'm assuming you started your new career path now that you are medicating again

It's a long and difficult story, Lupey. I feel that it would be too negative for me to discuss here. I'll send you a pm, in a way it's a relief but then again I could have used that stability right about now. Thanks for asking brother :handshake to brotherly hug: I've got a few things going on now, but I still looking for that right fit.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
It's a long and difficult story, Lupey. I feel that it would be too negative for me to discuss here.
KiG :green_heart:cheers

:hug::cheer::circle-of-love::cheer::hug: You will get what you need. Stay positive and medicate :hug:
:cheer: January 19th Update :cheer:

It's a mid week update, so I'll keep it simple.. Grab your :popcorn: and enjoy the show:Namaste:

:passitleft:Interlude :passitleft:

Auto-flowering Tent
Temperature : 71>62°f / Humidity : 38>24% Rh

The Widows
Day 108





















Notes ~
Sapphire and Emerald are nearing the two week mark. I gave them a final dose of nutes, mainly overdrive and BudCandy. All clear trichomes still so this is a tentative time line. Topaz however, is maybe a few days from flushing. Still no ambers but very little clears, no more pistil production and getting hard... I'll be watching trichs over the next few days still. The the two laggers, Amethyst and Ruby still look like they've got a few weeks still. Much more slender than the others but nice looking buds nonetheless. Pistils are still erupting from these two so it's not a defined harvest yet. I pulled another couple fistfuls of dead nitrogen deficient leaves from the whole lot. All told, I think I can expect 1oz from each of these, anything more is a bonus. I really struggled with this run...

:blunt: Intermission :tokin:

Flowering Tent
Temperature : 72>60°f / Humidity : 35>27% Rh

Atomic Bomb
Day 80 +45




Notes ~
As her buds develop and her aroma thickens, Marge is making me a very proud little grower. This atomic bomb is a ground shaking explosion of blossoming buds. I can't wait to have her skirt lifted and show off her corkscrew trunk. I removed a few hand sized fan leafs from within the innards of her canopy. And begun deciding which popcorn to leave and what to keep. Still a month of hardening and glistening to watch... She's drinking 2 litres every 1½ day, so I decided to just water her daily with 1 litre alternating nutes and clean PhD water.

Liberty Haze
Day 54 +24



Notes ~
Of the new girls Haze-L is furthest along. She crams into the corner of the tent pretty good, you can see her square shape is very pronounced. Every cola is rising together in unison. Also some of the straggler growth tips are hurrying to catch up. Feeding upcoming tomorrow, full nutes for bloom. She got a underbelly trimming, anything that was dragging in the dirt was removed.

Skywalker Kush
Day 52 +24



Notes ~
The ring of dancing buddlings is rising perfectly aswell. Lots of Central growth is making strides to be prominent within the ever growing canopy. Full feeding today, max dosage for bloom. Leaf tucking was done rather than clipping, most of her leaves aren't too big.

Skywalker Kush
Day 49 +17



Notes ~
The central under growth has finally started to grow, although I fear it's too late and they won't amount to full Colas. The mains are doing great and have started the climb at the pots edge. She's a little light in the nitrogen, but her feeding yesterday should have that regulated soon. Her budding has finally started too. I'm two for two on females with the regular skywalker Kush seeds. :thumb:

Thanks for the visit...till next time

KiG Everyone :green_heart:Cheers
The ladies are looking wonderful Snid. Kudos.
Thank you kindly Ditchweed :Namaste:

Maybe you didn't win the derby but you got to smash cars into pieces..⚙️...
Smashing stuff is fun :lot-o-toke: just be sure it's not valuable first. Always good to have some scrap drywall pieces lying around. But it's all good now, I've let it pass and will not be looking back. Focus on what's good in my life and I'll trudge through the rough stuff. :Namaste:

Wow snid your girls (as always) are looking amazing!! I've a feeling Maude will surprise you in the end keep it up brother your an inspiration #global420
Maude is certainly full of surprises. She's got huge popcorn nugs like I've never seen before. It's looking good is all I can say :thumb:

One question Snid, is there a reason you're not trimming off the yellow leaves?:Namaste:
I've been removing fistfuls every couple days from all the autos. I rather not use the clippers these days, I just wait until I can tug them and they fall off. They've not gotten much nitrogen for a couple weeks now so they're turning fast. Usually I'd keep it a little cleaner, but my time and effort are a lacking commodity these days. :thanks:

KiG :green_heart:cheers
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