SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Haha! Was your father a man of fewer than few words TS? :battingeyelashes:

He did value quality over quantity in that regard. Unless he was trying to teach someone something. Or around someone that was badly in need of cheering up. Which meant he had to talk more than usual while he was busy dying towards the end. I think that took a bit out of him, but...

We were marvelously matched.

You were blessed.

Malawi cobs today. WooHoo!


Ok, I’m going back to the harvest. This is going to be challenging. I’m starting a chew of cob following two hits. I’m already pausing and wondering what I’m doing. :rofl:

Careful, or that'll take two days, lol. I once got there, put my boots on to go outside to do something... Stood there for a couple minutes, thinking (about something? )... Then I realized I didn't know why I was standing there, so I stood there for a couple minutes more, trying to think of what I was about... And then... I thought, "Oh, yeah, now I remember. I was taking my boots off."

Wasn't until I sat back down that I realized, no, I'd just put the things on. So I could... I could... Er... ;) .

@kelticBlue, I couldn’t figure out what delivery I’d missed this morning. Then I remembered. :hug: I’ll have the tent tomorrow. :kisstwo:

Give a tent, get a tent. I'm glad that happened. I thought about offering back the one that you gave me, but couldn't figure out how to get it up there. I offered to let a buddy use it, but he's skeered :rolleyes:. I think it'll get used here when August rolls around and I need to set up something well-ventilated for heat removal. (Oh, yes, thanks again for it!)
Good lord... Tead peeks in... then looks for the last words he left to pickup the stream... but get's worn out looking back.... so he'll just appreciate Sue's machine in it's process and stare at the pretty pictures as the thread rolls along it's normal happy course.
Fun for old man Tead!

Hehehe! Sometimes I move fast. I left a trail of pretty pictures along the way for you. :hug:

Good afternoon everyone. :love:

I'm chillin' today after all the harvesting. It looks like I have another couple coming up pretty soon. Candy Cane in particular went from looking like weeks to looking like days almost overnight. She's at 63 days now, and her predecessor came down in 55 days. Any moment now. :slide:

The trichomes get thicker as you travel down the plant.

It's a cob day for me, Devil's Carnival today, and I'm heading out to stroll the river path. I've been hanging around visiting with the daughter while I wait for the Carnival cob to finish sweating, and the alarm just went off. I'll pop it into the fermentation hot box and get out the door.

Until later my friends. :ciao:
Tead appreciates it.
What... ya using purple food coloring in ur buds these days?!?!
You might consider chewing on the used husk some... crazy!

Chris Scorpio cobbed a Dark Devil Auto. :yahoo: It should be ready for testing when I arrive in Phoenix. That one’ll probably turned the husk purple. Lol!
Candycane is an odd looking weed.

Yes it is lazyfish. This is the first one to look like this, to be honest. All the others developed the buds like snowballs. I'm beginning to wonder if it is a Candy Cane. I never had one foxtail like this either.

Just about everything about her is different from the others, come to think of it. BRB.....

Her terpene profile smells very similar, but with a new lemony edge. Hmmmm..... This is an interesting development. I hope it works the same way for her. Candy Cane is her favorite for brownies.
Sup sue... Hope all is well... . I really love that C.Cane.. Plz let me know if that is not it, I am gonna drop a bean of it in Early July, Havent figured out what to go with it... Still holding off on a couple of Autos, as a general idea on here it seems best to wait to get my first few Photos going... I am just gonna start slow like, with 2 to 3 beans every 4 to 6 weeks.. Till about Late September.. At that point I am gonna be in Harvest Hell for about 3 weeks ish... Gonna Go with 9 sativa heavy, and 4 Indica heavy outdoors, and I have already gifted the rest away for future draft picks LLOOLL... Was so Happy, Yet sad to see the younguns go but I would never be able to keep up with 30 plants.... My partner is supposed to take over the outdoor aspect after planting, but he seems to be going back on all the responsibility, so I guess I will be doing the golf course, the Grow house job, and perpetual, at the same time as outdoor grow and garden... Phew it gonna be busy.... Green evenings to all
Sup sue... Hope all is well... . I really love that C.Cane.. Plz let me know if that is not it, I am gonna drop a bean of it in Early July, Havent figured out what to go with it... Still holding off on a couple of Autos, as a general idea on here it seems best to wait to get my first few Photos going... I am just gonna start slow like, with 2 to 3 beans every 4 to 6 weeks.. Till about Late September.. At that point I am gonna be in Harvest Hell for about 3 weeks ish... Gonna Go with 9 sativa heavy, and 4 Indica heavy outdoors, and I have already gifted the rest away for future draft picks LLOOLL... Was so Happy, Yet sad to see the younguns go but I would never be able to keep up with 30 plants.... My partner is supposed to take over the outdoor aspect after planting, but he seems to be going back on all the responsibility, so I guess I will be doing the golf course, the Grow house job, and perpetual, at the same time as outdoor grow and garden... Phew it gonna be busy.... Green evenings to all

Phew! That's asking yourself to do a lot Hacker. Be sure to stay medicated.

My Candy Cane seeds were from Crop King before they stabalized it into the auto I thought I was getting. Turned out I had photos, but that was a good thing. I still have a couple seeds, and I'll keep cloning it. This plant wasn't from my cloned line, but from a new seed.

I've been known to grow two or more of the same chemovar and have every one look different. Lol!

I've passed a few plants on to Jgrow, and I know what you mean about the bittersweet letting go. :battingeyelashes:
It takes 10-12 generations of careful breeding to stabilize plant genetics, that’s probably 4-6 years of consistent back to back carefully curated grows, minimum. I doubt most breeders do that before they are released for sale. What we mostly see are crosses and early generations. F1 crosses tend to be stable, successive generations is where the variation comes out again.

Not to say some of the well known seed breeders don’t stabilize their genetics, but it probably doesn’t happen until after they start selling them.
Good morning everyone. :love:

Today’s the day we meet the liver specialist who will fine-tune the daughter’s diagnosis.

That’s kinda the tone for the day. I’m sensitive to my baby and at the moment I can feel her anxiety ramping up through the walls. She’ll be vaping before we go and taking a brownie along to have when it’s all over. We’ll all survive.

My distrust for the medical profession has increased as my studies into cannabis therapeutics deepens. I’ll be reeling that energy back as much as possible. I’d like to go into this in a playful mode, and if I can find a way to get that energy stream to build momentum we will.

It’s joy that heals. I’m convinced of it. None of us lives forever, but your life here doesn’t have to be miserable. You control your health by controlling your thoughts, which determine the neurotransmitter dumps that make you the personal expression of all that is you see in the mirror.

Up until just under two years ago my daughter was in fight-or-flight when she slept! Her personality has undergone dramatic change with her regimen. It’s time to learn to set recreational eating aside and begin eating for health.

This has the potential to shift the momentum for all three of us - my daughter and her partner are grossly obese and I’m walking around with an extra 30-40 lbs myself. When we get this right that’ll change.

Enough of my motherly ramblings. I think I’ve talked myself into the proper frame of mind. :battingeyelashes:

On with the day. Knowing I have the anchor of this family behind me makes it easier to get through. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

I purchased new BINGO balls for the center to replace the ones we have that are so scratched up you can’t read a few. The county-wide program stonewalled the constant requests for the past year telling us there were no funds for it. They cost me all of $15. :rofl:

Interesting how programs get set up for a target audience to become programs that keep people employed running the programs that now lack the funds to supply the services intended for the target audience. Lol! My center has less than 20 members eating there and because of that they only feed us three days a week instead of five. I haven’t been able to figure out the rationale behind that. The delivery truck comes by here anyway all five days, but only stops here with meals three of those trips???

Who am I to question? It’s three decent meals I don’t have to cook or even shop for. That’s a bonus in my world.

The morning routine calls. Later my friends. :ciao:

.......can’t leave without some on-topic joy. :battingeyelashes:

I purchased new BINGO balls for the center to replace the ones we have that are so scratched up you can’t read a few. The county-wide program stonewalled the constant requests for the past year telling us there were no funds for it. They cost me all of $15. :rofl:

Ah, but were they officially sanctioned bingo balls? I bet the bingo ball commission wasn't consulted. As such, they may not be legitimate. I imagine there's a legal description of the balls in legislation somewhere, probably ones that were made by a big donor company back when the legislation was written and squeezed into a "comprehensive" funding bill.

Interesting how programs get set up for a target audience to become programs that keep people employed running the programs that now lack the funds to supply the services intended for the target audience. Lol! My center has less than 20 members eating there and because of that they only feed us three days a week instead of five. I haven’t been able to figure out the rationale behind that. The delivery truck comes by here anyway all five days, but only stops here with meals three of those trips???

Who am I to question?

Exactly! Buildings, equipment and govt workers with benefits. Yay! A new program for the needy!

Mornin' Sweetie! :ciao:
Ah, but were they officially sanctioned bingo balls? I bet the bingo ball commission wasn't consulted. As such, they may not be legitimate. I imagine there's a legal description of the balls in legislation somewhere, probably ones that were made by a big donor company back when the legislation was written and squeezed into a "comprehensive" funding bill.

Exactly! Buildings, equipment and govt workers with benefits. Yay! A new program for the needy!

Mornin' Sweetie! :ciao:

Hahaha! You know it Graytail. We’re an industry, and a heavily-controlled one at that. Lol!

It was great to use those pretty new balls today. It ramped up my joy factor appreciably. :battingeyelashes: I get a kick out of calling with enthusiasm, each ball the potential winner for one hopeful friend in the room.

Look Graytail.... my second Carnival cob. :yahoo:

That comparable amount hanging only came in at 18 grams after two days exposed. I reached into the fridge and added another 10 grams of what I’d put in for low and slo.

Pretty aren’t they? :dreamy:

I’m getting good at this tying thing. :slide:

Twenty-four hours at around 104 F. Let the sweat begin.

Time to get my daughter into the right frame of mind. :battingeyelashes: :love:
I reached into the fridge and added another 10 grams of what I’d put in for low and slo.

Magic refrigerator, for the win! ;)
The daughter has early stage Fatty Liver Disease. Her recommended treatment is all lifestyle changes, dietary control, exercise, and in her case the addition of acid cannabinoid oil, something the doctor knows nothing about. :battingeyelashes: All things she’s already got going on. Her path to healing has already begun. :green_heart:

We stumbled into the concept of time-restricted eating to counteract what to her doctor appears to be metabolic syndrome. I like this idea of restricting eating and drinking to a 5-9 hr window 3-4 days a week. It sounds like something she can work with. More importantly, the daughter thinks it’s a good idea.

It felt a little like we dodged a bullet, but then things always work out for us. :battingeyelashes: :love:
The daughter has early stage Fatty Liver Disease. Her recommended treatment is all lifestyle changes, dietary control, exercise, and in her case the addition of acid cannabinoid oil, something the doctor knows nothing about. :battingeyelashes: All things she’s already got going on. Her path to healing has already begun. :green_heart:

We stumbled into the concept of time-restricted eating to counteract what to her doctor appears to be metabolic syndrome. I like this idea of restricting eating and drinking to a 5-9 hr window 3-4 days a week. It sounds like something she can work with. More importantly, the daughter thinks it’s a good idea.

It felt a little like we dodged a bullet, but then things always work out for us. :battingeyelashes::love:
That all sounds like great news.....


For the whew feelings.
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