Stupidface's New And Hopefully Perpetual Auto Grow: All Are Welcome!

If anyone knows what Pogos are I’m sure you will love this!
I hand scrubbed mine in the sink then a fast wash in my machine. They turned out fine. I hang dried them so they didn’t shrink !

Good point about shrinkage, I'll keep them out of the dryer.

I decided to check out this journal because your name is Stupidface and I found it funny. Good job last grow.

Thanks, I'm a fan of your YouTube videos. You've done so much to show people what autos can do.

His nick in short is... Hi Mr. Face.... Not hey Stupid :laugh::rofl::laugh::rofl::rofl:

I've been called much worse :)
Well the first critical orange punch was a dud. Second seed is in paper towel but hasn't cracked. I have no luck with free seeds. I have a Mephisto Genetics seed in water in case this one is a dud as well.

WW keeps growing, but had some yellowing. Upped the calmag last feed and seems to have slowed down the yellow. Here's a crappy pic while feeding.

Stalk on GG4
I know that's small for you coco growers but it's the thickest I've had. Giggity.

Some pics of GG4 bud in the sun.

First 3 plants dried and jarred.
White Widow auto day 78 i think. She finishing up quick now she's under 24 hour light. Bunch of sugar leaves were yellowing so i upped calmag. Was only giving 0.5ml/L before and only every second water. Dont think it was enough for how much she is growing. She still drinks a lot. I give her 6L every night now with 1-1.5L of runoff. Maybe a week before chop.

Colorado Cookies (CC from here on out) day 3

Blackberry Kush (BK) day 3

Brooklyn Sunrise (BS) day 3

Both freebie critical orange punch seeds were duds, so i have a Creme Bubbly by Mephisto Genetics growing a little tap root now. Will get planted tonight. One of these days I'll have a smooth start.
Sorry to hear about the duds but the Creme Bubbly will be nice.

It seems I'll never have a run where they are all the same age. Grew one of the creme bubblys in my second journal and it was pretty good. Hoping to do better of course.
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